Rating:  Summary: A MUST-HAVE text for reiki practitioners and professionals! Review: After reading Reiki Energy Medicine, this reader finds writing this review quite difficult. It is quite tempting to lose any measure of objective distance and launch into the most effusive praise of this delightful book. At 120 pages, including notes and index, this book manages to say in a straightforward, concise, and simple way what so many other books three times the length or more are unable to communicate. Without wasting too much time, the authors define and delineate with ease the nature of that universal healing life force that we know as reiki and its efficacy as a complement to traditional allopathic medicine. They neatly outline protocols that they, themselves, have used to integrate reiki into various health care environments from the emergency room to the hospital to the hospice. They discuss the success of programs they have developed and taught to other health care professionals, who have then enthusiastically integrated reiki healing into their health care practices. Reiki, as seen by the authors, is a cost-effective means of providing additional care and support to patients encountering what has so often been the impersonal and technical face of modern medicine. It re-integrates compassion and care back into the caregiver-patient/recipient relationship. Much anecdotal evidence is supplied in this book to demonstrate the extent to which this return of the compassionate relationship alone can drastically reduce the cost and length of recovery. In the hospice setting where recovery is not an option, Reiki can transform what, under modern conditions, has become a degrading or frightening decline to death into a healing transition. Besides its utility as a palliative measure to treat even the worst pain, Reiki is a gentle guide to ease the patient's concerns and to assist them in their journey out of this life. Remarkably, reiki has also proven quite healing in the relationships of the hospice client with their survivors. In a word, Reiki can assist in cleaning out so much of the emotional unfinished "business" of the client. The authors supply anecdotes supporting this concept and discuss protocols as to how to apply and integrate reiki in the hospice setting. I am reminded of an article, "Reiki in Hospice Care: Miranda's Story," by John Mramor(Massage & BodyWork Magazine, Feb/Mar 2004 issue) that eloquently affirms the principles that Ms. Barnett and Ms. Chambers have discussed. The client, Miranda, was a single mother of two in her early forties dying from cancer. After a traumatic and highly dysfunctional life, it didn't appear that she would find any healing, peace, or resolution as she approached the end of her life. Nonetheless, through the persistent yet ever so gentle efforts of Mr. Mramor, Miranda was able to find not only some measure of relief from her severe pain, but also to find the healing and resolution of life issues to continue her journey from this life to the next. I feel blessed by the serendipity to have read this article at the same time I was reading Reiki Energy Medicine. Equally important to discussing the use of reiki in the modern healthcare facility was the emphasis placed by the authors upon the need for caregivers to take care of themselves. The importance of self-Reiki can not be repeated too often. Self-Reiki is vital to maintaining the energy and health of caregivers and to reducing their burdens of dis-ease and stress. As in their discussion regarding hospital and hospice protocols, the authors outline at length the importance of self-care for caregivers and conclude with their vision of a healthcare facility where reiki is fully integrated into the course of healing modalities for both the caregivers and the care-recipients. In conclusion, Reiki Energy Medicine is quite simply a must-have text for reiki professionals, especially those who are integrating its caring principles and healing practices with other health modalities. I would also highly recommend it for reiki practitioners in general for its value in bringing home the profound, yet gentle realization that reiki can be integrated into every aspect of life to detoxify, heal, and raise the energy of any person and any situation. This review was first printed in Reiki Magic newsletter(Twin Falls, April 2004). Copyright 2004 Brian S. Melton(aka Friskybearman): no part of this article may be reproduced in any manner without my express consent.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: As an RN, and a CRNA, I found this text especially appealing. Good explanations of just what reiki is about are extremely helpful. As I have just recieved my reiki 1 attunements, I found many of the suggestions very helpful to my practice of anesthesia, and reiki! Thanks and well done!
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: As an RN, and a CRNA, I found this text especially appealing. Good explanations of just what reiki is about are extremely helpful. As I have just recieved my reiki 1 attunements, I found many of the suggestions very helpful to my practice of anesthesia, and reiki! Thanks and well done!
Rating:  Summary: Reiki Energy Medicine Review: Hi I took a class from Libby & Maggie for me it was A Review class. I have an Reiki Teaching and healing practrice. I found the class and the book to be very helpful,in understanding Reiki. It worked well with any level of Reiki or experience that one has with this system. I found the book to be clear and since it was not "airy fairly" I could tell my "main stream" students to buy it without fear that they would be scared away. I liked the clear photo's Angelic Reiki BLessings. Gigi Benanti Norwalk ct
Rating:  Summary: A clinical look of the benifits of Reiki Review: If one needs a more clinical explanation or examples of how reiki energy can benifit healing then this is a MUST READ. The author and Reiki Master explains how Reiki is introduced into a hopital setting. Uses examples of before Reiki and after Reiki with hospital patients. I recommend this as reading to my Reiki Students.
Rating:  Summary: A library worth having for every healer Review: There are books which pretend to be a reference point, and there are those which not only are, but also exceed readers' expectations. These are some of those! Read them twice and heal the universe. A library worth having for every healer.
(1). The Power of Divine: A Healer's Guide - Tapping into the Miracle by Tiffany Snow
(2). Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine by Candace B. Pert
(3). Energy Medicine by Donna Eden, David Feinstein, Brooks Garten, Caroline Myss
(4). Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing the Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice by Libby Barnett, Maggie Chambers, Susan Davidson
(5). A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine : Energy Healing and Spiritual Transformation by Richard Gerber
Rating:  Summary: Good informational book for those in the Medical Profession Review: This is more a beginners guide to Reiki in the Medical Profession than anything else. Many of the ideas of where Reiki is from are outdated. Though for the most part the information is based on the Reiki tradition. I was disappointed by the lack of in-depth techniques and information on HOW to apply Reiki in these situations. This is a "What is Reiki" and "How Reiki can benefit your profession" book. A beginners information guide again. Good for it's purpose. The one thing I was upset by was the complete lack of discussion on the Ethics in Reiki. Even going so far as to tell people to do Reiki on people before asking permission. To me, a Reiki/Seichim Teacher the Ethics are some of the most important information to pass on.
Rating:  Summary: Good informational book for those in the Medical Profession Review: This is more a beginners guide to Reiki in the Medical Profession than anything else. Many of the ideas of where Reiki is from are outdated. Though for the most part the information is based on the Reiki tradition. I was disappointed by the lack of in-depth techniques and information on HOW to apply Reiki in these situations. This is a "What is Reiki" and "How Reiki can benefit your profession" book. A beginners information guide again. Good for it's purpose. The one thing I was upset by was the complete lack of discussion on the Ethics in Reiki. Even going so far as to tell people to do Reiki on people before asking permission. To me, a Reiki/Seichim Teacher the Ethics are some of the most important information to pass on.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT BOOK! Review: This is one of the few books on the market today that claims to be about Reiki that truly is about Reiki. The authors are accomplished Reiki Masters. Describing Reiki to a reader who has never had an experience of Reiki is not easy, but these authors do so very well. Reiki Master Ambika Collins
Rating:  Summary: A great Reiki book for the Western mind Review: This is one of the most down-to-earth descriptions of Reiki and its uses in the fields of health and healing I have read. It does not turn off the average person by getting too bogged down in mysticism, metaphysics, or new-agey language. It is written by two registered nurses who use Reiki in their jobs. Western medicine meets ancient healing arts. GREAT!