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Rating:  Summary: Very largely false, even propagandist Review: as a former faithful viewer of his show on tbn, i can atest to his blatent subjective view of news etc, undoubtly he has a disguised hatred fo rislam as did i before i came to my senses and rode the middle line (objectivity) with politics and religion, while im still a christian no longer am i blinded by fundamentalism and in part the blatent arrogance of haggee and falwell helped me notice how wrong i was. Also he judges anyone who is for equal treatment of {homosexuals} and pro affirmative action and anti war as liberal oprutunnists. While hes not as bad as your typical muslim cleric hes just as hateful
Rating:  Summary: Can you plagiarize yourself? Review: Attack on America is essentially a re-arranged version of Beginning of the End. If you haven't read Beginning of the End, then this will be an interesting book. But if you've already read it, you'll probably want to pass on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Can you plagiarize yourself? Review: Attack on America is essentially a re-arranged version of Beginning of the End. If you haven't read Beginning of the End, then this will be an interesting book. But if you've already read it, you'll probably want to pass on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Very largely false, even propagandist Review: Because of the section of my local bookshop in which "Attack On America: New York, Jerusalem, And The Role Of Terrorism In The Last Days" was placed ("inspirational"), I was willing to read it with the expectation of a readable perspective on the September 11 terrorist attacks.However, apart from one part of the book that deals with the debate over the ownership of the numerous holy sites within Jerusalem, in which Hagee shows he does have the ability to understand important issues, the rest of the book is very typical fundamentalist preaching that has little or (usually) no evidence. For instance, Hagee says that Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan and North Korea were the countries responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks. In cold reality, it was wealthy oil sheikhs and the Muslim monarchies of the Persian Gulf who funded and fund al-Qa'ida and the September 11 attacks. The CIA indeed built al-Qa'ida as a a fanatical bulwark (unrivalled in strength due to Saudi oil money) against genuine socialism. The US government denies this merely to hide its supports for extremely anti-democratic ideoligies to protect against a socialist revolution that could destroy the right to profit and power of the US ruling elite. Hagee comes off as an apologist for a government concerned merely with protecting the wealth and power of its ruling elite. The later parts of the book are focused on typical themes of fundamentalist Christianity and are equally absurd in themselves. For one thing, paganism is not in itself responsible for the alleged problems of marriage breakdowns, promiscuous sexuality, abortion, violence among children etc. For another, Muslim terrorists never appear to have knowledge of - and certainly do not focus on - the supposed decay in moral standards in American society, so that to claim legalisation of homosexuality and abortion (etc.) caused the September 11 attacks is pure propaganda designed to curtail the freedom of ordinary people. The last part of the book goes even further from reality with another classic claim of fundamentalist preachers repeated: the "new world order" which in reality is a natural consequence of the development of capitalism and the competition between capitalists. The "one world government" claim really is a classic claim of US nationalists. Not recommended if you want a decent look at September 11.
Rating:  Summary: Shaping Reality to Beliefs. Review: Hagee quotes passages attributed to Jesus on when we will know the end of days is coming. Jesus said according to the author of Matthew that wars, famine pestilence, and earthquakes would mark the Second Coming. This is difficult to verify, as you might imagine since wars, pestilence, famine, and earthquakes have always occurred. Hagee makes a rather strange prediction that after September 11th Russia will soon "form a coalition of Arab nations in an all-out attack against Israel" (p. 14-15). Has this occurred? Not yet and Russia has even expanded its cooperation with NATO! But since Hagee doesn't specify how long "in the immediate future" is I can't be sure when the prophecy will be fulfilled. He claims this is predicted in Ezekiel, 38 and 39, which was said to have been written about 2,500 years ago. This army is suppose to come "riding upon horses" (Ezekiel 38:15). Imagine that, Israel with its tanks, missiles, and jet airplanes confronting an army riding on horses. In 38 they are handling swords. Later in 39 Israel will burn shields, bows, arrows, and spears. It almost seems that Ezekiel is referring to a time period more closely associated from the historical context in which it was written and not 2,500 years later. As I searched Hagee's book for prophecy I come along a reference to Nazi's being "without the acknowledgment of God" (p. 114). Does he really not know or is he being deliberately deceptive? Lets take a look at Nazism's religious acknowledgment in the words of its spokesman and leader. Today Christians ... stand at the head of [this country]... I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity. We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit ... We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press - in short, we want to burn out the *poison of immorality* which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of *liberal excess* during the past ... (few) years. [The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1 (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pg. 871-872] I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work. [Adolph Hitler, Speech, Reichstag, 1936] Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction, and a general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training and religion must be derived from faith . . . we need believing people. [Adolf Hitler, April 26, 1933, from a speech made during negotiations leading to the Nazi-Vatican Concordant of 1933] I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator. [Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp. 46] I am sorry but I can't take Hagee's work seriously and the fact that other individuals do is quite scary to me.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Review: I'm giving this a five star since the authors went at this with what many authors dont, sincereness. These two have honestly tried to help in that they are trying to educate us of what could happen. They did a great deal of research, both biblically and academic. They do not back the reasons why this happened, but inform us that the terrorist thinks in terms of revenge on their part for things they do not understand. We Americans have no idea of how the terrorist then thinks, leaving us open for attack as we do in no way expect it. This book brings us closer to the thinking of these attackers. I am surprised this book is rated so low here, should be much higher. (...)
Rating:  Summary: Nonsense Review: Much of this book was very interesting to me, but at times it sort of began to drag. Hagee is very opinionated and often times will declare a theory as an absolute fact. But overall it was very informative. It explains in detail the source of conflict in Israel and examines it's history. If you are interested in bible prophecy and the temple mount, you will find this book useful. The title is a little misleading because the majority of the book doesn't really directly talk about the 9/11 attack on America, but rather it's cause and it's place in prophecy. Granted, Hagee can come off blunt at times,but I would say that the other reviewer who compared him to Adolf Hitler is way out of line and may just have an axe to grind with Christians. This book is not a masterpiece, but there needs to be more books (such as this one) that offer the real story behind the Islamic hatred of Israel and the west and the goals of a one world religion through "Jihad". We are living in a time when the citizens of our country need to be more informed of what is going on in this world and why. This book will shed some light.
Rating:  Summary: Opinionated, but Informative. A Good Read. Review: Much of this book was very interesting to me, but at times it sort of began to drag. Hagee is very opinionated and often times will declare a theory as an absolute fact. But overall it was very informative. It explains in detail the source of conflict in Israel and examines it's history. If you are interested in bible prophecy and the temple mount, you will find this book useful. The title is a little misleading because the majority of the book doesn't really directly talk about the 9/11 attack on America, but rather it's cause and it's place in prophecy. Granted, Hagee can come off blunt at times,but I would say that the other reviewer who compared him to Adolf Hitler is way out of line and may just have an axe to grind with Christians. This book is not a masterpiece, but there needs to be more books (such as this one) that offer the real story behind the Islamic hatred of Israel and the west and the goals of a one world religion through "Jihad". We are living in a time when the citizens of our country need to be more informed of what is going on in this world and why. This book will shed some light.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Pastor Hagee is an inspiring Christian and a man who speaks from the heart and with a tremendous amount of passion for the Word of God. I found this book to be compelling, and moreso for the historical facts laid out. The book is not written in a complex fashion and is easy to understand. The other good quality about this book is that it does not go off onto a tangeant and deviate from the author's major points of emphasis. I also had an opportunity to read some of the other critics' reviews and am very familiar with the mudslinging and namecalling: bigot, racist, etc. But might I suggest the following for those who speak without knowing: Christianity is most certainly about love, but for those who refuse to believe, they are marked to experience the wrath of God; this is not negotiable. I would also like to add that there seems to exist an assumption about Christianity that makes the claim that we, as God's creation, have divine permission to promote peace above God's Word and the prophecies that will soon be fulfilled; but there is no compromise. The answer to the question concerning what is behind terrorism and the death and destruction of people here on earth is quite simple--Satan, the accuser. If you really want to know about the word of God and have a sincere desire to learn it, you read the Bible. There are no teachings of an ecunemical church that can override the Word of God. As far as I know, Mr. Hagee is well versed on what he is preaching. It has been his life and profession for many years. Although I only watch him on television, Mr. Hagee's preaching fires me up for the return of Christ.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Review: Pastor Hagee is an inspiring Christian and a man who speaks from the heart and with a tremendous amount of passion for the Word of God. I found this book to be compelling, and moreso for the historical facts laid out. The book is not written in a complex fashion and is easy to understand. The other good quality about this book is that it does not go off onto a tangeant and deviate from the author's major points of emphasis. I also had an opportunity to read some of the other critics' reviews and am very familiar with the mudslinging and namecalling: bigot, racist, etc. But might I suggest the following for those who speak without knowing: Christianity is most certainly about love, but for those who refuse to believe, they are marked to experience the wrath of God; this is not negotiable. I would also like to add that there seems to exist an assumption about Christianity that makes the claim that we, as God's creation, have divine permission to promote peace above God's Word and the prophecies that will soon be fulfilled; but there is no compromise. The answer to the question concerning what is behind terrorism and the death and destruction of people here on earth is quite simple--Satan, the accuser. If you really want to know about the word of God and have a sincere desire to learn it, you read the Bible. There are no teachings of an ecunemical church that can override the Word of God. As far as I know, Mr. Hagee is well versed on what he is preaching. It has been his life and profession for many years. Although I only watch him on television, Mr. Hagee's preaching fires me up for the return of Christ.
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