Rating:  Summary: You don't know astrology until you get this one!!! Review: Yeah I met Saturn, alright. It was as though she had a crystal into my very soul. But I cried horrible bitter tears of recognition because of the stark reality w/which Liz portrayed my childhood. (Of course 12th house H2O cusp, w/a Saturn Scorp(R). These very tears became tears of relief because I realized that I was not insane. That it was not my imagination. My childhood was written in small glyphs that a handfull could decipher. Easy enough to see, you just had to have the courage to look @ it. To look into the houses of the family, takes so much courage. 12, 8 & 4. All the things which makes up our belief patterns is the heart of Saturn. All those schedules & routines that we don't question. (Even the different stages of life. Biology--Western Medicine)All the things that we think will always continue to go on, in the same manner, if it is to have any longevity, must evolve and change, it must go on to the next level or face destruction. But it means destroying all those things that we hold sacred in our lives. The dysfunctional motivations that I watched transfixed as a child, now in horror, were being expressed thru my own life. My inheirtance, etc.. I learned that my inheirtance is not just DNA. It's a psychological stance that's imprinted w/in your subsconscious as soon as you greet the world, fresh from the womb. If you're lucky, & truly honest w/yourself & keep digging, (simply because you're just in so much pain, that not to do so, is more harmful in the long run) you may actaully find yourself. All it takes a willingness to strip away the mask of the parental unit. & many times this stripping can take on a brutal aspect. Simply because our parents represent primal energy. The raw energy, the desire, the need to survive. This book more than any other really set me on a path of reading a chart from a psychological stance as opposed to a "fated destiny" whereby you would have no other future other than the one designated by our parents. Lest we forget, the exposure as children, our very nakedness. (there are only 2 other times in which we are so vulnerable & needy in our lives, one is when we fall in love. The final time is when we are old & need others to help us take care of us. The same way we came in, needy & unable to take care of ourselves.) The will to survive comes later. 1st & foremost is the desire to survive which feeds the will. Another reason it hurts is because our society loves to pay homage to "experts" read "gods". & who is above a god? To strip our parents from the very core of your being is to embrace your godhood. You ability to create on this plane. It is our foundation that is rocked. In looking @ your parents thru the lens of this planet, you meet your destiny. Never to be controlled by it or anything else again.