Rating:  Summary: Tout ce qu'il est important de savoir sur cette terre! Review: ? tous les humain(es)qui recherchent la V?RIT? en dehors de toute ing?rance ext?rieure: J'ai lu et relu ce livre plus de cent fois au cours des 20 derni?res ann?es. Je l'ai ?tudi? pendant d'innombrables heures. Je l'ai toujours avec moi. Je n'ai qu'? m'y replonger quelques instants quand des nuages semblent vouloir assombrir ma vie: il est la plus grande source de bonheur de ma vie. Ce livre est la nouvelle R?v?lation qui n'enl?ve rien aux R?v?lations ant?rieures. Le Christ a dit: ?Cherchez le Royaume des Cieux et le reste viendra par surcroit? Le message de ce petit livre conduit ? la d?couverte du Royaume promis. Avec AMOUR Claude
Rating:  Summary: If you "get it" you'll GET IT!! Review: A very humble man named Joseph S. Benner; whose human instrument was the channel through which this inspired Message was given to the world, wrote this amazing book in 1940. He has passed on now and thankfully his daughter has continued to publish this work. Here is the Introduction to the book from the Publisher to give you an idea of just how special this book really is."In order the better to comprehend the deep and vital truths contained in this Message, you are urged to approach each reading of it with a quiet and open mind. Still the intellect and invite your Soul to do the teaching. Read but a sentence at a time, and do not pass to the next until Something within you responds to the truth therein, and clearly points out the meaning for you. More than all, try to realize that the "I" speaking through the Message is the Spirit within, your own Soul, the Impersonal Self, the Real You; the same Self that in other moments of quiet points out to you your mistakes, your follies, your weaknesses, and is ever chiding and aiding you to live up to Its ideals, which It continually holds before your mental gaze. It was to such a quiet mind as this that this Message came during months filled with an intense yearning for the guidance of the Spirit and an opportunity to serve the Loving Father Who had been found to be ever-present and always ready to bless those of His children who loved Him enough to make Him first in their hearts and lives. The help and guidance thus received is passed on to you, for the wise and loving teaching is so unusual and so wholly Impersonal that it will apply equally well to everyone who is ready to receive it. The great blessing of the Message is that, if you are ready, the "I" speaking herein will continue to speak directly to you from out your own heart, after you lay aside the book, and in so intimate and convincing a way that It will make clear all your problems, be to you a fount of Wisdom and Strength, and bring you Peace, Health, Happiness, Freedom, - and abundance of everything your heart desires. This little book, therefore, is intended to serve as a channel or open door through which you may enter into the Joy of your Lord, the comforter promised by Jesus, the living expression in you of the Christ of God."
Rating:  Summary: Wisdom from the Heavens Review: Here we find the 'Chief Honcho'. This book wraps it all up. It was written by a clear vessel of a soul - an instrument of God -in the early 1900s. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but advanced and enlightened nonetheless. Benner's other book, 'The Way to the Kingdom', is also very good.
Rating:  Summary: Pure Truth albeit a little to Forceful Review: I felt the truth behind the words. It was a little too brutal for my ego though. The presentation turned me off some or I'd of given it 5 stars. Excellent book though.
Rating:  Summary: How i found the impersonal life Review: I was sitting in my room reading the Bible, when all of a sudden two words lifted them self from the pages and chrialize them self in my Mind.The words was I,AM I could not get them out my off my Mind.For the next few days, they just would not go away,a few days later i found myself in a book store with out looking i chose a book from the shelve with out looking at the title.I went home i was verry excited i open the front cover of the book.It read the Impersonal Life,THE I,AM OF YOU,A GREAT SENSE OF JOY CAME OVER ME.Thatwas over 15 years ago i have had a copy ever since.
Rating:  Summary: The Ultimate Freedom Review: Next to the Holy Bible, King James version, this is the ultimate in communing with God. It will truly set the reader free from the chains of this world. I was introduced to this book several years ago and have purchased it 5 times due to the fact that I always give it away to help someone along this path of life. Now I just buy it in quantities of 3 hoping that I will reserve a copy for myself. Again, this school of thought is the most enlightening word of God printed since the Holy Bible. If you're ready for the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding the mysteries of life, you will definitely find it in this masterpiece of literature.
Rating:  Summary: Elegant Review: The Impersonal Life is the clearest, most simply written book about God I have read anywhere -- including the highly touted "A Course in Miracles," and the "Conversations With God" series by Neal Donald Walsh. My sense is that it may have been the source of inspiration for the writers of ACIM and Mr. Walsh. It is a constant source of inspiration to me. I'm buying more copies to give away. It is a 'must read' book for anyone seeking to broaden their spiritual horizon.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful and True... Not for the faint hearted Review: This book could change your life... if you will release your fear, apprehension and mis-trust. Listen to what you feel while you read the pages... read for depth... read freely and hopefully. Then you will be answered. Caveat... remember after reading, you will still be confronted with the life you are living. But it's OK, use what you have learned in the book and look for Him in your life.
Rating:  Summary: Highly Recommended Reading for SERIOUS Aspirants Review: This book is for those ready to give up Santa Claus like views on God. This book can be hard to swallow at first especially to westerners. It tends to speak abrasively about our personalities which we think we are. It is, after all, titled, "The Impersonal Life". It says our personalities are mere pawns in the hands of God who could care less whether we live or die so long as we serve it's grander purpose and that so called evil or suffering is also God for God is all there is. It is done from the western view with God as angry, spiteful and jealous. Much of what is explained is very true but is done in a very Impersonal and abrasive manner which is why I give it only 4 stars for the delivery. Who'd want to serve a God who is so evil unless we're into S & M. I'm just explaining the book and how it comes across. Please don't blame me or get angry with me. Read for yourself. When God says he'll take care of you, that's a con job. You won't be spared suffering. Someone may still kill you or a loved one which is God acting the role of the killer. You'll be killed and torn from your loved ones but you'll wake up on the other side realizing that it was all just a dream, many times a nightmare. You'll keep going through all these lives and experiences until you realize it was God all along playing with you. But this is the funky part. You are GOD. You are all there is. You're talking to yourself. It's like some big kid playing with his toy soldiers. Let's see, "I'll light this one on fire and drop this one of a cliff or run over it with my bike". See what I mean? I got this from this book. Don't blame me. Blame the God of this book. If we can all get together we can overthrow this tyrannical God. (But I thought we're God?) Paradox... Elvis Presley read this book a lot. The book says "The Divine Touch is needed. This can only be provided by someone who has sounded the depths and reached the heights of human experience". Isn't that Elvis? He was as successful in this world as you can be in so many ways yet had a horrific life in the end. But through it all, I felt the love in him. He sang three songs near the end of his career which caused me to sob uncontrollably. They were: Danny Boy, The Last Farewell and My Way (1977 live version). He had spiritual depth despite his dysfunction and God still used him to arouse us to higher ideals while simultaneously destroying his body. The book says, "that man only thinks he thinks but until he realizes God as the one and only thinker he merely takes whatever thoughts that come up, puts a personal construct on them and attracts to himself all his woes." The book also mentions that this statement seems contradictory but what the book is saying is that we all think we are thinking but we are being lived by another being. God who thinks through us, yes even the evil people, people we love, people we hate. You can think to yourself, "This review is stupid", and that is God thinking through you but you think it's you thinking that thought. This God-being apparently likes conflict. It makes people fight and disagree, he creates anger and dissension amongst people all the while blaming us, making us forever guilty in our own minds, the poor beings who are merely hand puppets in the hands of God while he makes us do everything we do and makes us think everything we think. The only way out is to realize it's a game played by an adolescent God full of testoserone. (This is not a license to do evil since it's all God anyway because evil causes pain to us as well). Then in the play God says, "to avoid suffering do good". These scriptures show the way. Some people he awakens to his presence by thinking through them such thoughts others he makes rebel against this authority and doing good. These beings he makes kill or persecute the believers. At other times he'll make the believers persecute the non believers, all for God's play and enjoyment while we suffer it. He sits there laughing completely unaffected watching the movie of life from his comfortable seat in our heart while we experience the good times but often great suffering too. God created us to experience good and evil. He experiences these things through us like a spectator at a movie but we the actors experience the pain, point blank. Do you still think you love God? As man might make a robot to experience things and go places man would rather not go because of the danger, God made us to enjoy or suffer good and evil while he sits back and watches completely unaffected. We are just characters in a one actor play. There is some heavy stuff in this book. This trickster-God is letting you in on some secrets of this world through this book. Like a character in a video game you are being allowed some insight into your situation. The only way to fight back is to BRAVELY read on. I highly recommend this book. Be brave, ignore the vicious attacks of the insecure God of this book on your personality. There is stuff in this book that I've never read anywhere else. Worth the read. Supplement this book, put a human face on Impersonal teachings. I highly recommend books by Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj-"I Am That", some Swami Vivekananda perhaps and Adi Da Samraj. These beings speak from the same impersonal plane but are easier pills to swallow. These beings also explain how to arrive at the impersonal state. This book doesn't explain much about meditation which is needed to be impersonal.
Rating:  Summary: True enough Review: This is a nice little booklet that is original enough to warrant a read. Under the right circumstances, it could be a life changer. I recommend buying it.