Author and clan leader Silver RavenWolf has four teenagers of her own, so she knows a lot about teenage angst. She also knows you can't "just pick up a remote control and switch to another channel if things aren't going too well." What you can do, however, is turn to witchcraft. Those who are looking for an easy out through magick will not find it with the Teen Witch Kit. "The path of any Wiccan is a brave one," warns RavenWolf, who focuses her book and tool kit on helping witches master self-understanding and compassion in order to serve the greater good. "Witchcraft, and specifically Wiccan witchcraft, is a pro-active, Earth-centered belief system that honors all of life," she writes. Teen witches can expect to find a code of honor as well as tips on creating a magick circle, daily altar, and holy water. The final half of the book is dedicated to teenage spells, including a spell "to find direction in life and stop drifting," "for shopping guidance," "to cope with peer pressure," and "to be a gracious leader." The kit and easy-to-assemble altar includes numerous charms, such as a "silver moon pendant" (for protection), prosperity coin, quartz crystal, and gold wish cord. --Tara West