Rating:  Summary: Doesn't pull any punches Review: At first I was afraid to buy this book because some of the reviews give you the feeling that she gose over board & blames everything wrong on men, that is not so. This is a wondeful book the gives alot of empowering information for Women...all women. I think those that are giving negative reveiws have read an older version of the book, but the one in print now, (from Amazon.com) is nothing like that. She dose has strong opinions & you don't have to agree with everything she says but this is a valuble tool for every Witch, even if you are not Dianic. I would not advise this for beginners because some things that she should elaborate on like the sabbats, she dose not. She gives rituals of how she celebrates them but dosn't really go into why. I just love this book and those don't like it are proberly a bit too sensitive or men who just don't get it LOL! I am going to but a second copy just in case :)
Rating:  Summary: good book, great springboard Review: dianic witchcraft is the subject, women centered spirituality is the genre, necessity is the mandate. this text is a foundational tome for feminist witches everywhere. when read in context of the period of original writing (late 1970s California), strong emphasis on 'the patriarchy' is put in perspective. however, don't let that mean that you discount Z's perspective on the far reaching tentacles of this dominant global force. excellent spring board to thinking about spell casting and weaving goddess spirituality into your every day life.
Rating:  Summary: I Hate To Burst Everyone's Bubble, But.... Review: I found this book to be one of the worst discussions on Goddess-worshiping Witches. I'm not a militant seperatist by any means, and this book left me feeling ill. I understand the need, especially for us women, to get in touch with the Goddess, but this book blames men and anything associated with them to be the sole problem with the world. As a straight women (who fully believes in equal rights for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation) I felt that she was blaming me because I was "consorting with the enemy."Some of her rituals and spells in this book are questionable ethically at best--I would really worry about someone picking up this book for their "introduction" into being a Witch (and this coming from a non-fluffy). For a better introduction, I would suggest Starhawk, Barbara Walker or Diane Eisler.
Rating:  Summary: Doesn't pull any punches Review: I think this book is a much neglected gem of the Pagan movement. Dianism (Feminist, Goddess-ony Wicca) has been declining steadily due to lack of good books written on the subject. This book, one of the first of its kind to speak exclusively to women, is still the reigning champion of the Dianic movement. The book is star studded with some of the most talented Pagan authors of our time, including Starhawk. Spells, herbs, incenses, and colors are all discussed as in the standard Wicca 101 format. The book also offers a unique perspective on Pagan holidays, a different calendar from homogeneous Wheel of the Year literature featured in most books. Be warned, this book is riddled with historical inaccuracies, if you're a history buff and those sorts of things bug you, you may want to look elsewhere. If you take what is written with a grain of salt, as a "mythic history" and not literal truth, you should weather this well. Also, the book doesn't pull any punches, it can be vicious in its attacks on patriarchy and oppresive culture. Finally, the book will discuss the principle of a "righteous hex", if that really goes against your morals you may want to skip that chapter. This book was really designed with the Feminist spirit in mind, intended to get women in touch with their own Divinity through their own perceptions. If you are looking for a more balanced non-feminist approach, try anything written by Scott Cunningham.
Rating:  Summary: One of best books on Dianic wicca Review: Irecommend it for any woman, and any man who doesn't take offense too easily lots of good infomation here and over all one of best book written on Dianic wicca.dianic wicca has been bashed alot on web in pagan comminuity esp me lol but book like rite of odin ack most dam sexist book ever written i wanted it for freya and warrior goddesses of course the book was sexist and i return it and got this one instead which had what i was looking for with out the fluff I am a woman who speaks her mind and this that this is one of better book on dianic tradtion for format but still alittle too much bias in the book simple as that. Overall nice book with good infomation but need to stress balance
Rating:  Summary: WooHoo! Review: That is the best way to describe this book. This is my favorite book of all time about Feminist Spirituality and Witchraft and the leading book I use for my personal Spirituality.
Rating:  Summary: A Fantastic Educational & Spiritual Read Review: The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries is an essential read for all pagans, feminists and (dare I say) all spiritual women. This book is not just about re-instating a matriarchy or tearing down patriarchy as some people seem to insist. This book is about women's spirituality, and incorporates its relationship with politics. It educates the reader as to the reality of patriarchal society in which we live, and how it oppressed women and men, spiritually and politically. It does discuss matriarchal societies but Z doesn't really seem to advocate women taking over- rather it's about restoring a balance of respect & equality between the sexes, particularly at the spiritual level. That said, there is a lot of invaluable info on Dianic witchcraft and spells which are very powerful, including everyday-type magickal spells along with sabbat rituals, divination methods and an interesting section on how vegetarian theories/politics relate to witchcraft. Lots of info on Goddesses and how the patriarchy distorted traditional myths, as well as the Gods. There are several beautiful Rites of Passage for men and women that you don't often come across. Z's personal life stories are an equally valuable read. I highly recommend this book! It is a very interesting, intriguing and, most importantly, educational read for both sexes, whether or not you agree with Z's Dianic perspective. Indispensible, though perhaps not a beginners book. Beginners should check out Cunninghams Solitary & Folk Magic Guides, Jen Hunters 21st Century Wicca and Fiona Horne's books (absolutely essential for southern hemisphere witches!) before pressing onto this and Starhawk's Spiral Dance.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring and thought-provoking book on Witchcraft. Review: This book is a slightly different approach to Witchcraft, and the only text I've found specifically focusing on the Dianic tradition. Unlike a lot of Wicca books you see lately, it's NOT just another re-hashing of Cunningham, Starhawk, and Buckland. I recommend it for any woman, and any man who doesn't take offense too easily. Seeing things from a different point of view never hurt anybody, and you have to admire her uncompromising feminism, even if you don't agree with everything she says. However, there is a bit of a cop-out in blaming ALL of your problems on a person, group, or institution, as Z. Budapest seems to be doing with Patriarchy. I agree with a lot of what she says here, just not ALL of it. She does back up her opinions pretty well, though. I have my doubts about some of her interpretations of history and the ancient myths, as well. But then, we don't really KNOW much about those times, so her guess is probably as good as anyone else's. I would guess that where her story radically differs from most archaeologists', the truth may be somewhere between. The spells and rituals are beautiful, intelligently written, and lack the fluffy-bunny sentimentality (and the cheesy rhymes!) that you see in a lot of New Age and Wicca books. She provides hexes as well as healing spells, but always with the warning never to use them lightly. The main value of this book is that it will inspire you to make your own spells, your own meditations, and find your own understanding of the Goddess, rather than just accepting what the books tell you.
Rating:  Summary: Final I found what I was looking for! Review: This is just a great book. Full of spells, rituals, myths, and Women's mysteries abound. I just love this book! Z is an inspiring and amazing Goddess woman. We love you Z!!!
Rating:  Summary: Best Book On Dianic witchcraft!! Review: This one of best books on dianic witchcraft i have seen and had the pleasure to read. and a must have for anyone who practices the dianic tradtion.