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Rating:  Summary: Better than Newtons work as it goes further, but still not Review: Dr Modi's work takes Newtons work so much further in identifying 'lost souls' and imbalanced thought-form attachments as responsible for some of our past life experiences and our pain and suffering. However, this should be the start as even this work does not go far enough to help the reader truly understand what is going on.It was only when I read Shopping For Spirit Part Seven and Eight (albeit a few times) that I began to make more sense of these writings on the 'Soul' and the 'afterlife' represented in these writings. Reading these articles helped me to make the best use of the information presented in these books and helped me to understand how a lot of the information presented through these type of books represented the 'astral afterlife' where lost souls end up, the 'Middle Place' as Jesus referred to it, and were not describing the real spiritual afterlife at all. This 'afterlife' is merely a replica of physical life and has nothing to do with the real afterlife that every soul should enjoy. When armed with this understanding, these books then become a plethora of good information, rather than being one of directing our emotions and beliefs into the astral (archon) thought-form reality. See www.equilibra.uk.com - articles section. They are free to download. These articles helped me to make the most of the information in this book. Hopefully Dr Modi will take this work much further.
Rating:  Summary: The Role of Spirit Review: Dr. Modi delivers a powerful turn in the traditional medical treatment of mental illness. Documenting the statements of patients, she discusses seriously the phenomena of past-life trauma, disincarnate entities and demonic possession. Although Modi never claims to a belief in these and other 'supernatural' explanations for difficult and painful mental diseases, she understands the need to give such explanations the full respect and acknowledgement that any physician of the soul would. We are given the opportunity to explore amazing healings that occur when an entity or demon is directly addressed and has therapy of its own, administered to it. We are allowed to share in the miraculous physical healings that have occurred when past-life traumas are lifted. Take a look at some possible spiritual explanations for the suffering that many of us experience that may now be alleviated through these enlightened techniques. Consider the possibility that 21st century healing practices could provide a cure to ills that were described to the Church in the 15th century.
Rating:  Summary: Required Reading Review: Dr. Modi gives all the essential requirements and their reasons for a complete cure of any ailment. Anyone seriously interested in curing themselves or someone else should read this book first.
Rating:  Summary: Stopped me in my tracks ! Review: I've long believed in hypnosis/hypnotherapy as an answer for many diseases and ailments. In my search to learn more, and as I begin to work on becoming licensed myself as a hypnotherapist, I found and read Dr. Modi's amazing book. For all that hypnotherapists believe they are a few steps advanced from psychiatry, I now firmly believe that a hypnotherapist merely treating a patient with guided imagery, metaphor, and regression is not enough, and this book (and others dealing with spirit releasement) are the key to unlocking the vast resources within ourselves and our clients. Please give it a read, see if it doesn't make you at least wonder about what more you could be doing. A wonderfully proactive approach to healing, and a life-altering view of the universe presented in a logical and clinical manner.
Rating:  Summary: Best mental health therapy Review: It's the best book I've read since the Holographic Universe (Michael Talbot) and Life between Life (Joel Whitton and Joe Fischer). I've grown disatisfied with the current schools of thought on treating mental health disorders. Whether it's the bio-medical approach or the Jungian approach, none of them seem to have any lasting impact... until now. Dr. Modi's approach restores my hope in mental health therapy. Whatever your mental health problem is, seek out therapists who use her approach. It's not only your best hope, it may be your only hope.
Rating:  Summary: A Useful List for Exorcism, Spiritual Warfare, Deliverance Review: Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. These books will help you determine what is the devil's strategy, and to defeat him. Prayer and Faith in the Blood of Jesus is a powerful tool in the hand of each of us as a child of God. Be free from sickness of mind and body, obey the Lord, and He will protect and save you. Read your Bible and be open to the Word of God through His Holy Spirit and His trained teachers. Go to church and associate with others of firm belief. You will be saved, and UNAFRAID.
0595246184 The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren by Gerald Brittle
0972962336 The Power of Divine: A Healer's Guide - Tapping into the Miracle by Tiffany Snow
0800792327 Deliverance from Evil Spirits: A Practical Manual by Francis MacNutt
1571740791 Remarkable Healings: A Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness by Shakuntala Modi
0800792068 A Comprehensive Guide to Deliverance and Inner Healing by John Loren Sandford, Mark Sandford
0892280018 Demons & Deliverance: In The Ministry Of Jesus (Spiritual Warfare Series)by Frank Hammond
0842366652 Strategy of Satan: How to Detect and Defeat Him by Warren W. Wiersbe
Rating:  Summary: Attachments of Darkness are real, and can be removed Review: This book looks at attachments of darkness, spirits, and how they suppress the body and mind. There is good and powerful information here. I have read many books on the subject, and have been trying to fit in where alternative medicine and these "things" that I know fit together. If you want to go even further, about where these things come from, and more precise methods to "dis-attach" them, pick up Dr. Snow's book on alternative medicine, hands on healing and prayer power, called The Power of Divine, a Healer's Guide on Miracles. The changes that occur often include "undiagnosisable" medical and emotional problems disappearing. Lives change because of this information, and it changed mine. Read these books!
Rating:  Summary: Use the techniques outlined in this book to heal yourself. Review: This book took me by surprise. The first surprise was that ALL of us can be possessed by demons and earth bound spirits (discarnates) and not even know it! How subtle and secretive the dark forces can be. Dr. Modi, M.D., is a psychiatrist who, to her surprise, found other beings inhabiting the souls and bodies of her patients. It was these beings who claimed to deliberately cause their "host" problems. The detailed descriptions these demons (some of them fallen angels) gave on how they became evil is fascinating. Those imprisoned angels (after being freed) gave Dr. Modi very detailed descriptions on how they were trained and forced to do evil. They describe how they were tricked into becoming dark and why they could not return to the light. I was also surprised to learn that these possessing beings can cause us REAL suffering (physical, emotional and mental). Which explains why some conditions never clear up no matter how much medicine we take. My final surprise was how powerless they really are when discovered and how fearful THEY are of the angels and God's Light. Many of Dr. Modi's patients had miraculous healings. This made me take a close look at my own chronic pain and it's possible root cause. Dr. Modi describes how quickly and easily she was able to help her patients free themselves of these destructive influences. Using her techniques, I have been successful in ridding my own long-standing pain and suffering that I thought could not be cured. The Bible tells us "Physician, heal thyself" and Dr. Modi's book gives us the knowledge of HOW to do just that! This book can help everyone to heal him or herself.
Rating:  Summary: They're REAL...! Review: When I first heard about "attachments", it was from Dr. Byron Gentry (author of: "Miracles of the Mind: How to Use the Power of Your Mind for Healing and Prosperity", also featured at Amazon.com), who referred to them as "piggy- back spirits". And I'll have to admit that I was a little skeptical and "queasy" with the concept. But since then, I've had personal experience with attached entities, displaced aspects and thought forms, and I can tell you that there is something to this... I've read most of this book. (I'm still wading through it...) But I can tell you that it's comprehensive and full of good analysis by Dr. Modhi of her experiences, in addition to being full of case histories. If you're looking for something "introductory", you may be better off with Dr. Louise Ireland Frey's book, "Freeing the Captives", which is a faster, less comprehensive, but enjoyable read. But if you're serious about the subject matter, this book is a must...
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