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Rating:  Summary: An interesting read, but highly speculative Review: I've read a variety of books dealing with similar mysteries, and this is certainly one of the more entertaining and interesting of that genre. However, the authors fall into the fairly typical track of getting extremely excited about their "discovery," and then analyzing the evidence to prove their theory. One of the most telling, and irritating, examples of this is their reliance on the specific words used in the Gospels. Even the oldest manuscripts we have of the gospels are copies and translations, so relying heavily on certain words, and giving them sub-textual meaning, is hardly "evidence" of any kind of conspiracy. Also suspect is their quickness to dismiss alternate accounts of events from other Gospels, simply ignoring their sources as either not being in on the "secret," or having gotten their information second hand.That being said, this is still a great read if you can keep your eye out for the corners that are being cut.
Rating:  Summary: The truth about the resurrection? Review: This is the most ineresting books that i have read that talk about the turin shroud,christ and the resurrection. The authors of the book postulate that christ did not die on the cross but was actually rescued from his death. This theory is based on the findings of their painfully detailed scientific research that blood flowed from the body of christ into the cloth after he was removed from the cross. This bleeding as such has revealed that christ was indeed still alive at the time of being wrapped in the cloth. Their thorough analysis of the scriptures then lead them into a hypothesis that Joseph and nicodemus in conjuction with the centurion had a plot to rescue jesus. They site in their detailed research that jesus had a "quick" death. He was put on the cross at 12pm and then removed at 3pm, they site that other people who where crucifed at the same time who had the same punishment survived a much longer period of time; days in fact. It is postulated that Jesus was drugged with an opium based vinegar that was presented to him by the centurion. This made him unconscious and then he was removed from the cross and moved to a tomb made by Joseph. According to the book this tomb that was supposedly built by Joseph for his family was indeed intended to save jesus. As Joseph and his family lived far away and building a family tomb so far away made no sense ..unless it was built to save jesus. The theory then states that the burial of jesus was in fact incomplete, according to the eyewitness account of john. He had previously been witness to the burial of Lazarus and therefore understood the jewish method of burial. In the case of jesus this was very different, it was incomplete becasue he was not being buried but being 'healed'. Jesus upon being packed with aloe,oil and myrth was wrapped in the cloth to help heal his wounds..which were still bleeding. After jesus had regained consciousness he was escorted away by joseph and nicodemus. The authors explain there was no guard at the tomb to prevent this because it is highly unlikely that the romans would have complied to such an unusual request. Upon his regaining of consciousnous they helped jesus from the tomb and then he was dressed in gardners clothes to help disguise him. This is where mary magdalene mistakes jesus for a gardner. The theory states that it would be likely for her to mistake him as he was badly beaten and his faced was bruised and discoloured from the aloe and mirth cocktail. After this the authors state that jesus was then taken away by the essenes and recovered in a settlement with them. After a period of time he came back to see his disciples and he revealed himself again, but in a bodily form. It is said that he ate with them to show them that he was indeed a body and not a spirit. The Turin shroud is the underlying key to the hypothesis that jesus survived the crucificion. As it has a great many details about the person that was wrapped in it. The shroud itself is very carefully tracked through history by the authors in immmense detail. The shroud is said not to be a forgery it is said to be indeed a genuine article, which held the still living body of christ. The authors present a very valid case why this is so. According to the authors the dating of the shroud that reveals its medieval background was definitely rigged. There are way too many discepancies and inconsistencies in the stories of ALL involved that make this book so wonderfully compelling. Why did they rig the test?? What was there to hide? Was the Vatican involved? The authors state that the central pauline theme of christianity which declares that christ died on the cross was in jeapordy. Therefore the Vatican fearing this participated in the fixing of the dating tests with the carefully selected scientists who would participate. The authors mention something of great interest in that one of the scientists had a book that was being sold BEFORE the official dating test results were released. In which the scientist told of the shround's medieval history. The authors then state How would he know this BEFORE the test were completed??? And why did he say it was a medieval relic and not one from say the 600AD?? very interesting indeed.. It is not an easy read as their are hundreds of quotes, people and facts that need to be absorbed. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and would recommend it to all. Obviously those of the christian faith may be somewhat disturbed by what they read but if taken with an open mind an excellent case has been formed. Whether it is all true or not that will come down to the individual..nevertheless it is a great book one sure to stir emotions and spark debate..READ IT!!
Rating:  Summary: Puuuuhhhlease!!! Review: Wow. Another book spun, yes spun to the author's agenda. He presents many studies on the shroud, but looks at the evidence his own way..the whole time lying to the reader. For the truth about the shroud, buy the 'Resurrection of the shroud' by Antonacci. This book is another example of Liberals trying to disprove anything and everything about Jesus. This author is so bad he would do anything to disprove Jesus and everything about his teaching if Video existed of everything the Gospels truthfully reveal. Avoid this .....the only people reading this and believing are athiests Christian haters. Pity on them!
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