Rating: Summary: A Sobering Look at Islam and Geopolitics Review: For those who call Mr. Trifkovic a racist-please refer to his references concerning moderate Muslims like Sufis, who-by the way-suffer mass persecution across the Islamic world (i.e. he admits there are good folks who adhere to Islam). Concerning his background, please refrain from Ad Hominem arguments-they are aconstructive and, if nothing else, detract from the possibility that his background may actually provide some added perspective on these issues (let's not play reverse racism here-just because he's a Serb, does not mean he's a monster). To reviewers in general-I find Huntington's assertion that Islam is the only civlization/religion with "bloody borders" fascinating. The simple fact is that at ALL the contact points between Islam and other faiths (Indonesia, Xinziong, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Balkans, etc.), there is incessant conflict. Why is Islam the only religion that is characterized by this???
Rating: Summary: Islam is a global, militarized terrorist organization. Review: If you believe in freedom, reason, and inalienable human rights, "Islam: The Sword of the Prophet" might be the most important book you will ever read. The sub-title--"A Politically-Incorrect Guide to Islam"--is unfortunate, because the book is not a slanted, anti-Islamic polemic. "The Hard and Bitter Truth About Islam" would be more accurate.Islam is not merely a religion. As the Muslims proudly boast, Islam is a complete way of life-an all-encompassing social, political and legal system that breeds a worldview peculiar to itself. Islam is a global ideology that insists that the sharia, the revealed will of God, is the only sanction for law. Islam insists that any dissent from the sharia is heresy, and furthermore, that heretics be put to the sword. The terrorism of 9/11 is not an accidental by-product of some temporary crisis that Islam is currently undergoing. Violence and terror are central, fundamental and indispensable tenets of the Islamic faith. The terrorist acts of 9/11 were completely in keeping with the commands of Allah's book and the example of Muhammad. In slaying infidels, Bin Laden and his followers were nothing if not pious and devout Muslims-doing exactly what the Koran commands of a good, observant, religious Muslim. Women--especially those warmed by the cuddly and fluffy-bunny image of Islam presented by PBS and American intellectual elites-should read this book to learn the Muslim definition of a shameful and disgusting awrat. Hint: "The woman is 'awrat.' When she goes outside the house, the devil welcomes her," and accordingly, women must walk in the middle of the road, cover themselves in black from head to toe, and cannot speak without their husband's permission. As Muhammad's favorite wife, Aisha, said: "You have put us [women] on the same level as a donkey and a dog." Beware of Usama bin Laden's fellow-travelers in America's Fifth Column. He who has the gold-rules, and as Dr. Trifkovic points out, Wahhabi money from the House of Saud has paid huge endowments to fund Islamic studies departments at renowned universities such as Harvard, the University of California, the University of London, and many others. As a result, the pro-Islamic "tolerance" of many Western intellectuals is really just moral cowardice trying to pass itself off as principle. Many of today's intellectuals and professors have found a new way to cash in when it comes to tenure, promotion, lecture fees, book offers, social acceptance and psychic reassurance. The author-Dr. Serge Trifkovic-has been viciously slandered by a legion of Muslim "holy warriors" and apologists. One of the more prominent character assassins goes by the name of Steven Schwartz-a Muslim whose real name is Suleyman Ahmad. In his book, Trifkovic explains the machinations of poison pens like Ahmad. Under the Islamic concept of Al-Taqiya, which means 'dodging the threat,' Muslims are encouraged "to use subterfuge to defeat the enemy. They [are] ordered to infiltrate the enemy's cities and plant the seeds of discord and sedition. Sometimes they argue that Jihad is not aimed at the people about to be conquered, that they are not targeted. Taqiya is reflected in our own time in the attempts by Muslim activists to present Islam favorably, replete with tolerance and peace, faith and charity, equality and brotherhood. The poor, 'misunderstood Muslims' tell us that Jihad doesn't really mean 'holy war;' Jihad means 'striving for Allah' and 'inner struggle.'" In his declaration of Jihad against Americans, bin Laden made it clear that he was not using the word jihad in the sense of "moral striving", but in the classical and traditional Islamic sense of a holy war against infidels. In this proclamation, bin Laden called on his followers "to kill Americans and their allies, both civil and military. . . . By God's leave, we call on every Muslim who believes in God and hopes for reward to obey God's command to kill the Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can. Likewise we call on the Muslim leaders and youth and soldiers to launch attacks against the armies of the American devils and against those who are allied with them from among the helpers of Satan. . . ." Oriana Fallaci was right when she warned: "Islamist terrorism is not, as we are so often told, the perversion of a great faith, [nor] the work of a disillusioned and obscurantist fringe. It was part and parcel of Islam itself, which she referred to as 'this mountain that for 1,400 years has not moved, has not emerged from the abyss of its blindness, has not opened its doors to the conquest of civilization, and has wanted nothing to do with liberty and justice and democracy and progress." "Putting an end to Western dominance is an ongoing project for the world's Muslims--even the ones who live among us and may be best understood as an advance guard. 'You do not understand, or you do not wish to understand that if we remain passive, if we do not fight, the jihad will triumph. And it will destroy the world . . . .'" Per Dr. Trifkovic: "Marxism, Fascism and Islam have in common the lust for other people's lives and property, and the desire to exercise complete control over their subjects' lives. All three have been justified by a self-referential system of thought and belief that perverts the meanings of words, stunts the sense of moral distinctions, and utterly and completely destroys lives and souls. . . .Islam is a collective psychosis seeking to become global, and any attempt to compromise with such madness is to become part of the madness oneself." America's problem is not prejudice against Islam or Muslims, but folly in the face of a militarized and genocidal terrorist regime that seeks to kill us all.
Rating: Summary: Praise From a World Traveler Review: Mr Trifkovic has done a superb job of incapsulating Islam in 300 pages. It certainly was a welcome relief from all the pap coming out of the main stream media. I suspect that Saudi money has a way of manipulating the truth about Islam. Don't put much reliance on those who gave the book one star. I suspect a combination of Saudi monetary influence and left wing diversity nuts. Notice how unspecific their criticisms are.
Islam is a religion and form of government all rolled into one. Once they gain critical mass, they institute Sharia. If you're not a Muslim, you're a second class subject. And that's putting it mildly.
And next time you hear some apologist for Islam say it is the religion of peace, direct them to the genocide being committed by the Muslim government of the Sudan against the Christians in the Southern Sudan.
Buy this book, you will not be disappointed.
Rating: Summary: Population Statistics Review: Note to Morsey -- The growth of the world's muslim people is generally keeping pace with trends of the past 25-40 years. Look at the Census bureau's website for international population statistics, and compare the statistics for Europe to those of the Middle East. Where Europe has long had below zero-population growth fertility (ZPG > 2.1 children per female, and most European countries have a total fertility rate of <1.4 children per female), many middle eastern countries have a very high fertility rate. For example, Saudi Arabia averages more than 6.3 children per female as do the women of the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and nearly a dozen Muslim majority countries. In fact, the population of the world's Muslim majority countries more than doubled between 1950 and 1975, and then more than doubled again between 1975 and 2000. That equates to a greater than 3% per year rate of growth. Compare that rate of natural increase to Europe's or Japan's -- both Europe and Japan are expected to enter a sustained period of population decline.
So, where the author mentions these statistics he's not creating them out of thin air. The Population Research Bureau and the UN would be commonly available resources to verify the claims of the author.
Athe West's share of the world's population recedes, the author makes a good point -- It is worth getting to know our new neighbors whose share of the world's population is increasing so dramatically.
Rating: Summary: Let's be honest. Review: Nothing makes a human jerk as when a sensitive wound is touched. So it is with the latest reviews here on this site. The fact that so many negative reviews are posted shows, quite easily, that it has hit a sensitive spot with Muslims when it comes to their beliefs and culture. Usually, when things aren't true, people just brush them off with the nothingness they contain, but when real evidence is brought forth, that is when anger begins on the part of the guilty.
Most often, when Muslims are confronted with facts of history or the Qur'an they fall back on one, two, three, or all four of these arguments;
a) They claim racisms, bigotry, whomever is a Crusader, etc.
b) They fall back on the old claim of "You have to read it in Arabic!" and "You're taking it out of context" (Trust me, it's not nearly as different as they want you to think, in fact, it's just about the same. Second, b/ the Qur'an is considered by Muslims to be the "Eternal Word of Allah", none of it can be taken out of context, every verse is in context just on it's own, otherwise, it is the "Temporal and Easily Manipulated Word of Allah.").
c) They just deny it flat out and then will often times get angry when it is insisted and/or further proven.
d) Finally, and one of the most common, they just starting making up things about the religion of the person they are talking to in an attempt to take pressure off of there own.
I don't blame them for wanting to do that at all, it still is wrong, though. I am earning a triple major in Religious History, Arabic Studies, and Journalism and can tell you, as a fact, that the history he presents in this book is, unfortunately, indeed quite correct. It really is rather un-PC, though. Many of the previous reviewers are fairly uneducated on the subject. At the same time, you have to be generous with them because they have been schooled in Islamic History in either a) Muslim countries or b) Muslims schools in their areas; neither of which would be for presenting anything which would make Islam look bad, in other words, they have been conditioned to think otherwise and reject all ideas which are in contrast to their own instead of logically analyzing and considering them.
The fact of the matter is that from the very beginnings of Islam, as recorded by Ibn Ishaq, Al Gahazzi, etc. (Muhammed's biographers from very early on in Islamic history), fear, murder, rape, and genocide were used as tools for Muhammed to gain adherents. After all, who was it who massacred the Jewish tribe the Banu Qurayzha in Medina in 627? Who else massacred the Jews of Khaybar in 629 under the pretense of a white flag? By the way, who else was it that turned Medina (at first named Yathrib) into a police state? It was Muhammed working under the disguise of a religious prophet.
I must, though, make light of some comments in a review which I just read. The reason being is that this man blatantly slanders and lies about the author and history. His words are in quotes whereas mine have ** before a paragraph.
"Serge Trifkovic in his infamous book "The Sword of the Prophet" has gone far beyond bigotry and smear campaign against Islam. The notorious author has attempted to portray Islam as a violent religion whose adherent rulers committed genocide of ruled class, and that Judaism and Christianity are a religion of civilized society."
**It is a well proven fact that Islamic leaders have committed atrocious genocides on those of other religions dating all the way back to Muhammed himself and culminating with the Turks. In fact, right now Janjaweed Arab Muslim tribesmen are exterminating Christians and Animists in the Sudan and have been since the early 80's. It is believed as many as 3,000,000 have been murdered, died because of famines caused by the war, and/or been tortured to death. But we can't judge, it's just another religion, right? Wrong.
"Even a casual reader of history must condemn his fictious description of the world politics."
**I'm a Religious History major and I accept it because I know history extremely well, not to boast, though.
"Civilized nature of Judaism can very well be witnessed in widespread and continuous ethnic and religious cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland in the name of alleged and rubbish biblical prophesy."
**That entire area was once Christian and they were eventually exterminated by the Ottoman Turks beginning right after the Crusades and up through the beginning of the 20th century.
"These Zionist terrorists have complete backing of Christian fundamentalists who encourage and condone mass slaughters in the name of a covenant with God. Whole world is aware of genocide and massacres committed by zealous Christian crusaders in the Middle East. If Islam had preached as much hatred as these Christian crusaders had practiced, Muslims would not have left Spain in the hand of Catholics"
**The Muslims had to be forcibly removed from Spain, they didn't "Leave it in the hand[s] of Catholics." More over, All of Turkey was once Christian, with a sizable Armenian population, enough that in 1923, 1.3 million Christians could leave Turkey for Greece. Those who left were the sole survivors of Islamic Dhimmitude, rape, massacres, and pillaging.
"or India in the hand of Hindus after over 800 years of rule. Muslim rulers had resources to convert the ruled class or expel them from their homeland but were forbidden to do so by Quran.
**Nowhere in the Qur'an is it forbidden to convert those of other religions. In fact, just read Sura (chapter) 9, verse 5 is the most graphic. "Slay the infidels wherever you find them until they pay the alms and do the prayers [presumably to Allah]..." That entire Sura abrogates [Islamic doctrine of one verse replacing another] all earlier "revelations" condoning what had been peaceful co-existence with non-Muslims.
"They did not follow the Jewish or Christian terrorism to slaughter and deport Muslims from Spain and Palestine. It was the sword of Christian crusaders, which wiped out the native population of America."
**It was those who claimed to be Protestant Christians who did that in the present US and Canada (Central and South America are a different story) and for the most part, it was disease, which wiped out the Native Americans before the "Christian Crusaders" could even get there. Second of all, if we want to talk about terrorism...Well, it's too obvious; I'm not even going get into the World Trade Center.
Also, another reviewer mentioned "rape camps." That was not Orthodox Christians running them, those were atheist and they were not nearly as prevalent as claimed. Also, check back in history, the Turkish Muslims rulers and hierarchy in the area filled their harems with pretty Christian girls to satisfy their lust. Now that is a rape camp.
Rating: Summary: Same garbage Review: Once again, until you can answer my question about why the growth rate of muslims doubled since 9/11 and is the worlds fastest growing religion at a rate of 10:1 on christianity even with all these negative views. Your books are not worth reading.
Rating: Summary: The Sword of the Prophet Review: Outstanding book. A concise, scholarly review of Mohammed, his religion, and it's evolution over the years. Everyone that wants to learn about the prophet and Islam should read this book. Since it is not mainstream, this is difficult to find in a bookstore.
Rating: Summary: The author CANNOT be rational. Review: The author cannot be trusted as a rational one. You need to know that his ethnic background prevents him from being a rational one. He simply hates Muslims because where he's from. Ethic war has torn his country apart. Muslims of little understanding over there just hates everyone who is not Muslim, and they think they have the right to kill anyone who is not Muslim. This is a crime. "Killing Infidels" is NOT a general purpose term that serves the right to kill anyone who is not Muslim. The author does not present at all the historical reasons and conditions for when such verses apply. He is taking things out of context just like the media across the world.
Again, you cannot trust someone with his heart filled with deeply rooted ethnic hatred. This book certainly serves the purpose of filling other hearts with hatred for the ones who wants to hate.
Rating: Summary: A sobering read Review: This book is a real eye opener. It describes Islam's history of violence and intolerance and the West's self imposed blindness to the nature of Islamic culture. In the latter part, the book explains how the U.S. has been supporting radical Muslim governments and terrorists all over the world for several decades to further the economic interests of large American corporations and their interest in globalization. It's well documented and clear-headed. One message of the book is clear: we can no longer afford to suppress Christianity in the U.S. while we promote secularism and Islam in the name of evenhandedness. Forget worrying about after school Bible clubs. If we continue on the road we're on now, our grandchildren may be wearing turbans and burkhas as they study the Koran in school.
Rating: Summary: Another myth ripped to shreds Review: This book is like a breath of fresh air for everyone who's tired of having sand thrown in their eyes over and over again when it comes to Islam and radical Muslims. Enough of glossing over the unpleasant truths and outright lies of Islam being the "religion of peace and mercy"!
Dr. Trifkovic presents the complete and unvarnished truth about the Prophet (an insignificant camel trader who became murderer and plunderer, driven by greed and lust), Muslim history steeped in blood and brutality, and clearly documents the horrific trail of Christian and Jewish blood Muslims left throughout 13 centuries of their existence and around the globe. Every claim by Mr. Trifkovic is backed by facts and documented many times over - I'm not surprised Muslims hate the fact this book was ever written and published, but the truth in their case must be very painful indeed. NO MORE LIES, no more veils to hide behind!
Personally, I wish Serge Trifkovic took more time to explain how only 2000 dead in Kosovo, both Christians and Muslims, served as an excuse for Clinton administration to bomb Christian Serbia for three months, but the answers to why and how this could've happen can be found throughout this magnificently written book. Interestingly enough, Dr. Trifkovic doesn't put special emphasis on a scandalous score of some 200+ Christian churches raised to the ground by Muslim terrorists in "post-war" Kosovo, or on the fact Christians remaining in "liberated", Albanian Muslim dominated Kosovo today are forced to live in virtual ghettoes, having their children hunted down and killed off daily, like stray dogs. If nothing else, this is a conclusive proof Dr. Trifkovic approached the subject with restraint and objectivity of a scholar and historian of the highest order.
If "The Sword of the Prophet" shows us nothing more but the simple fact that words like "Chechen", "Kosovo Albanian", "Bosniac", "Palestinian", "Saudi", "Taliban", etc. all share one and common denomination and mindset: MUSLIM (as in different heads of a many-headed monster spread throughout the world), it will, at least, enable us to catch the lies in the making and see trough propaganda when watching the "news".
Christians and Jews do need to unite in a fight against terrorists who always and everywhere just happen to be - surprise, surprise! - Muslims. If you had any doubts, this book will dismantle them all, brick by brick.