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Rating:  Summary: One of the Most IMPORTANT Books of the year! Review: From the occult roots of global government to the United Nations "spiritual" influence within education, this books covers the subject of the "New World Religion" like no other. I found Kah's coverage of the United Nations affiliated "United Religions Initiative" -- a type of UN for religion -- to be of vital importance. You need to know about this organization and the events surrounding it! More than that, Gary published the Jesuit oath in the appendix. This is one of the most revealing pieces of documentation I have ever seen! If you want a book that intelligently tackles international events, exposes the occult roots of world government, and documents the move to a one-world religion, this is it! The documentation alone is worth the price -- there must be almost three hundred endnotes! But don't let that scare you, Kah wrote this in such a way that practically anyone can read it. And with a topic that's as in-depth as this one, readability is vital. Gary Kah did a bang-up job. Get this book.
Rating:  Summary: THE HIDDEN AGENDA OF THE NEW WORLD RELIGION Review: Having been into New Age before becoming a Christian, I could identify with their utopian belief systems. It was eerie reading the quotes from New Age literature in Mr. Kah's book; what I once accepted as 'spiritual truth' now made me sick to my stomach. In addition, the experience of reading the book exposed the remnants of New Age thought still lurking in my psyche.I've been following the New Age-United Nations-New World Order connection in conjunction with 'End Time' Biblical Prophecy for a couple years. Mr. Kah's book is an excellent study on the interconnections among these movements. I would recommend it highly to anyone with similar interests. In addition, this book is a 'must-read' for Christians because New Age and Interfaith ideologies are beginning to influence Christian thought. Understanding the root belief systems behind these ideologies is critical to spiritual discernment.
Rating:  Summary: Every Real Christian Should Read This Book Review: I'm totally blown away by this book! It's written from a Christian standpoint (which I appreciate) and really breaks down the various aspects of the New Age movement. A thorough and well researched discussion of the origins and development of New Age philosophy. This book has helped me understand why for so long I've felt that we were in the end times. I'm not paranoid, there really is a great push to usher in the New World Order.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant exposure of counterfeit religion! Review: If an author presents his own views on any subject, it may be questioned and even proven false. Should the author's views be backed up by indisputable facts corresponding with biblical truth, however, it flattens all opposition! In "The New World Religion", Gary Kah has done his homework extremely well, and proves every point he makes. In contrast with the New Age idea that "everyone creates his own reality", Gary bases his whole book on the absolute truth of the Word of God, the Holy Bible. And it makes perfect sense! Biblical Christianity is nót the "hate religion" that the New Age wants it to be! On the contrary, if you read "The New World Religion", you cannot help becoming aware of the "golden thread" of God's love running right through the whole book! You most definitely álso become aware of the deadly threat and deceit of the Evil One towards mankind, masterfully camouflaged, but equally masterfully exposed in this book! New Age prophets often accuse biblical Christianity of "religious intolerance". IF exposing New Age lies about biblical Christianity is "intolerant", then Gary's book is certainly "religiously intolerant". To my mind, however, exposing lies and warning people against an emerging counterfeit religion, is one of the most caring and loving actions any human being can perform! "The New World Religion" is without any doubt the best researched, best documented book on the subject that I have ever come across! Nobody can argue against the truth presented in this masterpiece! Both committed Christians and non-Christians alike simply múst read it!
Rating:  Summary: THE HIDDEN AGENDA OF THE NEW WORLD RELIGION Review: THE NEW WORLD RELIGION by Gary H.Kah. 330 pp. Noblesville, Indiana: Hope International Publishing, Second Printing 1999. ISBN 0-9670098-0-4 (pbk) Gary Kah's book provides us with a well-written, well-documented and startling account of the rise and development of the New World Religion which an increasingly tyrranical United Nations fully intends to eventually force upon everyone. Kah locates the origin of this new and extremely dangerous belief system in the writings of, among others, Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey; Carl Gustav Jung and Teilhard de Chardin, and he sees its most powerful promoters today as being the Pope, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the UN. As a Bible-believing Christian, Kah is able to clearly demonstrate that this new religion is nothing less than Satanic and that it heralds the arrival in our world of the Antichrist. Those who do not share Kah's Christian beliefs might, with equal reason, prefer to see the New World Religion as simply being Communism repackaged in gaudy new pantheist-environmentalist clothes . Communism, after all, has a very bad name. We all know that it doesn't work. We also know that it is the most evil, vicious, and murderous system ever devised. And since no-one today is going to fall for the shabby and moth-eaten Marxist-Leninist line, some very brilliant people evidently got together and dreamed up a new approach. So instead of THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO we now have THE EARTH CHARTER and THE GLOBAL ETHIC. And instead of WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! the new slogan has become LOVERS OF PLANET EARTH UNITE! Gone is the old story that it is the workers of the world who are being exploited by evil capitalists. The new story is that it is the planet itself that is being exploited by all of us evil consumers. It is being destroyed by Global Warming, Pollution, Resource Scarcity, Overpopulation, Species Extinction, etc., etc. Or so we are told.... But not to worry, folks, because the Pope and Mr Gorbachev have discovered a wonderful solution to the planet's ills, the New World Religion as set out in THE EARTH CHARTER and THE GLOBAL ETHIC. And if you don't want to find yourself reclassified as an enemy of the planet (and eliminated) you're just going to have to go along with this new belief system when the UN orders you to. To understand Communism is not very difficult. As Gary Allen has pointed out, it was not a movement of the downtrodden masses and it was never about sharing the wealth. It was a movement financed by the economic elite as a method of consolidating and controlling the wealth of an entire country. It was a perfect tool of power-hungry megalomaniacs. But, and this is the point, so is the New World Religion. So please read Gary Kah's invaluable study. Yes, I know he's a Bible-believing Christian, and we have all been brainwashed by Hollywood and the mainstream media into thinking that Christians are crazy. Some of them may be, but many are perfectly decent folks and even the worst of them have never wanted to confiscate the entire planet for their own personal use, do away with nine tenths of its population, and enslave the rest. But as Kah so ably shows, that would certainly seem to be the hidden agenda of the New World Religion. To paraphrase a well-known manual of psychopolitics, their reward will be ownership of the planet, unlimited control of populace, the uninhibited exercise of passion, and the glory of Communist conquest over the stupidity of all who they consider their enemies.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ for an intro into the New Age environment Review: This book is full of information concerning the religious environment we live in. Gary Kah uses direct quotes that are eye opening and references all material. I highly recommend this book for those that want an introduction into what the government has in mind in how to persuade the public into a New World Religion and New World Order. Parents must read this to understand the risks our children face by the World Core Curriculum that is under way in the public school systems. I was amazed at what is going on in our political system. Please read this book to be advised of the snare that is set up for world and especially for Christians. Having read this book, I view the world from a different light. Do not take my word on it......read the book and find out for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: The New world Religion Review: This could have been a good book on the New world order/ world goverment and it's new age spiritual anti God agenda. Kahn details the new age belifes well and explains in good detail how new age leaders deceive people in an effort to control the world through a world goverment. Unfortunately as with so many books on this subject written by protestant teachers "The New world Religion" contains all the by now almost standard anticatholic rhetoric. In addition to misrepresenting Catholic Doctrines such as devotion to Mary, works and baptism, Mr Kahn smears all Catholics by linking them to Catholics who have been seduced by the false teachings of the new age religions. For example on page 201 he writes: "As a life long Catholic he (Robert muller) had been praticing meditation for years in the name of Christinity, without realizing the occoult origin of this type of meditation. He had been combining Eastern mysticism with the teachings of Catholicism. Apparently, Muller had become convinced that catholicism and the pantheistic religions of the east have the same spritual roots, a conclusion also reached by Telhard Chardin." What Kahn doesn't tell you in the paragragh is that Telhard Chardin was a catholic priest that had been excommunicated for his heresey by the Catholic church his views and the views of Robert Muller in no way represent the views of the church or any significant portion of it's members. In the appendx Mr. Kahn has a bogus secret oath that is alledgedly to be sworn to by members of the Jesuit order his source for this oath is the congresional record in the year 1883. The problem with quoting anything from the Congresional record is that any member of congress can place any written material into the congresional record wether it is true or not, no effort is made to verify anything that is entered into the record. Mr Kahn does not state what member of congress placed this alledged oath on the record or the original source of the alledged oath. There is a lot of useful information on the new age belifes and there links with the new world order crowd in this book. however the book's sometimes silly anticatholic bias is so distracting I can not recommend this book all that highly which is sad because this book had some potential.
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