Rating:  Summary: Informative book Review: (I am from Iceland, so if there are some spelling errors it is because english is not my native language, and I am to lazy to search in a dictionnary.)I read this book about 5-years ago for the first time, and I have read it all in all about three times. I have not read any other creationist book with as much information about the humans now extinct like cro-magnon and neardelthal etc. It explains that creatures like "Lucy" and others are simply apes. It is interesting to read about how a fossil can change from one kind of hominid to antoher in the mind of the paleoanthroplogist, just to fit what is currently believed in his field, and than change again when the doctrine changes. The fossil can become old, young again, and then old again even though no new information have been atained about him and he has been dated by the carbon II method only once etc. What I dislike: 1. Lubenow believes in a young earth, I don't. 2. Sometimes the text in the book is not written very well, and is a bit boring. One negative reviewer said this: The stratigraphic "evidence" is selectively presented in a distortive, inaccurate fashion, so as to suit conclusions previously reached. I ask: if you have read the book, why do you not even try to refute any of it's arguments??
Rating:  Summary: Unique critique of famous fossils; but slightly disorganized Review: Despite the pronouncements of naturalists that evolution has clearly won the war of origins, Christian creationists are growing in their ability to bring new perspectives to the evidence involved in the debate. Marvin Lubenow is one such young-earth creationist. In an era with much important writing (and predictable controversy) in the intelligent design arena, Lubenow offers back-to-the-basics analysis of the so-called "hominid fossils" that are the backbone of the human evolution story. Lubenow challenges the naturalistic assumption that important fossils are few and far between. Instead, Lubenow considers a very wide range of human fossils and systematically explains how most of the well-known fossils such as Java Man, Homo erectus and Neanderthals have been misinterpreted by the entrenched, circular institution of evolutionary sciences as multimillion-year-old hominid ancestors. To take the case further, the author carefully compares the morphology of these fossils (anatomical shape of skulls, femurs, etc.) and other associated evidence, like fossilized tools, to show these important specimens are best described as modern humans. The overall organization of the book is somewhat confusing, but there are multiple chapters that progress nicely within themselves. Chapters One through Four discuss the methods of analysis used by evolutionists and by Lubenow. The words of an evolutionist must be carefully considered because, "While he is certainly not telling the truth, in his own mind, he is not lying. He is speaking a different language, and the public has not learned the translation" (p. 32). Numerous quotations of technical evolutionary language that avoid problems in data are provided throughout the book. In chapters Five through Seven, various well-known fossil hominids are scrutinized to demonstrate the "magic-wand" that evolutionists use to make various fossil finds conform to whatever evolutionary theory needs to be supported. In many cases, the public was subjected to a public relations campaign about the importance of the find even before mainstream evolutionists scrutinized the evidence. Further, human evolution can actually be falsified on its own criteria from the fossil evidence. "If Homo erectus people persisted long after they should have died out" or "if one could show fossils indistinguishable from modern humans existed long before they were supposed to exist...this also would falsify the concept" (p. 48). The book seeks to meet both of these challenges to devastate the theory of human evolution on both the timeline and anatomy of the fossil evidence. Chapters Eight through Eleven detail the work of Eugene Dubois, whose Java Man find in 1891 became the hallmark transitional form of twentieth century evolution. Lubenow documents his reasons for being highly critical of the methods and even scientific ethics of Dubois relating to Java Man and his other finds. Despite the shoddy methods, "Java man was eventually accepted as our evolutionary ancestor in spite of the evidence because he could be interpreted to promote evolution" (p. 87). The wildly varying fossil record of Homo erectus is analyzed in chapters Twelve and Thirteen and shown to cover an incredible range of dates even by the evolutionists' own estimates. The skull morphology and other non-circular evidence actually establish that Home erectus was fully human and left fossil specimens everywhere in the alleged timeline. Chapter Fourteen provides a young-earth creationist's explanation of the Ice Age that followed the Flood of Noah and how this event affected dietary and other health-related concerns to affect the morphology of human fossils, especially Neanderthal. Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen extensively document, and chart, how Homo habilis and other fossils actually falsify the evolutionists' account because of tools, footprints, and the recurring theme of "fossils that are indistinguishable from modern humans [that] can be traced all the way back to 4.5 m.y.a, according to the evolution time scale" (p. 178). The final chapters touch on various subjects of interest to science and theology, such as ethics, the Big Bang, the TOLeDOT structure of Genesis, and the various evangelical views of origins. Lubenow concludes his work with an Appendix on the use of radiometric dating methods often so important to evolutionists. The Appendix is essentially a critique of the ten-year controversy concerning the 1967-69 KBS Tuff finds in Kenya. Radiometric dating is shown to be highly subjective, often inaccurate, and even irrelevant to evolutionists when it produces disagreeable results for evolutionary theory. Marvin Lubenow has provided a technical book that is enjoyable to read and presents the fruit of decades invested doing original research and analysis on evolution. Most of the book is a critique of the methods of evolution, but there is also a considerable amount of new interpretation for the "Bones of Contention".
Rating:  Summary: Good Book on the Fossil Evidence Review: I must say that I came into this book with the presupposition that creation is true, but the evidence was quiet intriguing. I must admit that Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is not very scientific. The concept of Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is a Philosophical concept brought into the arena of science (a scientist can never be truly objective). Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is a Metaphysical science, not empirical science. They start out with their presupposition, just as creationists do. Lubenow does a wonderful job systematizing the different fossils. Many will not agree with the collection of data that he brings, because it undermines their fundamental presupposition (i.e. that Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is true, God doesn't exist, etc.). Lubenow is in a good position, because he has studied the evidence for a long time(25 years), and therefore, he should at least be given a forum for debate. The only problem that I have with the book is that it was written for the laymen. This, of course, was his intention, but in order to really be noticed in the "scholarly" world, you have to have a scholarly book. But, the dating on the fossil in the appendix was excellent. This book should be read by anyone, no matter where you stand on the issue. I loved his analysis of the different species and subspecies. He did a great job showing that it is implausible for Evolution/Methodological Naturalism to be true, and that the evidence given by scientists is contradictory. Overall, this was an excellent book and a very find read.
Rating:  Summary: Good Book on the Fossil Evidence Review: I must say that I came into this book with the presupposition that creation is true, but the evidence was quiet intriguing. I must admit that Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is not very scientific. The concept of Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is a Philosophical concept brought into the arena of science (a scientist can never be truly objective). Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is a Metaphysical science, not empirical science. They start out with their presupposition, just as creationists do. Lubenow does a wonderful job systematizing the different fossils. Many will not agree with the collection of data that he brings, because it undermines their fundamental presupposition (i.e. that Evolution/Methodological Naturalism is true, God doesn't exist, etc.). Lubenow is in a good position, because he has studied the evidence for a long time(25 years), and therefore, he should at least be given a forum for debate. The only problem that I have with the book is that it was written for the laymen. This, of course, was his intention, but in order to really be noticed in the "scholarly" world, you have to have a scholarly book. But, the dating on the fossil in the appendix was excellent. This book should be read by anyone, no matter where you stand on the issue. I loved his analysis of the different species and subspecies. He did a great job showing that it is implausible for Evolution/Methodological Naturalism to be true, and that the evidence given by scientists is contradictory. Overall, this was an excellent book and a very find read.
Rating:  Summary: evolution turned on evolutionists Review: If highschool general science class left alot of questions for you, this book will answer many of them. Excellent account of human fossil history, written for a layman like me. Plenty of definitions when reqired. Instead of just producing his own theories on the subject matter, he very effectively uses evolutionists' own arguements, findings, and quotes against them. For example: rather than argue over young earth creation vs billions of years in evolution, he accepts their dates to base effective arguements from. In depth discussions in every chapter on all of our favorite science text book characters (Java man, Lucy, Nearderthal, etc). Lubenow provides quite a bit of information on a wide variety of topics in under 300 pgs. He also exposes evolutionists' dangerous circular reasoning of letting bones prove theory while using theory to fit bones. This book aswered alot of my questions regarding human fossils and left me with this overall thought. Maybe we should let the fossil record speak for itself, istead of trying to make the bones fit a preexisting theory. Every highschool student should read this book as a prerequiset to science class.
Rating:  Summary: This Book exposes the bogus Theory of Evolution Review: In this excellent book by Marvin Lubenow, read why the science of paleoanthropology is not really a science, but an "art" built on an awful lot of guess work - especially regarding the evolution theory. Under the guise of science, the evolutionary theory has been thrust on us without a shread of direct valid evidence. Its time people woke up to the fact that scientists worldwide are fraudulently holding up on high their bogus theory of evolution. Nothing in the fossil records indicate man existed more than 7,000 - 8,000 years ago (approx time Genesis says Adam & Eve were created). But there is an awful lot of fraud such as Piltdown Man and Neandertal man in our search for our beginnings. And carbon dating is very suspect as most already know. In this book Marvin Lubenow exposes the "Evolution" scheme quit well. It shows why scientists outright lie to maintain this theory even in light of much more historical and observable evidence for creation. What good is a scientist who has never been "published"? And think how boring a created world would be to a scientist. Answers to these may hint to why the evolution theory does not just flop off the table into cartoon history.
Rating:  Summary: In summary, human evolution never occurred. Review: Lubenow is obviously a true scientist, he has really researched his topic adamently, and the deception involved in anthropology becomes brilliantly clear. He uses composite charts to show that all the so called human ancestors were contemporaneous with each other as well as modern homo sapiens. He also shows the morphological interpretations made and how anthropologists use thier magic wands to switch taxons when the dates don't fit, or the dates when the taxons dont fit correctly whith thier preconcieved theory, and also uses only respectable anthropologist and evolutionist quotes to support his interpretations of the taxon's being well within the morphological spectra of modern humans. This is all done on the evolutionist's own time scale, so if you are an old earth creationist it wil still be of use to you, although you may reconsider your position in light of his appendix on the "Dating Game" in reference to skull 1470 revealing the true adherance radioisotope dating has to its master, evolution. It is truly amazing the great lengths men have gone to in order to decieve the public about origins. When an anthropologist makes claims about the extreme rarity of human ancestral fossils or fossil hominids, as Lubenow shows, they simply mean the ones that will fit the theory of human evolution are extremely rare, or non existant! I am grateful for honest intellectuals like Lubenow. Not only does he show that the fossil record is in complete compliance with the idea that humans were created but he shows how the current fossils effectively falsify the theory of human evolution. This is a great book for anyone taking anthropology, or desiring clear intellegent interpretations of data that completely falsify the theory of human evolution.
Rating:  Summary: In summary, human evolution never occurred. Review: Lubenow is obviously a true scientist, he has really researched his topic adamently, and the deception involved in anthropology becomes brilliantly clear. He uses composite charts to show that all the so called human ancestors were contemporaneous with each other as well as modern homo sapiens. He also shows the morphological interpretations made and how anthropologists use thier magic wands to switch taxons when the dates don't fit, or the dates when the taxons dont fit correctly whith thier preconcieved theory, and also uses only respectable anthropologist and evolutionist quotes to support his interpretations of the taxon's being well within the morphological spectra of modern humans. This is all done on the evolutionist's own time scale, so if you are an old earth creationist it wil still be of use to you, although you may reconsider your position in light of his appendix on the "Dating Game" in reference to skull 1470 revealing the true adherance radioisotope dating has to its master, evolution. It is truly amazing the great lengths men have gone to in order to decieve the public about origins. When an anthropologist makes claims about the extreme rarity of human ancestral fossils or fossil hominids, as Lubenow shows, they simply mean the ones that will fit the theory of human evolution are extremely rare, or non existant! I am grateful for honest intellectuals like Lubenow. Not only does he show that the fossil record is in complete compliance with the idea that humans were created but he shows how the current fossils effectively falsify the theory of human evolution. This is a great book for anyone taking anthropology, or desiring clear intellegent interpretations of data that completely falsify the theory of human evolution.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This book is by far the best book for those that are looking to apply Scientific Method to analysis of the Theory of Evolution. It is also one of the best sources for debate material, from a Christian standpoint... This book was instrumental in my own change from staunch evolutionish to creationist. Those looking for other resources such as this should check out the Institue for Creation Research (...)
Rating:  Summary: A waste of good paper Review: This is a good example of the typical self-delusion of creationism passing as serious thought. All the book really proves in its pages is that if a person wishes something to be so badly enough, it will become so, but only in his or her own mind. The stratigraphic "evidence" is selectively presented in a distortive, inaccurate fashion, so as to suit conclusions previously reached. The serious reader on the subject is far better advised to read Kurten's "Not From the Apes", and not some drivel like this book.