Rating:  Summary: Insightful commentary on the state of Christendom today Review: All I can say about this book is "Wow!". Don't let the simple title of this book mislead you. This book has a lot of twists and turns. The author causes you to really think about things that you take for granted. You think you understand the meaning of Jesus Christ's parables in the Bible. You think you know what "mammon" means. You may even believe that you are a sold out believer of Jesus Christ or you may actually be a hireling Don't get this book if you like the status quo and if you are perfectly content to have others do your thinking for you.Other reviewers were disturbed by the author's tone. I say do not let that distract you from what the author is saying in the book. At the very least, this book will have you re-thinking some things you thought you already knew about the kingdom of God. I know that I have experienced a series of eye-openers while reading this book. Get your Bible out and ask God for wisdom. Then read this book to see for yourself if the things that this author states are true.
Rating:  Summary: Finally Review: All I can say about this book is "Wow!". Don't let the simple title of this book mislead you. This book has a lot of twists and turns. The author causes you to really think about things that you take for granted. You think you understand the meaning of Jesus Christ's parables in the Bible. You think you know what "mammon" means. You may even believe that you are a sold out believer of Jesus Christ or you may actually be a hireling Don't get this book if you like the status quo and if you are perfectly content to have others do your thinking for you. Other reviewers were disturbed by the author's tone. I say do not let that distract you from what the author is saying in the book. At the very least, this book will have you re-thinking some things you thought you already knew about the kingdom of God. I know that I have experienced a series of eye-openers while reading this book. Get your Bible out and ask God for wisdom. Then read this book to see for yourself if the things that this author states are true.
Rating:  Summary: It's about time Review: Christian writer and preacher Leonard Ravenhill once said, "One day someone is going to open up the Bible, truly believe it, and then we are all going to be ashamed." The (sadly) anonymous author of "The Great Dream" appears to be one of those people who truly believes the Book. Somewhat unusual - and not the sort of tome you are likely to find sitting next to one of Max Lucado's latest bestsellers on the shelves of your average Christian bookstore - "The Great Dream" hammers home the fact that the vast majority of the Church of Jesus Christ in these Last Days has fallen into a numbing apostasy, much like an adulterious wife who fails to be reconciled, preferring her flashy lover to the loving husband. The author also goes so far as to claim that there is little possibility of tearful repentence, either. What claims to be "The Church" is too far gone. Now interpretations of how the end of all things will play out are varied and quite antagonistic toward other views. Even the author claims no perfect end-times analysis. What is claimed, though, is that Christians are falling short of the mark so badly that the very existence of the Church is threatened. The sincerity of the unknown author's passion for the faithful remnant is without a doubt. Nor are the writer's indictments misplaced - there does appear to be a falling away that may only get worse. The "retrenching" action called for in "The Great Dream" sounds like the best course for those who desire to be sheep and not goats. Any book this heartfelt cannot be ignored, but "The Great Dream" does have its issues. The author's very inability to stick with a single end-times interpretation clouds the book. There's a leaning toward classical Dispensationalism (think Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth"), which has its own set of problems. This struggle plays out repeatedly on the very pages of "The Great Dream", tempering every pronouncement, qualifying every indictment in a way that even bothers the author. "The Great Dream" wears thin about halfway through. The point that the Church is rapidly becoming apostate is well-taken by then. The cry for radical surrender to Christ is either heeded or it is not. Also, the author's "talky" style of writing is tiring, especially when the author's internal dialogs are played out on the page. Still, any book this unafraid to rattle the Church's cages gets stars just for its radical call to arms. What readers do with "The Great Dream" is up to them. I for one will become more vigilant. In the end, that may be the best promotion of the book I can offer.
Rating:  Summary: Great book Review: I do not have much to say that has not already been said. But I just want to say that this book is great.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a must read! Review: If you have ever wondered what in the world is going on with people who profess to be Christians, but are willing to compromise on the teachings of Christ, this book is a must read for you. There is a vast difference between those who casually and carelessly profess Christ, and those who truly follow Him and are known by Him. You will be encouraged to follow Christ at all costs and without compromise. You will find yourself examining your own faith like you never have before, and you will be challenged and thrilled to discover just what it is made of. There is no better description of the prophecied apostasy of Christendom to be found anywhere else. The Great Dream is all of this and much much more. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a must read! Review: If you have ever wondered what in the world is going on with people who profess to be Christians, but are willing to compromise on the teachings of Christ, this book is a must read for you. There is a vast difference between those who casually and carelessly profess Christ, and those who truly follow Him and are known by Him. You will be encouraged to follow Christ at all costs and without compromise. You will find yourself examining your own faith like you never have before, and you will be challenged and thrilled to discover just what it is made of. There is no better description of the prophecied apostasy of Christendom to be found anywhere else. The Great Dream is all of this and much much more. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A riveting soul searching book! Review: The Great Dream is an awesome read! It is well written and organized, you don't feel preached at or talked down to. The author writes to you in a personal conversational way and you will know when you are specifically being spoken too just by the way you react within yourself at what you have just read. Have you ever felt or just "known" things concerning religeous doctrines or teachings of men or their interpretation of "The Bible" were right or wrong somehow, but couldn't really put your finger on it? Well, The Great Dream is the book you can put your finger on! (And yes you can and should keep your bible handy to check what is written to see if The Great Dream rings true.) When you read this book you will catch yourself saying "I knew that!" Or "So that's what that really means,I thought so!" Be forwarned though, the farther you read into this book the deeper into your soul you will have to look and that means being honest and truthful with yourself, which can be a hard thing to do. I know...because I just described my experience with The Great Dream.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This book has answered many of our questions regarding issues we have seen/experienced over the last 20 years. When comparing the first century church with what it has morphed into today you get a much clearer understanding of what Jesus the Messiah was saying in Matt 7. A must read for those who sense something is wrong with modern Churchdom but just can't seem to put a finger on what it is.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This book has answered many of our questions regarding issues we have seen/experienced over the last 20 years. When comparing the first century church with what it has morphed into today you get a much clearer understanding of what Jesus the Messiah was saying in Matt 7. A must read for those who sense something is wrong with modern Churchdom but just can't seem to put a finger on what it is.
Rating:  Summary: You've never read a "Christian" book like THIS! Review: This book is a masterpiece describing the particulars of the final apostasy of Christendom (i.e. professing Christians worldwide). Throughout the course of reading this book, you'll see how the apostasy has affected YOU--especially how lightly you've taken the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. For some, this book will instill a sobriety from which you will never recover. For the truly sincere, every page brings weight of conviction to the Right and True, and a lightening of the yoke of traditions and wisdom of men. One thing is for sure: you'll either HATE it, or LOVE it. Read it and be blessed!