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Rating:  Summary: Dannion's Excellent Sequel, but Caution: Non-Biblical themes Review: "When thirteen Beings of Light tell you to do something, it is hard to say no." (Page 157, "At Peace in the Light," in which Brinkley answers his critics regarding his plans to build stress reduction "The Centers." Also a very funny quote!)
Dannion Brinkley writes an excellent follow-up on his hit best seller regarding his two NDE's (near death experiences). This is the fellow who was struck by lightening , clinically dead for 28 minutes before being revived, met by a "Spirit Being" both times he died, and received subsequent visions from these "Beings of Light" regarding the creation of his stress reduction "centers."
Click on the link to "see all my reviews" for my take on his *first* book. Interestingly, he appeared to use very few direct quotes from the original book, choosing instead to rephrase descriptions previously written about. For example, Brinkley quotes Dr. Raymond Moody on both page 183 of "Saved by the Light" and also on page 168 of "At Peace in the Light" as follows: "You don't have to die," he said. "Stay for me. I need your help." Very original!
He masterfully uses a brief, well-written forward by James Redfield, another expert in the field. Brinkley co-wrote his riveting sequel with talented author, Paul Perry (who also co-wrote with him on his first book). Also interesting: He only waited about a year after completion of his first book to finish his second.
Brinkley, now himself a talented author, again discusses the boxes of knowledge, leaving some future predictions for your review. Working with both average citizens and those dying in a hospice setting, he brings home the themes of:
* Control of our lives to make a positive change for the future;
* A spiritual evolution, in which we understand that what we do to others affects us deeply (Christians will recognize this as the "law of sowing and reaping");
* His desire to dispel all fear of death is a key motive in his writing of these book; and, lastly,
* Brinkley shares my views on alternative medicine, particularity testifying to the healing powers of chiropractic (which has also proved useful for me).
He adds an account of how he felt useless and used, merely using his talent to help gambling friends win at the horse races or on bets on sports events! (Masterful and compelling.) A family friend, whose father had been a slave, was dying and came to see him. This was touching and a contrast to his other "so called" friends.
Let me repeat a few key points you may have missed up until this review:
I view Brinkley as a credible and believable psychic: My research was unable to uncover any independent testimony to discredit or call into question his sweeping claims that he was able to see into the private lives of people by merely touching them.
This true ability is not unlike that of the late Rev. Roland buck, whose claims that he got messages from Angels of God about peoples' private lives has NOT been refuted or discounted, even roughly twenty-five (25) years after publication of "Angels on Assignment," the classic book, in which Charles and Frances Hunter took down the testimony of Pastor Buck, an aging pastor who wasn't trying to write any book or turn a dollar. (I highly recommend "Angels on Assignment.")
Brinkley again mentions religion. However, as in the first book, red flags go up, which should be of interest to the Judeo-Christian reader:
* In his sequel, here, Brinkley continues to omit any mention of Jesus' role in all of this, supporting previous claims that there are many paths to righteousness, on page 202 of his first book.
* Again, he doesn't even touch on the topic of Hell, which is certainly mentioned in both the Old and New Testament Bible.
* He repeats his themes of leaving the body, assuring a visiting Japanese journalist that it is "quite normal." (Page 176; She gets the shock of her life!)
* Use of "necromanteums" (page 172), where people make contact with the dead.
Christian readers should know that magical arts, which author espouses, are strictly forbidden: Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:26, as is "necromancy," that is, the speaking to the dead: Deuteronomy 18:11. Could the "Beings of Light" be fallen angels, demons masquerading as God's Holy Angels? "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2nd Corinthians 11:14-15)
As with his first book, which I also reviewed, I can not in good conscience give it the top rating of five stars for these reasons, but I still consider it among the few books among the "required reading" category, not only because he probably really saw something, but, and let me emphasize, I feel that his heart is right and pure, and many of the things he says are true, and VERY beneficial (not to mention outright fascinating!).
However, for a more balanced approach to the dark side of the Spirit World, I also recommend "The Beautiful Side of Evil," in which Johanna Michaelsen writes in this reliable perennial, equally a classic, her experiences with leaving her body under the influence of evil spirits and the journey back home to rid herself of the occult and witchcraft. Also, read your Bible, separating truth from fiction, to keep from going astray and overextending yourself, in the same way drug users and thieves must later "pay the piper" for that initial, but forbidden, thrill.
I highly recommend Dannion Brinkley's book, and extend my good will towards him for his momentous effort and fervent concern for his fellow man.
Rating:  Summary: finally beleiving in something Review: as a beleiver in only myself to change my life and suffer all the consequenses of all my own actions,this book confirmed what i already thought about most things in life, or at least hoped. i knew this life here was a test, to see if we can struggle and overcome saddness and pain and still come out positive, not scorned,not miserable, but wiser and stonger. i knew it couldnt get worse than this, here on earth.i learned of the review of your life you have upon dying and have deceided you must see that first so you can see what and how you were at that moment, so you can feel truly sorry or humility or embarresed, or ashamed at your actions or words, you get to feel what pain or sadness you caused others although not realizing it at that particular moment, and feel deeply sorry.not untill then will you go to the next level. you actually judge yourself. thats why its so important to be a good loving person,to treat people as you want to be treated, you get what you give,to realize the only thing that really matters is leaving this earth with the feeling of being loved, its the only thing you can take with you. asnd every one you loved will be waiting on the other side happy healthy and ready for a new journey. infinity. i like dannion cant wait to get there.no more fear of the unknown, no more worrying about forcing myself to beleive in god or i wont go to heaven.i have faith in myself and my actions i make in this screwed up world, and hope they are right and learn from them if there not.keeping hatred and negativity far away.
Rating:  Summary: Dannion Brinkley has done it again! Review: Dannion Brinkley has done it again! He has managed to write another excellent book of his near death experiences, his journeys and the messages he received from the Beings of Light. This second book is filled with love, compassion and guidance, as was the first book. As Dannion says, "Love is the important thing there is." "All you need to realize is that love is powerful. Its expression is treating others the way they want to be treated." I read this book and then had to go back and read his first book. Then I had to read this book once again. And of course I had to read this book in one sitting! I find people's experiences of near-death experiences quite fascinating and this book is no exception.Dannion does repeat a lot of what was contained in the first book, but I found that he went into much more detail in this book. The story behind the story, so to speak. I really came away with deeper understanding and compassion for all that he had gone through. I thought it was extremely interesting when he told about helping his so called "friends" with his new gifts. His work with hospice is extraordinary. He is relentless, committed to his life's mission and does not give up. Considering what he has and had gone through, he has had valid reasons for giving up. Yet Dannion prevails in the midst of obstacles presented to him. I found his explanation of his centers most fascinating. Equally fascinating was the work he did with Dr. Raymond Moody. Our lives are so busy and hectic these days, that to "plug" into our spiritual realm on a daily basis cannot often be accomplished; yet it is so necessary. Our children and the dying can teach us so much, if we only take the time to listen! After reading his book, I wanted to volunteer my time with hospice and one day I hope to do that. I find Dannion to be a most compassionate and remarkable man. Again we are treated to those ancient but timely messages of love, forgiveness, and kindness to our fellow man. I applaud him in reaching out to others with his messages. I do believe that God singles some of us out for "special" projects here on Earth and Dannion Brinkley seems to be one of those persons. Reading both of his books, one cannot help lose their fear of death and embrace it instead. At Peace In The Light is a must read for those who are interested in life after death.
Rating:  Summary: what's it all about... Review: I just finished reading this book and was very surprised to find a reviewer who said that it is about reincarnation. This book is about Near Death Experience and about human transformation. I do not remember reading anything about reincarnation at all. What I do remember reading was a book that echoed very strongly with my own thoughts and feelings about life and death. I enjoyed reading about the "future predictions" and "paranormal powers," but I don't need this information to motivate my life. What I need, and what I found in this book, are powerful statements about the connection of all life, the strength of love, the need to open our hearts and give, and the need to affirm the divine nature of all humankind. Deep spiritual values that are at the heart of all religions (yes, I have read them in my bible too!). My mother is 82 years old and beginning the evolution to her death. I will soon begin reading this book to her. I have asked my brother and sister to read this book. I hope that we can work together to "de-stress" our hearts and minds as we participate in a death in our family.
Rating:  Summary: how to make peace with death Review: I'am a forty year old male.Recently divorce.When i was 10 years old i had lost both parents tradjecaly.it has always affected me in both negative and positive because i could never understand why me.For thirty years i had carried this burden of not knowing why and for some reason still don't.However the pain has gotten easier with time and knowledge.Icannot even remember the last book i ever read.My soon to be ex spouse had lost her sister in a traject car accident a few years ago.She has had it very difficult time dealing with it .She feels obligated to her sisters family and has spent so much time there that she and i lost contact to our own obligation and two children.This book has opened my eyes to a bigger picture. of my own expierence i too should have died when i fell from a georgia pine tree nearly forty feet.After the first ten feet i had gone unconcious but when i awaken there was this very calm feeling and little or no pain.I checked my legs and rest of my self when i awoke in a feetle postion.Again i think i was truly blessed for no broken bones or internal damage.I had gotten up very slowly said to the blue beautiful sky in January in Georgia,thankyou.This book brought to me peace at light an understanding i had never known before,the love and compassion that lack in todays society is sad.However we as humans need to pursue the spirituality aspect of it and many do not ordo not understand it.This event that has taken place in this mans life is truly remarkable and painful, for him to share this expierence is a blessing.there are still many things in life that i or we cannot explain but we must endure.Thank-you Mr Brinkley.Sincerely Al Kovacs Always Love.
Rating:  Summary: Dannion Brinkly, D.O.A. Review: In this second book Mr. Brinkley goes into considerably more detail about his Near Death Experience, hospice work, and the Centers that he was directed to build by Spirit Beings. It is a most inspiring and comforting account- this is the third time that I've read it since its publication. Always central is the message that he was directed to bring back to this life, namely, that we are all mighty spiritual beings who came here to cocreate with God out of a spirit of love. It occured to me in reading this that he has recreated the ancient profession of the psychopomp, the guide to the spirit world. Indeed, his Centers sound remarkable like an updated version of the psychomanteum, a temple where people can go to have mystical visions and/or direct contact with spirits. I can see where this would correct a profound imbalance in the modern psyche. The author also recounts the visions of the future that he was given in 1975...
Rating:  Summary: Perceptions on LIFE Review: Reading about near death experiences alters my life in that I have a deep sense of peace and I now know what is truly valuable in life. It also teaches me that every one has different opinions and are entitled to express them without ridicule. Knowledge is one aspect of life that is important. Therefore, I must add that reincarnation WAS in the Bible, but the church took it out because it did not have as much control over the people. There are still subtle references contained within as any extensive scholar of the Bible could attest to. If it was perceived as it was meant to be.
Rating:  Summary: For peace and love in your life- read the bible! Review: Reviewer: Margaret from Seattle, Wa When I first read this book a little over a year ago, before I had any religion in my life and really knew who God was, I was inspired and uplifted and filled with hope after reading about these supposed visions Dannion Brinkley had. I'm not saying it didn't happen....but what I am saying is that I disagree with the moral of this story: as long as you're nice to everyone, you'll have a wonderful afterlife. I've now found God and when I look back at how "inspired" Dannion's words made me, I realize how wrong I was. Life after death WON'T be a happy experience for us all, as Dannion wants you to believe. We'll all be judged...and God will decide our fate. Mr. Brinkley talks about reincarnation quite a bit...there is no reincarnation as the bible states. I'm just glad I have been set straight and no longer view what Dannion Brinkley says as the words of the Lord. If you want to find peace and love, and want to know what's gonna happen when you leave this world, read the bible. NOT this book!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting account of how a man's NDEs have shaped his life Review: The author was struck by lightning in 1975, and was "dead" for 28 minutes, during which time he recalls leaving his body and being transferred to a realm of light, where 13 Spirit Beings spoke with him. He experienced a "life review," in which he was able to experience himself and his actions through the perceptions and feelings of all those whom his life had affected. The Spirit Beings gave him 117 specific predictions of the future, including previews of such events as the fall of the Soviet Union and the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Brinkley was also returned to life on earth with a mission - to build Centers for the cultivation of spirituality from a non-religious perspective. Years later, Brinkley had a second NDE while having heart surgery. He experienced another life review, and gained further insghts that were to help him in the future - although he has considerably less to say about this NDE than about the earlier one. During his recovery from the 1975 lightning strike, Brinkley discovered that he had apparently spontaneously developed the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of other people, and to foretell certain kinds of future events with a high (though not perfect) degree of accuracy. The effects of these new-found abilities on his life are documented in this book. Brinkley has found a niche (his life's purpose) in hospice work, using the accounts of his experiences to help relieve the dying of the fear of death, and using a pre-death version of the "life review" process to help the dying come to terms with the events and effects of their lives. The net effect of Brinkley's work seems to be to help people die in a state of relatively greater peace and dignity. Brinkley's NDEs included no sense of being judged by the Beings of Light. Rather, he says that we are much harsher judges of ourselves than any other being(s) might be, and that the after-death life review gives us an opportunity to do that judgment. However, no particular penalties or rewards seem to be imposed or granted from without. As the book closes, Brinkley has built a functional prototype Center, and he discusses the effects of its use on clients or subjects. From Brinkley's point of view, the cultivation of spirituality seems to be related to out-of-body experiences, meetings with dead loved ones, and other such experiences that are generally considered occult or psychic in nature. I enjoyed this book, in that it seems to promote a very loving and compassionate attitude toward ourselves and others, and to encourage kindness as a primary virtue. According to Brinkley, "random acts of kindness" turn out to be what matter most, in a positive sense, from the perspective of a life review. On the question of whether Brinkley's experiences, and the many similar accounts of NDEs, provide a genuine preview of what we can expect when our fleshly bodies expire and we leave the earthly scene, I am not prepared to issue an opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book Review: This book was very informative about a man who was struck by lightening and died and came back to life. It explains his experience while he was dead and in the spirit world. For those of us who have passed over loved ones this book gives us insight as to life after death and clarity. It provokes much thought about the afterlife. His collegues he mentions in the book have alot of credablity. I would recommend it to anyone who is interest in this subject matter.
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