Rating:  Summary: Not for Christians , but... Review: "To Those Leaning on The Sustaining Infinite, Today is Big with Blessings...The Time for Thinkers has Come" Mary Baker Eddy (Discoverer and founder of Christian Science) This 700 pages volume can become a light in the dark to anyone facing life's adversities, and its many challenges. Science and Health is the indisputable champion of ideas, inspiration and guidance written by one author only. This logical, intelligent, unique, and important book can deeply and positively influence anyone. Millions have been protected, restored to health, reassured, comforted, inspired, changed, sheltered, fed, improved, and transformed by reading, and living its consistent spiritual suggestions. Science and Health, the masterwork of Mary Baker Eddy, has sold more than 10 million copies in more than 17 languages, and Braille in English. This best seller is already a classic; a must for anyone interested in spiritual liberation.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoy reading the book on a daily basis. Review: I like the fact that there are many scriptural passages in this work. Actually reading the book, I found Mary Baker Eddy defined several important words in Chapter 17 - Glossary. At the start of the chapter she says, "In Christian Science we learn that the substitution of the spiritual for the material definition of a Scriptural word often elucidates the meaning of the inpired writer. On this account this chapter is added. It contains the metaphysical interpretation of Bible terms, giving their spiritual sense, which is also their original meaning." Here are some of her definitions given in this chapter - God. The great I Am; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love, all substance; intelligence. Man. The compound idea of infinite Spirit; the spiritual image and likeness of God; the full representation of Mind. Mind. The only I, or Us; the only Spirit, Soul, divine Principle, substance, Life, Truth, Love; the one God; not that which is in man, but the divine Principle, or God, of whom man is the full and perfect expression; Deity, which outlines but is not outlined. Gods. Mythology; a belief that life, substance, and intelligence are both mental and material; a supposition of sentient physicality; the belief that infinite Mind is in finite forms; the various theories that hold mind to be a material sense, existing in brain, nerve, matter; supposititious minds, or souls, going in and out of matter, erring and mortal; the serpents of error, which say, "Ye shall be as gods." God is one God, infinite and perfect, and cannot become finite and imperfect. Good. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. Almighty. All-power; infinity; omnipotence. Angels. God's thoughts passing to man; spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect; the inspiration of goodness, purity, and immortality, counteracting all evil, sensuality, and mortality. Jesus. The highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea, rebuking and destroying error and bringing to light man's immortality. Christ. The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error. Error. For this definition, Mrs. Eddy refers to Chapter 14 - Recapitulation on page 472. Question. - What is error? Answer. - Error is a supposition that pleasure and pain, that intelligence, substance, life, are existent in matter. Error is neither Mind nor one of Mind's faculties. Error is the contradiction of Truth. Error is a belief without understanding. Error is unreal because untrue. It is that which seemeth to be and is not. If error were true, its truth would be error, and we should have a self-evident absurdity -- namely, erroneous truth. Thus we should continue to lose the standard of Truth. In the paragraph before, on the same page, she states, "The way which leads to Christian Science is straight and narrow. God has set His signet upon Science, making it coordinate with all that is real and only with that which is harmonious and eternal. Sickness, sin, and death, being inharmonious, do not originate in God nor belong to His government. His law, rightly understood, destroys them. Jesus furnished proofs of these statements." On the next page she writes, "The Science of Mind disposes of all evil. Truth, God, is not the father of error. Sin, sickness, and death are to be classified as effects or error. Christ came to destroy the belief of sin. The God-principle is omnipresent and omnipotent. God is everywhere, and nothing apart from Him is present or has power. Christ is the ideal Truth, that comes to heal sickness and sin through Christian Science, and attributes all power to God. Jesus is the name of the man who, more than all other men, has presented Christ, the true idea of God, healing the sick and the sinning and destroying the power of death. Jesus is the human man, and Christ is the divine idea; hence the duality of Jesus the Christ." On page 259, Mrs. Eddy states, "In divine Science, man is the true image of God. The divine nature was best expressed in Christ Jesus, who threw upon mortals the truer reflection of God and lifted their lives higher than their poor thought-models would allow,--thoughts which presented man as fallen, sick, sinning, and dying. The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea,--perfect God and perfect man,--as the basis of thought and demonstration." And lastly, on page 467, she answers - Question. - What are the demands of the Science of Soul? Answer.--The first demand of this Science is, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." This me is Spirit. Therefore the command means this: Thou shalt have no intelligence, no life, no substance, no truth, no love, but that which is spiritual. The second is like unto it, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become perfect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established. Having no other gods, turning to no other but the one perfect Mind to guide him, man is the likeness of God, pure and eternal, having that Mind which was also in Christ.
Rating:  Summary: This is my favourite book in the whole wide world! Review: I LOVE this book! It is so incredibly inspiring! It is packed full of healing ideas that are practical and I have been healed by reading and practicing the ideas in the book. It's also an amazing book that explores the idea of God as Love, Truth, Life, Spirit, Soul - how cool! I highly recommend this book to anyone! I LOVE it!!!
Rating:  Summary: The textbook of "how to" heal through prayer Review: I love this book. Rather than say what I thought of the words in this book, I'd like to say what those words did to change my life. Through reading this book, Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy, I gained an understanding of the richness and depth of the Holy Bible. As I worked my way through Science and Health, I found myself using less medicine, enjoying better health and above all *ABOVE ALL*, I found a sense of peace I'd never known. The peace that passeth all understanding. What a sweet and blessed relief that was for me and my family. Since childhood, I'd suffered from frequent bouts of sinus troubles and sore throats. About two years after I began reading Mrs. Eddy's book, those troubles simply disappeared and never recurred. Ever since I was young, a felt an intense, even insatiable longing to know "the meaning of life". I read countless books on countless religions and belief systems, but when I studied Science & Health, I remembered thinking, "This woman has got something here..." That longing to know more about life was satisfied by reading her book and digging into the Bible with new understanding. Thomas Moore said "Earth has no sorrow, that heaven cannot heal." Science and Health proves Moore's statement and shows how heaven [God] *does* heal. Rose Thornton
Rating:  Summary: Be carefull ....... Review: I've studied this book for many years and find a lot to commend about it. It has some very powerful ideas and teaches one a lot
(I think) about God. But the Christian Science church that puts the book out is another matter altogether. I spent a number of years in that church and my time there made me realize that the book and the church are not the same thing at all. The church often does the exact opposite of what the book supposedly teaches
and the people that are in positions of power or authority are extremely arrogrant and demand unquestioning obedience. I've always found it amusing when they point to the sentence in the book that says "the time for thinkers has come" to show that they want people who think for themselves when it is so clear to anyone who has spent time with them that this is exactly what they don't want. Anyway, I have seen some healings occur when
I was younger but I have also watched both my parents die at young ages from treatable diseases because there was no one in the church able to cure them. One problem in the church is that
there are very few competent practitioners - a problem the church refuses to admit. Instead it gives authorization to people it likes for whatever reason whether they can heal or not
without any thought to the people who may go to them for help.
Anyway, no one should think about becoming involved with the
church without reading at least the customer reviews for the book
"God's Perfect Child - living and dying in the Christian Science
Church". Those reviews give a very good counterpoint to the sugary publicity the church puts out about itself. This said,
the book, Science and Health, is worth owning - but study it by
Rating:  Summary: A Reference Book For Spiritual Fulfillment Review: In the Preface to this book, Mary Baker Eddy dedicates Science and Health to "honest seekers for Truth". I've been reading this book, along with the Bible, for many years. It's helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible's message. It's also shown me how to find solutions to life's challenges through prayer. The truth contained in this book is immediately demonstrable in practical ways. One day I began to come down with a very bad cold. I had plans that evening and didn't want the way I was feeling to ruin my plans. I decided to pray with one of the powerful truths in this book..."Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual, - neither in nor of matter, - and the body will then utter no complaints. If suffering from a belief in sickness, you will find yourself suddenly well". When I recognized this to be true, all the symptoms of the cold vanished immediately and completely. The ideas in Science and Health have transformed my life. It truly is a reference book for spiritual fulfillment. This is a book you won't want to miss!
Rating:  Summary: Christian Science Is Killing My Mother Review: Last stage of cancer, will seek no treatment, courtesy of Mary Baker Eddy's self-serving ideologies. I've studied CS to try to better undestand my mother, but all I found were half truths, contextual lies, and a cherry-picking of the Bible.
Another reviewer stated, "Avoid this book like the plague...It will kill you"
Folks, you have no idea how true that is...
Amazon needs a zero-star rating reserved for poisonous products.
Rating:  Summary: An Evil & Deadly Work of Insanity Review: One star only because this worthless mass of insane rantings can't be given no stars. I had the misfortune to be raised in the Christian Science church. I had 18 years of Christian Science Sunday school, and my grandmother was a journal-listed Christian Science Practitioner. I was forced by my parents to study this evil book every day of my childhood and teen years, and I was denied all medical care because of it's nonsensical strictures. I was not even allowed pain-relievers. No asperin for a headache or a muscle sprain. Just endure the agony until it clears up on it's own. It was MONSTROUS!
Mother read aloud to me from it EVERY MORNING over breakfast the first 18 years of my life. I know this book backward and forward, and it makes just as much sense backwards as forwards.
This book is nothing more than the insane ravings of a lunatic! And it is DEADLY. The moronity of this book killed my parents and my grandparents. Let me reiterate that. They DIED because they followed the "Teachings" of this EVIL book!
The basic tenant of Christian Science, to be found in this book, and chanted at me in church every week for 18 miserable years, is "There is no life, truth or intelligence in matter. All is Infinate Mind and It's ininite manifestations." In other words: Nothing that exists is real. Only what doesn't exist, exists. It's textbook insanity, a complete denial of reality.
There is no life, truth or intelligence in this book or it's insane authoress, the evil, morphine-riddled (Though she denied morphine to her followers. A hypocrite as well as insane.) Mary Baker Eddy.
Avoid this book as you would the plague. It will kill you if you let it.
It's also very badly written.
Rating:  Summary: Guidebook for learning about Life, Truth, Love: God Review: Science and Health is a book that cannot just be read in a few sittings, but over a lifetime. Its basis is that God is all powerful, all good, all loving. The Bible states that "God that is Love" and Love could not and does not send or create sickness. Instead, as Christ Jesus said, sickness manifests itself to be healed.
Science and Health is simply a book that helps readers understand HOW Jesus healed so that they can apply the same principles that he did and get the same results: effective healing every time.
Of course, if the principles (as clearly stated in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and by Jesus himself) are not applied correctly, the effects might not be the desired ones.
The reason this book is so controversial is because it is so radically different from what the world currently believes.
But such is the path of every major discovery in the fields of science, religion, theology, and medicine--first flatly rejected, then argued with, and then accepted as if was always believed.
The following is one of the testimonies published in the last 100 pages of the book in a chapter called Fruitage.
Also, for those wanting to read further, the entire book is readable online at www.spirituality.com
For many years I have relied wholly upon Christian Science for healing; and I am glad to acknowledge the spiritual help and many other benefits received from following its teachings. I have great cause to be grateful to God and to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for these blessings, which her discovery and love for humanity made possible. I had read but a few pages in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," when I saw that it was the truth, and that it contained something I had thought could never be found in this existence. Proofs of healing came immediately, and I was able to do much useful work without a sense of burden or fatigue.
As time went on I learned the nothingness of discouragement, and understood in a measure that God is my Life and that all action is in divine Mind. I was healed of spinal trouble; and nervousness and weakness faded away and were replaced by health and strength. A larger sense of joy and gratitude did much towards overcoming indigestion, which had caused suffering for a number of years. A sprained ankle was cured in a few hours by applying what I understood of Christian Science, and by holding steadfastly to the statement our Leader makes on page 384 of Science and Health, that "God never punishes man for doing right, for honest labor, or for deeds of kindness." The following day I walked two miles with no sense of discomfort. Beliefs of heredity and lack have been overcome, and self-will, self-love, and pride are less in evidence.--Miss G. W., Brookline, Mass.
Rating:  Summary: A Book for Life Review: Science and Health is a non-denominational book that addresses your spiritual identity as a child of God. I have read it many times and have been healed of breast cancer, financial challenges, relationship problems. My son, at the age of two, was healed of measles in a half-hour just by reading a few lines from the chapter on Recapitulation. The writing is very clear and strictly based on the Scriptures; both the Old and New Testaments. It brings brings God and what He can do for us into better focus without a lot of dogma and theory. It is a classic book on spirituality. I heartily recommend it for anyone seeking the truth.