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Rating:  Summary: Affirmations Work Review: Affirmations seem New Agey but Paramhansa Yogananda was talking of this in The 20's.This little book is powerfully insightful.The spiritual Master shares with us exactly how it works.I love it..for I know by continual practise you will see amazing results!I have also used this book with my clients,As a LifeCoach my job is to help others make changes in their life.We do this by setting goals and achieving them.This book keeps them on track to success!
Rating:  Summary: A systematic start to tapping your mind power Review: I spent years as a biofeedback therapist, helping individuals harness the power of their mental and emotional states to effect healing for chronic pains, illnesses, and addictions. Over time it became clearer and clearer that the most powerful healing effects had little to do with expensive biomedical biofeedback equipment and everything to do with basic mind-body-breathing techniques that have been known to thousands of years to advanced yoga practitioners.Yogananda's little volume is an extremely powerful tool for beginning your self-healing. He guides you to the various approaches that might work best for you depending on your personal temperament. Reading the book is extraordinarily inspiring, but it takes *practicing* the methods to experience the healing. They are skills - and they become powerful with practice. If you add regular meditation to your life routine you will also find that your inner INTUITION develops and that you can sensitively customize the suggested affirmative and healing practices to your own circumstances. My own survival of life-threatening illness is testimony beyond what I have seen in my clients. You have power within you that is hard to conceive. If this little introduction fails to persuade you, read Yogananda's Autobiography (ISBN 0876120796 ).
Rating:  Summary: Perfect unity Review: I'd misplaced this book, and am reordering it because it gives me strength and spiritual guidance. During illness, it is necessary for the mind to transcend the agony of the physical affliction. Doing so, the mind can concentrate its powers on God's perfection, and devine healing. In so doing, oftentimes fear subsides, and the positive affirmations create a healing force that can produce miracles. When I look upon the author's face, I see perfection of mind and body. His wisdom and insight are truly comforting. Read it and meditate upon his words each night before sleep, and upon awakening, to instill within the body the healing powers.
Rating:  Summary: CLEAR AND COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO AFFIRMATION Review: The practice of affirmation is very ancient and includes the discipline of Sanskrit Mantra. This classic on the power and uses of affirmation explains the laws for harnessing the power of focused thought. The first part reveals the relationship between matter/energy and mind and how one can set in motion the healing power of spirit. It also explains consciousness and matter/energy as vibratory expressions of spirit. This section on the theory of healing includes the chapters: Why Affirmations Work; Life Energy Causes the Cure; Healing Body, Mind and Soul; and, Nature of Creation. It is emphasized that thought needs soul conviction in order to yield the best results. Part Two is titled Methods Of Practice with the chapters Technique of Affirmation (with two photographs - one demonstrating the posture for affirmation and the other for that of meditation, and Scientific Healing Affirmations, which includes specific affirmations for various physical, mental or spiritual needs. Some of the purposes/conditions for which affirmations are provided include general healing, guidance, wisdom, material success, spiritual success and eyesight, stomach, teeth, purity, curing bad habits, freedom. There is an index, plus a short biography of the author plus a portrait. This title has been in print for many decades and it's easy to see why - it is a very authoritative but easily understood guide to this ancient practice. Free of esoteric jargon, it explains all aspects of the discipline clearly and comprehensively. For a very different approach to the subject, I recommend Stuart Wilde's book Affirmations. Reading both Yogananda and Wilde will tell you all you need to know about the power of affirmation and how it can improve your life.
Rating:  Summary: It Works...Even for Intellectuals and Sceptics Review: This book does work. But as Yogananda explains, if you are sceptically minded like myself, you will have doubts. People who use their intellects will balk. Did you know that if you are on a Boing 727, the odds are that two people sitting together will have the exact same birthdate! A miracle! I see auras. The truth is that anybody can see auras. Out of the side of your eyes. And you can see all of this in Kirlian Photography. So I'm a real "Hard Sell"! Also, when people tell you they have seen Jesus or Bugs Bunny, you will have to rule out imagination, schizophrenia, drugs, lying, and wishful thinking. I personally have seen the spiritual eye 30-40 times between the eyebrows. The yellow ring is full of a field of blue. Right in the middle of the blue field is a five-pointed silver star that flickers. This is all very beautiful. I have tried to time the stars flickering. I ascertain that it flickers about twice a second. I have had some experience despite my concrete sceptism. I have read this book 8 times. Words do have an effect on the brain. These affirmations make imprints (or what Hindus call "samskaras") on the brain. Now this depends on two factors according to Yogananda. One. Repitition. Two. Intensity. The more of these two, the deeper the cuts into the brain. The deeper the cuts, the more you bypass the concious and cut impressions into the subconcious. The subconscious is really quite stupid. It will simply follow what it is fed. It's like a computer. Or what you might call a "biocomputer". It's mostly tied in with the autonomic nervous system. But it will do brillantly what you feed it. It is fed from the concious mind. Yogananda tells you how to cut deeper and deeper into the brain. Say out loud, "I am old". Then whisper it. Then affirm it mentally. That is, say it mentally. Eventually, this becomes "subconcious chanting". What is that? The SUBCONCIOUS WILL KEEP ON CARRYING THE CHANTING BY ITSELF ALL THROUGH THE DAY AND NIGHT. This changes your brain and your entire body. You will begin to hump over and acquire some wrinkles eventually. This is not strange IF YOU REMEMBER THAT THE SUBCONCIOUS IS MERELY A MACHINE WHICH CARRYS OUT ORDERS. That's all we skeptics really have to know. There is also supercious chanting. Now this is an Einsteinian concept rather than a Newtonian. Everything is connected to everything else. We can see this with our eyes. The chanting eventually cuts so deep with repitition and intensity that it begins to affect our environment. At this point, the chanting is causing an environmental change around us. Those of an Einsteinian bent will understand this. So our words have a deep affect. Miracles have happened for me with these chants. MAYBE! I'm a sceptic. If one of Yoganda's books fly off my shelf at this moment, I am not going to exclaim that it is the work of God while I am writing this review. Scientists call this "Select Abstraction". That is, you assign all coincidences to a certain cause. How about an earthquake? Or the book being ready to drop out of the shelf? These chants work. BUY THE BOOK. It's not like seeing the silver star. But we skeptics can be assured through cause-and-effect experimaentation on ourselves that they do indeed work. You can feel it. Good luck and God Bless.
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