Rating:  Summary: This book has been a long time coming Review: Books have profound potential-particularly this one. Gary Wiens is saturated with God, and his great passion fills the pages of this book. "BRIDAL INTERCESSION" will totally change your view of God and the way you approach Him.
Rating:  Summary: Time for a prayer paradigm shift Review: Do you need a refreshing in your prayer life? Maybe it's time for a new approach. Read this book - then talk to God about it. One of the wonders of our God is that He is ever granting new revelation to His people. Gary Wiens has been granted a precious revelation of God's heart for 2-way communication with the ones He loves. This book will challenge (and hopefully change) the way you perceive yourself, your relationship with God and the way you come to Him in prayer. Did you ever notice how God loves to step into human history and make BIG changes? "Let there be ... and there was," "The waters flooded the earth for 150 days ..." "Let my people go ..." "Shout! for the Lord has given you the city ..." "The sun stopped in the middle of the sky ..." "The virgin will be with child ..." "the Word became flesh ... who takes away the sins of the world," "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation." "Who has made the two one and destroyed the barrier ... His purpose was to create one new man," etc!!! Halleluia! Well, He is doing it again with the prayer movement and His changes shake things up for the best. The subject of this book is a different position in prayer. God is looking for a mate, a companion, a partner - a Bride, "until death due us part" or in His terminology "from everlasting to everlasting." He is "proposing" to US and wants our praying to come out of that relationship. Gary Wiens has been given a marvelous gift with words and has spent many years of his life developing both an intimate relationship with the "GIFTGIVER" and pursuing the perfection of that gift. He is in love with his God and is passionate, animated and articulate about it! These traits shine forth in this work. I pray that it will be life changing to those who study it. One of the wonders of the age in which we live is that when revelation is given to one member of the "Body of Messiah," it can be readily transmitted to all members. Thank you, Gary, for your discipline, diligence, sacrifices and obedience. May our God once more perpetrate a mighty change to human history and may this be one of His instruments.
Rating:  Summary: An Answer to Prayer Review: Gary Wiens book "Bridal Intercession, Authority in Prayer through Intimacy with Jesus" is an answer to prayer. A deeper, closer, more intimate relationship with God has always been my prayer and Gary's book gives a startling perspective on achieving a closeness as His Bride! What could be more intimate!? This idea is astounding, revelatory! To think of God as the Bridegroom rejoicing over us as in Isa. 62:5 is a joy beyond description. HALLELUYAH! Praise the Lord! Gary's method of writing is easy to read and comprehend; a delight. He uses many interesting personal experiences to convey his point of view along with corresponding scripture references. I highly recommend this book to all and I am thrilled to find it available on Amazon.com.
Rating:  Summary: An Answer to Prayer Review: Gary Wiens book "Bridal Intercession, Authority in Prayer through Intimacy with Jesus" is an answer to prayer. A deeper, closer, more intimate relationship with God has always been my prayer and Gary's book gives a startling perspective on achieving a closeness as His Bride! What could be more intimate!? This idea is astounding, revelatory! To think of God as the Bridegroom rejoicing over us as in Isa. 62:5 is a joy beyond description. HALLELUYAH! Praise the Lord! Gary's method of writing is easy to read and comprehend; a delight. He uses many interesting personal experiences to convey his point of view along with corresponding scripture references. I highly recommend this book to all and I am thrilled to find it available on Amazon.com.
Rating:  Summary: long time coming - praying out of intimacy Review: Gary Wiens has written a wonderful book for three groups -- those who desire greater intimacy with God, those who want to pray, serve, and speak from the father's heart rather than their own, and those who are tired of trying to get rid of the sins in their lives by keeping the law.
Rating:  Summary: Makes me hear wedding bells Review: I can sincerely claim that I have begged, borrowed or purchased at least 200 books on prayer since the beginning of the 1990s when God began to awaken me with a calling to intercession. I'm not claiming expertise in stating this, but simply to state that this book truly stands out among the best in my experience. The vehement lovesickness for Jesus that Gary Wiens conveys in this book is contagious. I look for such voices who are venturing ahead into passionate abandonment and are beckoning back to us to follow them as they follow Christ. The author provides a number of biblical insights, recounting the scriptures and then sifting through them to offer us wonderful and impacting statements into both the Person of Christ and the ways of God. If you are interested in prayer that is fanned by a heart that is ecstatic at being overtaken by Love personified, get this book.
Rating:  Summary: Makes me hear wedding bells Review: I can sincerely claim that I have begged, borrowed or purchased well over 100 books on prayer since the beginning of the 1990s when God began to awaken me with a calling to intercession. I'm not claiming expertise in stating this, but simply to state that this book truly stands out among the best in my experience.
The vehement lovesickness for Jesus that Gary Wiens conveys in this book is contagious. I look for such voices who are venturing ahead into passionate abandonment and are beckoning back to us to follow them as they follow Christ. The author provides a number of biblical insights, recounting the scriptures and then sifting through them to offer us wonderful and impacting statements into both the Person of Christ and the ways of God.
If you are interested in prayer that is fanned by a heart that is ecstatic at being overtaken by Love personified, get this book.
Rating:  Summary: The premier book on intercession Review: I have been a Christian for almost thirty years now, I have been in the ministry for almost twenty three years of that thirty. One of the key focuses of my ministry has from the very onset been prayer. It would not be an exxageration to say that I have read dozens of books on prayer, by many authors, representing many diverse streams of Christian thought. But in all of the books I have read on prayer, I have never been impacted by any like I was when I read Gary Weins' Bridal Intercession. Gary has done what every Christian author would give his proverbial right arm to be able to do, namely to not only assimilate and distribute information about his subject (as crucial as that is), but also to impart a burning passion to see the truths presented birthed in the hearts and minds of the reader. A warning! If you only see prayer as a cerebial exercise, or simply a spiritual discipline, Bridal Intercession isn't the book for you. But if, in the core of your being, you sense that our Bridegroom God has a plan, not just "a plan", but a divine strategy to see the heart of our Glorious King birthed and released through cooperative intercession in such a manner that the very spiritual atmosphere of whole cities are eternally affected, then this book will be a tool in the hand of the Master Potter in transforming your very being; igniting a fire on the altar of your heart that will never go out. To what end? That in reality the Kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Christ. As a writer and author myself, as the director of Passion for Jesus Ministries, as a watchman called to work in the establishing of a day and night house of prayer in my city; as one called to invite and train others to participate in the greatest calling afforded to the sons of men, namely joining in with the Soverign Lord in the establishing of His Kingdom on earth, I am always on the lookout for resources that can be given and used without reservation. Bridal Intercession is one such tool. I wish I had written it!
Rating:  Summary: Bridal Intercession never mentions Daniel! Review: I have read many prayer books, and this one is at the bottom of the list. The author does not believe in travailing or groaning in the spirit. He speaks against praying against spiritual strongholds over nations, and Daniel does all this when he weeps over Israel. The author should have mention Daniel chapter 9 on how he weeps over the sins of the nation and inturn tears down the spiritual stronghold. The one book that I recommend reading if you only read one intercession book is, "Father Forgive Us" by Jim W Goll.
Rating:  Summary: if this book could talk Review: The only thing that could make this a better book on the topic, at this juncture of revelation, is for Gary Wiens to make an audio edition. It is a great help and encouragement in one's prayer life!