Rating:  Summary: Implausible premise and no suspense make for weak novel Review: Adolph Hitler is the anti-Christ. Fear not, I did not blow the climax of this story. The author lays this out in the foreword. He further defends this rather fantastical notion by explaining in the afterword that Hitler-as-anti-Christ is by far the most logical conclusion the Bible offers, followed by Nero as a distant second possiblity. Frankly, every time I read, "Hitler said" or "Hitler did" I cringed. This pre-announced climax all but ruined the story for me.
A second flaw is Van Kempen's insistance that the pre-Tribulation rapture of the church (the belief that Christians will be "snatched away" by God, prior to a time of great troubles and judgment upon Earth) is a dangerous pipe dream. He has two characters travel around America trying to "wake up" the sleeping church and warn them to get ready. Even if Van Kempen is right, his answer to "So, what do we do?" is anti-climatic: Buy food rations, find a remote shelter, etc. I went through these preparations every year, when I lived in Miami, prior to hurrican season--it was hardly theologically significant stuff!
Bottom-line: I was thankful to reach the last page of this novel. Read the book of Revelation instead. It is shorter, and has all the same information!
Rating:  Summary: Very Interesting Review: An interesting and original view of Armageddon and the book of Revelations. Kind of a slow start, but once it gets going, it's a one-sitter, for sure! Would reccomend this to everyone, no religious affiliations necessary, quite the mainstream book. Excellent!
Rating:  Summary: Good Read Review: Havent read much on the "end of the world" times. This is a great book to start with. I was intrigued from the first page and by the middle of the book i couldnt put it down. A friend of mine refered this book and I have already passed it on to a friend of mine.
Rating:  Summary: Good Read Review: Havent read much on the "end of the world" times. This is a great book to start with. I was intrigued from the first page and by the middle of the book i couldnt put it down. A friend of mine refered this book and I have already passed it on to a friend of mine.
Rating:  Summary: Fourth Rate Review: I bought this book expecting adventure based in biblical roots. I found a creaking story-line built on too much research - the author seemed determined to use every biblical reference he could: If there was a piece of the bible the author thought relevant to the end times, then it was going in the book! Old Hitler emerged again - but this time hidden behind a beard where no-one could recognise him; Germany and Russia were able to dominate all the rest of the world; And two old prophets wandered in and out of the story in night shirts more suited to 19th century Sunday school pictures. None of this was at all believable. If the reader accepts the literal word of the bible then this story could be acceptable but anyone reading it with any more sophisticated point of view would find it simplistic and rather silly at times. And if we are told at the start that the devil can't win then where is the dramatic suspense? A tedious read - one of the few books I almost gave up on, I wish I had done.
Rating:  Summary: This Book is an Excellent Ride Review: I found that the characters are well developed and believable. Although this book is based on events predicted in the Bible, the situations and events are a great "roller coaster" ride. I would not hesitiate to recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, thought provoking read ! Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this 'end-times novel'. The author's 'take' on the end times through Bible prophecy really made me think. Having read this book, one really owes it to oneself to study the factual Biblical prophecies relating to the end-times. At the very least we all need to be aware of what the Scriptures say about the time period surrounding us at this period in history. The application of Biblical prophecy relating to the People and Land of Israel is at the foundation of this book and is also at the foundation of Scripture itself. I highly recommend this book plus two others by the same author;- 'The Sign' and 'The Rapture Question Answered...' Other books which you might find interesting are 'The Mystery Of Iniquity' by Michael Rood & The 'Christ Clone Trilogy'. Marvin Rosenthal has also written some good books on this subject. All available through Amazon.com I believe. Happy reading !
Rating:  Summary: A book of hope Review: I was introduced to this book by friends who had just returned from the Holy Land. It is a novel in the vein of those by Frank Peretti, with a good story, lots of suspense and above all, a Scriptural basis. Whether or not you believe in, are familiar with the Pre-Wrath teaching or not, this book is a wonderful read. After reading it myself, I read it aloud (with some editing due to the age of my children) to my family as we traveled. My children were on the edges of their seats saying, "Read more, Mom! Read more!" My reason for doing so was this, if anything ever happened to myself and/or my husband, and my children had to stand alone, I wanted them to have an unshakable picture of the overwhelming victory of Christ in the end of time so that no matter what obstacles they might face in their lives, they would continue to cling to the hem of His garment and NOT LET GO! This book gave that picture. If that is the desire of your heart, then read this book, first to yourself and then to your family in the event you feel you need to edit it a bit. There is nothing trashy, just some items, like artifical insemination, which I didn't want to go into with my younger children.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting take on the End of the World Review: I've read several fictional accounts of how the world is going to end. (I've always found the book of "Revelations" to be rather interesting). This version was actually something new. These days, everyone's trying to figure out which world leader is most likely to be the current Anti-Christ. . . . Well, what if Hitler was brought back to life? The story begins in Russia, with a new leader coming to power. Everyone loves him and believes he'll save the world - especially when he sets out to befriend Israel with the aid of a few highly placed Jewish friends. Only it turns out he wasn't really the friend he made them all believe he was. Van Kampen did very well blending current military and political situations into an apocalyptic novel. Timing of events (which plagues, etc. will come when) is different than some of the current best selling End Times series by other authors. But I felt he did a great job explaining his position in the little space he had to get the story told. A good read. Entertaining. Worrisome. Thought-provoking.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent - will hold your interest! Review: Robert Van Kampen has given us a great end-times novel. His writing provides us with with an interesting scenerio of end-times, prophecy, and interpetation of Biblical writings. If you like the Tim LaHaye "Left Behind" series, this book will hold your interest and provide a different slant on the end-times. The book is written as a novel but in VanKampen's words, "The book was not written to be simply an exciting story or an interesting novel about the endtimes, It was written to be a teaching tool for those wanting to know the events of the last days." I would have to agree with his assessment as I learned a great deal from this book. His choice for the antichrist is amazing...Read it!