Rating:  Summary: How many times? Review: How many times can you tell someone that they don't understand what you aren't doing? Apparently, enough times for the authors to fill 225 pages. My well being would improve immediately if I could just have back the time I wasted trying to find out if there was a point to this noodling nonsense. Mulder would have dropped this one in the cylindrical X-file without a second thought.
Rating:  Summary: Not all it's cracked up to be Review: I came across this book several times before deciding to purchase it. The reason I purchased it was because my mom was diagnosed with cancer, large cell non-hodgkins lymphoma, which is said to be one of the "more curable" types of cancer. I would have done anything to save my mothers life and I thought this could be the answer. I took the book home, read it and convinced my mom to pay the $600 to try the energy healing that the book discusses. This was back in April of 2004. My mom passed away on August 14, 2004, while still being supposedly treated with the energy healing prescribed in the book. My mom did not get a reprieve from any of her pain or any type of healing at all. Although, I can say I do believe in vibrational medicine and our own natural healing forces, I don't recommend that anyone in my situation look at this as a life saving prescription for anyone they truly love. I was very let down and disappointed and so was my mom. I feel bad for even convincing her to try it when I didn't know if it would work or not.
The way the book is written, although fictional, leads one to believe that this is the ultimate answer for healing anything and anyone. If you are buying this book to try and save yourself or someone you love, please look elsewhere. Also, just wanted to add, after the money was sent in for the healing, we received one letter from the "Church of Consciousness" and that was it. They didn't keep up with you or seem to care at all, which makes you wonder if they're even doing anything. My mom is supposedly still under this "energy healing." Too bad she isn't even alive anymore. Please use precation when buying this book for serious reasons. If it's for entertainment purposes, by all means, buy the book. It was interesting enough, just not any benefit to one who is seriously ill.
Rating:  Summary: So-so, makes you think.... Review: I read the book on someone's recommendation. I liked the story and found the premise interesting. However, I am not an early adopter of new techologies. This will have to move a little further into the mainstream before I'm willing to fork out my money to try it. If it really works for people - fantastic. The story is good and well written, but I thought of it as a sales pitch.
Rating:  Summary: The answers are inside you Review: I read this book a few years ago and I recently saw that Stephen Lewis is still trying to gather a flock. I've been working on myself for many years. I try to balance my left brain (business degree) with my right brain (by meditating). I believe in a few things that Lewis says specifically that everything is energy but I don't believe that he has your best interest at heart.I went to a Lewis gathering in Denver that was run by one of his facilitators. She had been on the AIM program for about one year. During her talk she hardly ever smiled and she curiously had a cold/cough. Of course, she explained that her cold must be due to the detoxifying of her body through the AIM program. So after her talk she shows a video of Stephen Lewis being interviewed by infomercial guru Kevin Trudeau. Trudeau is a convicted felon and also was formerly involved with a MLM company called Nutrition for Life. Unfortunately, my one and only time with a MLM company was with the same Nutrition for LIfe. The company was publicly held and after the news of Trudeau was announced (felony) the stock plummeted and was eventually delisted. So I'm watching the video and thinking that somehow someway this Trudeau is involved with Lewis' company (or church). Once my sarcastic laughter subsides I concentrate on Lewis. He very rarely looks Trudeau in the eye and never smiles. Maybe there's no smiling allowed in this "church"! I would think that being disease free would make you smile all the time?! So after the video I asked the facilitator if this AIM program was a MLM setup. She wasn't expecting that question and noticeably became flustered. She never really answered the question and quickly called on someone else. Before I went to the seminar I listened to about a 2 hour long taped radio show with Lewis taking calls. He said something to the effect that early on his clients were rich people because they could afford to pay him. What's his agenda, to help people or just take their money? I put something on a message board about Lewis and a lady from CA responded and said that she was an energy worker. She had volunteered to help at one of his seminars. She said that she thought his energy was "dreadful", he was rude, and that she didn't even like being in the same room with him. She had already signed up for the AIM program and ended it after 6 months with no positive results. Lewis has setup an almost foolproof way to bilk people out of their money. He has numerous disclaimers and it's setup as a "church". Instead of just serving the rich he's made it available to the masses. The yearly cost of $1000 is a stretch enough to keep the riff-raff out but yet attainable enough for the spiritually gullible. The program also locks people in because if you leave the program you'll probably become "sick". "What if" he can do what he says? It would be priceless! Or better yet why not be a saint and offer it to people for free? If he has the frequencies to heal than any other frequency will harm. So he could go from Dr. Love to Dr. Evil. What happens if you leave the program, could he harm you? As we grow older we start caring more about our health and less about our money. There is one fact, we're all going to die. Our egos might not believe it but it's true. In my opinion, Lewis is basically a faith healer. He dazzles you with technology (with no proven results) and you have faith that you'll be healed by it. Where does healing come from? It comes from inside you, not from ANYTHING outside of you. Have faith in yourself. Do you want to feel better? Then eat better and exercise. Do you think you can send your photo to Lewis and still eat a box of Oreos a day and be healthy? Common sense is free! There is one thing that will be interesting. What will Lewis die from? I can almost guarantee it'll be reported as an "accident" and not a disease. This is big business folks, the business entity must live on. There is one frequency Lewis has pinpointed and that is the frequency of MONEY!
Rating:  Summary: Inspirational Book Opened My Mind to Possibilities Review: In "Sanctuary, the Path To Consciousness" Stephen Lewis and Evan Slawson take their readers on a journey into an a new world - not physical, not mental, more than an inner journey - it's a trip into a world of pure Consciousness, where we literally know everything there is to know and can heal ourselves spontaneously - even miraculously - by balancing our frequencies. The extraordianry part about this book is that, while it is a fictionalized story, the science behind it is quite real and possibile. I challenge readers to open their minds and hearts - and Consciousness. You will see nothing but truth and wisdom on these pages.
Rating:  Summary: Totally amazing Review: Sanctuary is a fantastic book, bordering on the unbelievable, but when one considers that we are all made of energy, the possibilities then become endless of what one can do with the technology that we have today. Claiming to be a fictional story, the story is set around true events with a "real-life" Max. The healing of Jane's cancer in the story was indeed remarkable, as are the testimonies from some very well know entertainment figures. Vibrational medicine seems to be the way of the future and Lewis seems to be one the forefront. Amazing book to read, lots to think about and to be amazed about as well. Unfortunately, the process outlined in the book seems to be out of reach financially for a lot of people, and I have to wonder why is that. Sanctuary will not resonate with everyone, as not everyone is ready for the energetic medicine concepts and theories. Read the book and draw your own conclusions but I am still amazed by it all. It certainly has me thinking and talking people who have tried it. Again, nothing short of amazing.
Rating:  Summary: A good yarn Review: The book is a real page-turner! Too bad the life-changing technology it promised didn't change anything in my life. Except perhaps made the authors richer and me poorer. I paid $hundreds for a year of "treatment" and got nothing: no acknowledgement, no communication, no results. The book is engrossing... wouldn't surprise me to see that it became the basis of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent - Science and Spirituality finally coming together Review: The story was terrific. The possibilities are endless. There is a phrase used in the science community for many years - the larger the circle of light, the greater the circumference of darkness that surrounds it. Meaning - the more we know, the more we realize that we don't know. Who are you to say what "is" and what "isn't"? You don't know what you don't know! Even a person who has taken rudimentary science can understand what is explained in this book. It simply makes sense. Commenting to some of the reviews, I find some of them extremely laughable! I was amazed at some of the overt attempts to libel/slander the author. Let's get a couple things straight - while they formed a church, it DOES pay taxes. (If that reviewer did even a MODICUM of research, that obvious fact would have surfaced.) Next, this is not MLM. I know network marketing very well. (Yes, just like real life, there are good and bad ones.) This has NONE of the markers of being MLM. Nice try. So, not able to drag them down other ways, they try to slander/libel the authors. Why not, they do it every day in politics, and it seems to work no matter what the truth is. I, for one, don't believe a word of it (the slander/libel). Why? Because an awful lot of people would be financially hurt if the energy healing were to take any stronger a hold. That's why. And money always speaks louder than the truth - especially in this country. Consider this: our country's entire economy is about 7 trillion dollars. Quite a lot of dough! Okay, now what if the medical industry was 1 trillion of that? Do you think they would do anything to protect their cash cow? Well, the medical industry IS 1 trillion (and growing). And they WILL go to great lengths to protect their money. GREAT lengths. (So, get used to the repeated disclosures in the book. The medical industry will use any means possible to wipe out any form of competition. Just go see what they did to Dr. Royal Rife!) As Lewis' system for energy healing becomes more popular, expect it to "get ugly" out there. And if you want to do your own research, there's a boat load of research out there to back up their discussions in the book. Start with quantum physics, it's amazing stuff. Lastly, we all know that ALL THINGS (including you) are made up of atoms and smaller sub-atomic particles, right? (If you don't, perhaps you slept through elementary school science? (g)) Anyway, what is between the nucleus and it's orbiting electrons? NOTHING. Now, there are countless atomic particles making up everything you are, see and touch. So, what makes you think that the table in front of you is totally solid and has no measurable energy of its own? Perception. Well perception is historically wrong. (Go ask Galileo, Copernicus... even early "medical" pioneers!) Those atoms are a form of energy. We are a form of energy. Everything that we think, see, feel, touch, hear, taste, etc is a form of energy. It's not a huge jump to realize that energy used a form of healing has its place in the world. If you cannot understand that energy has an impact in your world, then perhaps you should throw out your microwave, don't go get xrays, MRI's, laser eye surgery, go live next door to the largest set of power lines you can find, and what the heck, disavow any item that uses electricity because it doesn't matter, right? LOL. Yeah, right. Not to mention that TV and radio signals are fake, and how on earth can a hunk of metal sitting on earth supposedly communicate with some hunk of metal in space? Sounds silly, right? Well, these are all things that we cannot "see" but we've been trained to accept that they are there. There is so much around us that we cannot see but impacts our lives (by improving it or causing us harm) that is energy based in some form. Again, who are we to say that there is no such thing as energy healing? Purely perception. A great example is used in the book - pg 171. 100 years ago, it was actually written in the British Medical Journal that if a woman who was menstruating touched a ham, it would turn rancid. Silly, huh? Well, wonder what will be seen as silly (that we take as "gospel" today) 100 years from now! Lastly, if you think that this form of healing is some excuse to sit on the couch eating bon-bons, chips and fast food all day long, you're in for a real surprise! No REAL healing or wellness program will allow you that, not one. Good luck with whatever path you choose, and watch the wolves along the way. They will eat you alive.
Rating:  Summary: To Those For Whom This Resonates Review: There are those who "have eyes to see and ears to hear" who will read this book and say, "yes, this totally resonates." So many powerful new technologies are evolving at this time in human history to assist us in coming to consciousness: Einstein theorizing E=mc2; Neils Bohr and the development of Quantum Physics; The New Thought Spirituality of Science of Mind; the notion of a holographic universe and the realization that we are each a hologram complete unto itself... within a larger hologram, the hologram of humanity; and the remarkable capacity today of computer technology to quantify energetic matrices. Max, the hero of the novel, to whom the Sacrament of Energetic Balancing was revealed, teaches us the bottom line, that everything is energy and everything has a subtle-energy frequency. These frequencies can be measured and quantified using principles which blend spirituality and technology. Each human is a matrix of frequencies. When the frequencies of our matrix are out of phase, we have imbalance. With the focus of Energetic Balancing, we can bring those frequencies back into balance and achieve well being. We do it with our Higher Consciousness, that part of us which knows and intuits everything and which has our best interest at heart. If this resonates with you, it will excite you with the possibilities. It excited me and thousands of others who decided, "If this is so, I have to know." I am participating in Energetic Balancing via the AIM Program that is featured in the last chapters of this novel and I am experiencing the miracle of balancing/healing myself. So are members of my family and so are many people who I know that are on the AIM Program. While Sanctuary is a novel and the story is fiction, the spiritual technology that it educates us about is real and representative of a monumental quantum shift in Consciousness. As Herb Alpert quotes on the bookcover, "The future is here. Check it out."
Rating:  Summary: Buyer Beware! Slick Multi-Level Marketing System? Review: There's an old saying that goes something like this: "For those who believe no explanation is necessary. For those who don't believe no explanation is possible." For the past 25 years, I have been intensely interested in two subjects: Metaphysics and marketing. Coming From that perspective, here's my opinion: I have to admire Stephen Lewis (if that's his real name) for inventing and implementing an ingenious and nearly foolproof multi-level-marketing system. How? Let me count the ways. 1. His product, a complex, patented computer program that he designed, can only be utilized through him and his organization. 2. His service, allegedly detecting "energy frequencies", is proprietory and can only be administered by his organization. 3. Because he claims he can no longer accomodate the demands of so many new clients, he must train interns to do the work for him. In MLM speak, this is called the downline or pyramid. Cash flows from bottom to top - with the top (Lewis and Slawson) getting most of the profits. 4. He makes no claims for any specific results and no promise of any benefits except how the customer thinks they feel. Therefore, he's exempt from money-back-guarantees, nearly immune from lawsuits and protected from valid arguments from the medical profession. 5. His "church' is set up as a non-profit organization, therefore is tax-exempt. 6. His "energy ministry" assures customers that one session is never enough because their energy frequencies are always changing and they need continual follow-up visits. He cashes in the the most profitable element of a successful business - RESIDUAL VALUE. 7. His client base is largely from the entertainment industry and other professionals who can afford to pay his fees. 8. The testimonials from his affluent client base are vague and subjective, offering nothing other than they feel better or their lives have changed. In what way? And for how long? 9. His book is generating another income stream from book-sale profits. Lewis and Slawson have done their homework and they've got it down! They've come pretty close to covering it from all angles. With their system in place and establishing momentum, their only concern is to continue to attract new customers and keep their current customers coming back. Now, I could be way off base and all wrong, and I wholeheartedly welcome anyone to convince me otherwise. . . because if their system turns out to be true and authentic, it's a miracle that everyone (including me) deserves to participate in at any cost. Maybe the best things in life are not free?