Rating:  Summary: DEVELOPING BUSINESS INSIGHT Review: "In the business environment, employees are often asked to analyze facts but rarely taught how to use their instinctive ability or insight in the analysis. Penney Peirce's intriguing new book, The Intuitive Way, is filled with many practical exercises that will enhance an employee's sense of knowing and help apply a person's knowledge to what would work best for his or her organization. By using the revealing processes offered, I have been able to get in touch with my inner vision and knowledge more quickly, with profound results. I highly recommend this book for those who want to improve their business decision-making process." Cynthia Schmidt, President, Resources On-Line and Co-Founder of Prism Solutions, Inc. Los Altos, CA
Rating:  Summary: I'm Not Sure What I Expected - But It Did Change My Life! Review: I picked up this book at the same time I picked up "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. I'd recommend any artists to read the two together; or if you've already read one, to read the other. This book gave me a 'new' way to look at the world. You start viewing things differently and find that you are less stressed and more intergetic. I've found that my mind abounds with possibilities and I now follow through with each one. I also keep an eye out for those 'little' hints we get during the day as to the things we should be doing. I now feel that I have a better understanding as to the direction my life should take. I don't question things as much, instead, just 'let things happen'.
Rating:  Summary: Become a Believer Review: I used to pass off things as coincidences, now I know how to better use my intuition to guide me through life. Almost at once when I started the book I began to 'see' things I might have normally missed. I suggest this book to anyone who is ready to change their lives. Another book that helped me is Rat Race Relaxer: Your Potential & The Maze of Life by JoAnna Carey.
Rating:  Summary: Your Intuitive Almanac Review: I would like to start living my life more from the principles described in the Intuitive Way. At last, I have found a simple, direct, comprehensive guide about living from inner wisdom. Not only is it practical, well organized, and beautifully formatted, but also it reads like fine prose. Penney Peirce writes clearly about teachings from psychology, East-West philosophies, religion, metaphysics, and business. One of my favorite parts of the book was when she talks about the etiquette and ethics of intuition. I have never seen these topics addressed as well in any other book. In my opinion, The Intuitive Way is to intuition what Conscious Loving is to intimate relationships. I read Penney's book in 1998 and again this summer. I would like to start a discussion group based on the Intuitive Way with other like-minded people. I can be reached at jdm1236ebh1239@aol.com.
Rating:  Summary: Your Intuitive Almanac Review: I would like to start living my life more from the principles described in the Intuitive Way. At last, I have found a simple, direct, comprehensive guide about living from inner wisdom. Not only is it practical, well organized, and beautifully formatted, but also it reads like fine prose. Penney Peirce writes clearly about teachings from psychology, East-West philosophies, religion, metaphysics, and business. One of my favorite parts of the book was when she talks about the etiquette and ethics of intuition. I have never seen these topics addressed as well in any other book. In my opinion, The Intuitive Way is to intuition what Conscious Loving is to intimate relationships. I read Penney's book in 1998 and again this summer. I would like to start a discussion group based on the Intuitive Way with other like-minded people. I can be reached at jdm1236ebh1239@aol.com.
Rating:  Summary: Intuition is critical for a fast moving business Review: In a fast-changing business environment where there is less time and a glut of information, Peirce's book gives practical techniques for gaining a competitive edge. The Intuitive Way has given me insights into creating, evaluating, and implementing strategic plans so my clients and their organizations can stay on course. In addition, gaining a more subtle awareness of the hidden factors affecting business is critical for making better decisions and achieving better results. The Intuitive Way is helping me know where the market is going--not just where it's been
Rating:  Summary: An excellent guide to finding your inner wisdom. Review: Ms. Peirce has written a thoughtful and well-organized guide to developing our relationship with the intuitive mind. Her premise is that each person has an intuitive faculty, which is our birthright as human beings. However, some people are more in touch with this faculty than others. Thus her strategy is to show us what blocks intuition, then how to work to unblock it. The exercises she provides to help us do this take up a large part of the book. In that sense, it is more of a workbook than just a book to read.
Part 1, entitled "Creating a Clear Lens," walks the reader through a series of exercises to clean out habits of thought, fears, and unhelpful beliefs which most of us carry around until we do our interior housekeeping. Many exercises resemble the work that so many people do in therapy, that is, uncovering painful issues from the past and clearing them out. This clearing opens up the channel from the "Big Mind," that is, the intuitive mind, so that we can receive guidance.
In Part 2, "Accessing Subtle Information," the focus turns to specific exercises for developing more sensitive perception and awareness. You will find here an emphasis on using your body awareness to tap into your intuitive mind. This makes perfect sense, as being grounded in the physical realm gives us a stable base from which to extend outward into the unknown.
Finally, in Part 3, "Making Intuition Useful," Ms. Peirce leads us through exercises on applying intuition to everyday life. She includes very good information on dream work, working with the creative process, self-healing, and accessing super-conscious guidance, among other topics.
This is really a lovely book. It is down-to-earth and practical, but also leads the reader gently into the spiritual realm. Ms. Peirce does not promote using ESP or telepathy in order to control the future, manipulate others, or otherwise get one's way in life. Rather, she encourages us to open up to a higher consciousness, and live our lives by creating in tandem with this consciousness. Through this work we become more at peace, more loving, more creative, and just plain happier.
Rating:  Summary: Great primer on practical utilization of your intuition Review: Ms. Peirce has written a well organized approach to seeing your intution as a valuable tool, not just a once-in-a-while whimsy. A trained intuitive herself, Penney Peirce is full of encouragement as well as clearly laid out exercises to allow one to hone their intuitive skills and incorporate the benefits into daily life. I would recommend this book to those embarking on their first inward journey (no matter at what age!). There are abundant benefits to the practice she outlines in this honest and heart-felt presentation. Again, asking that question of mastery: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice.
Rating:  Summary: The best book on the subject of intuition. Review: This book is one of the easiest to understand on how one can become aware, in-tune-with the universe. The exercises help with intuition but even more important, her views are that of the ancient mystery schools but offered to us in ways we are sure to understand. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: The best book on the subject of intuition. Review: This book is one of the easiest to understand on how one can become aware, in-tune-with the universe. The exercises help with intuition but even more important, her views are that of the ancient mystery schools but offered to us in ways we are sure to understand. I highly recommend it.