Rating: Summary: Insightful & well-worth reading Review: A friend gave me this book to read and I was amazed at what I discovered was really being taught by the 'Faith' teachers like Hagin,Copeland,etc. Being a Charismatic believer and having been exposed to some of the teachings, I already knew from my own study of Scripture that many of them had twisted the truths of the Bible. What I didn't realize was how deep the deception is and that many in the Faith movement are teaching and promoting doctrines that are in opposition to foundational Christian doctrine. This book in no way damaged my Christian faith, as some warn that such a book is 'divisive'--instead, I find that my faith in the absolute truth of God's Word has been strengthened. I commend Mr. Hanegraaff for bringing truth to light in this extremely well-documented and well-written book. I recommend it highly--it is indeed a real eye-opener, and a book of this nature and calibre has been long overdue!
Rating: Summary: One word: Liberating Review: Christianity in Crisis is very well researched and written. It reads easily (I finished it in three days) and is an eye-opener. After reading the book and finding some of the quotes almost unbelievable, I did, and recommend to anyone who reads this book, check out the quotes in light of Scripture AND listen to the audio series. As a former "health & wealth gospel" believer since I got saved three years ago, I was very dismayed that I had fallen for such a false doctrine and fell forward (not backward) in repentance. Furthermore, as a result of having the blinders removed, I have launched into an inductive study of the Bible.Christianity in Crisis is liberating and, in true Hanegraaff style, hard-hitting truth in love. I have many friends in the Word Faith movement that I'm recommending read this as well. God bless you, Hank!
Rating: Summary: Hanegraaff has right to be angry Review: I can only describe this book as life changing. I live in an area of Kansas where we have a Word of Faith radio station that disguises itself behind a wall of modern Christian music. This book has helped me debate with the station over why a station that focuses towards youth would broadcast such dangerous messages. To those who claim that this book takes quotes out of context, I ask that they research for themselves. Hanegraaff does an excellent job of documenting every quote. I've personally examined many only to find what he writes is dead on. I simply ask, if his quotes are out of context, why hasn't a single Faith teacher stepped up and said, "I never said that. Here's my book that states otherwise, and here's a tape of my sermon where I said otherwise." That's the funny thing about the truth. No matter who says it, it's still the truth. I've read many reviews of this book where people claim that Hank writes it in an attacking, insulting form. Well duh! What else do you think people who disagree with Hank would say when he says, "you're wrong and here's why." Besides, how else is someone supposed to sound when the teachings of a movement are causing many to become poor, sick, dying, and spiritually frustrated? I strongly support this book. To those who don't, put your biases aside long enough to examine the truth objectively.
Rating: Summary: a mid range review Review: I noticed that most reviews were one star against or 5 star for which I thought was interesting. It seems the pendulum swings from those in the movement to those who hate it. As an ex Wof'er I agree with Hanks's book in that it is a false message being propogated. It is important to speak the truth in love though so I take off two stars. For those still in the movement I encourage you to study the Scriputures yourself and not be easily led by preachers. To those outside I encourage you to study the Scriptures yourself and not to be easily led by preachers!!! It's very easy to jump on a bandwagon after reading a book like this and become a heresy hunter, much better to love Jesus and His people and to seek to gently lead other's into truth, and this comes from an ex Wof'er and ex Calvinist!!!
Rating: Summary: Good info, not so good attitude Review: I think Hank did a good job of documenting all the aberrant and/or heretical and/or blasphemous statements and teachings of word faith teachers, but i think that sometimes his attitude is a bit derisive. I think that overall this is a good book, but sometimes the statements and words he uses are insulting and inflammatory. I've read Robert Bowman's book (the word faith controversy), and i think he had a much more balanced, fair, and above all, christian way of reporting on the errors of the word faith movement.
Rating: Summary: Discerning, Challenging, Sweet and Bitter Review: In this in depth and insightful book, the popular "Bible Answer Man" exposes the lies told by popular allegedly Christian televangelists who are in fact only masking cultic heresies underneath their own twisted versions of Christianity. Each example is backed up by scripture and truth that is clearly well researched. ***** It is almost frightening as a horror novel to realize how so many popular "Christians" are in fact decieving the public, worldwide, in their "Praise the Lord and send me the money" tactics. It is clear that lives and souls, not to mention vast amounts of money have been lost to these people. With the help of books like this, hopefully more people will come to see the truth behind the multiple masks. ***** Reviewed by Amanda Killgore.
Rating: Summary: Truth Hurts...But Will Prevail Review: It is unfortunate to read the negative reviews. It is obvious that most of these decieved readers are involved (or at least most of them) in this heretical movement that Hank uncovers. I was ordained by a Word of Faith Church and preached it's heresies for almost a decade. I can tell you now that this book is absolutely on target! It is well researched and documented. I've read the books and listened to the tapes of these false prophets. Hank Hanegraaff hasn't missed a beat! It is so typical (and very un-Christ-like) of people who are involved in this very damnable heretical movement to become almost violent in words and action as you have noticed by many who have entered their less than favorable reviews. Such as the "so-called" theology professor who claims he has researched all of Hank's material and found them erroneous. You've been caught! This is definately not true. Again, as a former licensed Word of Faith minister, this book is an absolute must! Buy it and see. Be sure to get the accompanying cassettes. They too are well documented and you can hear the startling and blasphemous babblings of these Word of Faith preachers first hand! There are no lies or misrepresentations in this award winning book and Hank Hanegraaff is supurb in both style and presentation. If you love God, get this book. If you love your religion, then continue in your darkness! God help those who are blind. Titus 1:10-16
Rating: Summary: The Truth-Plain & Simple Review: It seems from most of the previous reviews that the readers either love Hank Hanegraff or despise him. How strange. It seems that most of the negative reviews were actually personal attacks on the author and not directed toward his subject. I did not see a single negative review presenting an actual instance in which Mr. Hanegraff "lied". It seems as if they simply stated, "He lied," and left it at that. I would question if any of these readers had, in fact, actually read this book. All that aside I can honestly tell you that this is a work of fact and not fiction. I left the "faith movement" a number of years ago. I once held to the teachings of men like Copeland, Hagin, Hinn and others until I placed their teachings up against the plumbline of scripture. I found that their teachings simply were not square. The truth hurts. In an age of "easy believism" I guess it's just easier for some people to live for experience, after experience, after experience. These teachers preach a gospel of prosperity, comfort and healing for all. Any one who has read the bible knows that this is "a different gospel". In 1990 a believer in the "faith movement" actually had the audacity to tell me that my brother died of colon cancer because my family did not have enough faith. A simple study of the character of God proves this statement to be false. I don't need to listen to Mr. Hanegraff's tapes to know that what he said about these false teachers is true. I have heard them say it with my own ears. Mr. Hanegraff is not a liar. To those who follow the "faith movement" and it's dangerous teachings I would remind you of this one thing: "If anyone would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me." Matt. 16:24
Rating: Summary: I really do not understand people sometimes.... Review: One of the dangers facing the true, Orthodox Church today is the teachings of the word of faith movement. It is in deed unfortunate that this aberrant teaching is and has lead many unsuspecting people astray from the true teachings of the Bible.
Fortunately, Hannegraff brings to bear the light of truth from the Word of God to show us this error in the teachings of this dangerous doctrine. I could not but notice that one of the reviews of CHRISTIANITY IN CRISES accuses Hank of being too divisive -- I have just one thing to say to him and to anyone else who believes this is so and it is this: "How amiable would you be if you caught a rattle snake coiled up in your baby?s crib?"
Do yourself a favor and get this book and read it to inoculate yourself against this modern day heresy.
Rating: Summary: A Concern Review: The attitude of this book concerns me. I know that it is of the utmost importance to judge everything that comes down the pike. However, Hanegraaf does more than just objectively judge...he smears and sneers and jeers at anyone remotely involved with the Faith movement. My main concern is his Donahue-like ability to make any quote say what he wants it to say. Though I do not agree with many Faith teachers, it is clear that Hanegraaf takes most of their quotes out of context. I have read several "ex-faith" pastors and ministers reviews and they all say that "Hanegraaf is giving fair treatment to their actual teaching." With all due respect, when one leaves a movement because the feel that it's a cult, it is very easy to jump at any chance to deface the movement. I understand this. As a young pastor, I grew up in the Word of Faith movement and began to struggle with many of it's teachings in light of the Bible. Through prayer and continual searching, I have abandoned a lot of the fluff that is within the Faith movement. And yet, I cannot say that the entire movement is a wholesale cult or heresy. There are problems and excesses...there is scripture twisting and tweaking....there is an over emphasis on prosperity and tunnel vision in regards to healing...but there is Biblical truth as well. Read this book AND put Hanegraaf to the test by looking up his references and quotes. Read them in their original settings and decide for yourself if he gave them a fair shake, or had an axe to grind.