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Rating:  Summary: Be Inspired and Challenged! Review: Hearing the words spoken by the man himself. The man who firsthand experienced those things at which he wrote about is beautiful. You can literally feel his heart and compassion for seeking the face of God and knowing the heart of God come across in his voice. The words he speaks are inspiring, uplifting yet convictional and needed! Why be buttered up with fluff. This series gets right to the heart of the matter. With additional monolouge that you won't find in the book and the other audio series and also the music that accompanies this tape is wonderful and well placed. This series is worth the money for sure. If have the book, this will make an excellent supplement to your collection. Feel the fire, feel the passion, become a God Chaser!
Rating:  Summary: PASSIONATE PURSUIT Review: In this book Tommy will light the fire in you to truly have a heart that hungers for more of God. I, in no way, feel that he is derogatory about the Scriptures. This is a man that hungers for more of God and will not settle for "religion." He wants a relationship with the living God and fears not what man says. Tommy loves the Lord and wants us each to experience that same love relationship with the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Jesus is what he hungers for and what he wants us to hunger for as well. More of Jesus NOT more of man's schedules and rigidity in our worship services. For the person that said he could not read past the first chapter, I suggest that you try again. maybe the enemy of your soul got you to put it down so that you could not experience the liberating love of Jesus. As far as Tommy calling the Word of God "old love letters" that IS exactly what Scripture is, God declaring His love for humanity. Tommy did not do anything wrong here, I say GO FOR IT Tommy!If we begin to read a book with the thought in our mind that we will find something that offends us, then the enemy of our soul WILL find a way to offend so that we cannot get what God has anointed his servants to deliver.
Rating:  Summary: No hay pan en la casa del pan Review: Las iglesias hoy dia se pueden estar llenando, aunque algunas estan raquíticas, pero se están alimentando de cualquier otra cosa menos de la presencia de Dios. Digo esto pues cuando Jesus llegaba a las aldeas gran multitud de personas se aglomeraban para comer del pan de vida. Hoy no es así. Si existe hoy un monte como el del "Sermón que tuvo Jesus" yo quiero estar ahí. Pero donde están las iglesias que tienen el tabernáculo donde habita la presencia de Dios. Wow, hay que buscar la presencia de Dios, y que nuestras congregaciones enciendan los hornos y se comience a preparar Pan, y repartirlo. Ahora tengo MUCHA Hambre.
Rating:  Summary: Hit the nail right on the head... Review: The churches are full, but of what are they full? As a very open-minded Christian, I share the feelings the author has concerning today's religious country clubs we call Churches. I don't think that the author of this book was trying to put down Scriptures as some supposed, but there is much to God and of God than what He has done in tha past. God wants us to enjoy His awesome presence and not just get a few goosebumps on Sunday mornings and leave the same way we went to Church. We are supposed to seek God's face and not His blessing (2 Chronicles 7:14). Generally speaking, I think that for years we, Christians, have shown the world how loud we can get, how big our buildings are, how holy we are, and yet, there is no bread in the House of Bread. Again, you CAN'T judge a book by reading one chapter, there's no wisdom on that, but this book and any other book that references the Bible MUST be evaluated in the light of the written Word of God and determine is the whole book is out of order with God's will or if there is some meat that is edible. Paul says, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I believe in revelations from God, but they must be in accord with Scripture. Generally speaking, I am so amazed at the arrogance we Christians have when we are confronted with a different point of view of God. If what someone says does not conform to what our doctrine, not Scriptures, teaches, we discard it so easily. While others might think the author is putting down Scripture, at the same time, they are elevating their doctrine/belief above Scripture. I think this book is fabulous and has answered so many questions I had had in the past concerning God. No, this book is not above the Bible, but it is worth the reading. Be a God Chaser not a blessings chaser. Chase the Giver, not the gifts. Be open to the Great Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God. If He says throw away the book, do it. Only HE can lead you to ALL truth. May God bless all who are seeking His face!!!
Rating:  Summary: Hit the nail right on the head... Review: The churches are full, but of what are they full? As a very open-minded Christian, I share the feelings the author has concerning today's religious country clubs we call Churches. I don't think that the author of this book was trying to put down Scriptures as some supposed, but there is much to God and of God than what He has done in tha past. God wants us to enjoy His awesome presence and not just get a few goosebumps on Sunday mornings and leave the same way we went to Church. We are supposed to seek God's face and not His blessing (2 Chronicles 7:14). Generally speaking, I think that for years we, Christians, have shown the world how loud we can get, how big our buildings are, how holy we are, and yet, there is no bread in the House of Bread. Again, you CAN'T judge a book by reading one chapter, there's no wisdom on that, but this book and any other book that references the Bible MUST be evaluated in the light of the written Word of God and determine is the whole book is out of order with God's will or if there is some meat that is edible. Paul says, "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." I believe in revelations from God, but they must be in accord with Scripture. Generally speaking, I am so amazed at the arrogance we Christians have when we are confronted with a different point of view of God. If what someone says does not conform to what our doctrine, not Scriptures, teaches, we discard it so easily. While others might think the author is putting down Scripture, at the same time, they are elevating their doctrine/belief above Scripture. I think this book is fabulous and has answered so many questions I had had in the past concerning God. No, this book is not above the Bible, but it is worth the reading. Be a God Chaser not a blessings chaser. Chase the Giver, not the gifts. Be open to the Great Teacher, the Holy Spirit of God. If He says throw away the book, do it. Only HE can lead you to ALL truth. May God bless all who are seeking His face!!!
Rating:  Summary: Audio quality is very poor Review: The quality of the recording on the Audio Series is very poor. It distracted from the message. I was expecting this to be a audio version of portions of the book, but instead they are poor recordings of his sermons. Tape 2 of 3 was a recording of someone besides Tommy Tenney.
Rating:  Summary: Put it down after the first chapter Review: This book has generated so much hype, and yet I fail to see how a Christian cannot be other than offended at the way Tenney treats the Bible. I picked this up to read, as it was recommended to me by a number of people, and I put it down again after the first chapter. He talks about the Bible as God's 'old love letters to the church' and defines a God-chaser as someone who is not content 'to camp out on some dusty old truth known to everyone'. I have listened to him preach at a conference and the same derogatory approach to the Bible and its doctrine was evident. So Scripture is not enough? Historic doctrine is inferior to Tenney's direct revelations? The teaching of Scripture is just dusty old truth, not the living word but 'old love letters'? Sorry, but this is nothing but plain mysticism. Tommy Tenney might think he has privileged access to new revelations and experiences of God above and beyond Scripture, but I don't accept it and have no intention of reading a book that so denigrates Scripture. Looks to me like nothing other than a revival of gnosticism.
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