Rating:  Summary: A thoughtful book on a great controversy Review: The great thinker Brennan Manning once stated, "The greates single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who aknowledge Jesus with their lips then walk out the door and deny him by their lifsyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." It is in this spirit that Dave Burchett addresses the problem of Bad Christians. "When Bad Christians Happen to Good People" is a book that is as humorous and controversial as the title. It is something that many church goers simply ignore: when good, well intentioned people are hurt and wounded by those we consider to be undeserving of the title "Christian." From the judgmental deacon telling you to shave your beard, to bigoted Fred Phelps, to the gossiping prayer chain, and "signs and wonders" Benny Hinn, we have all dealt with our share of bab Christians. Burchett is bold to tell us that the Church must change or eventually be seen as a bigoted group of people, as it is at times. He opens with his own personal tragedy of his daughter and the downright cruility of the church. Using this, we see that he is well qualified to present his powerful points. Though serious, he uses a great mix of humor that can loosely be compared to that of GK Chesterton. All in all, this is a book that must be read by all Christians and non-christians who have dealt with hurtful individuals we'd unjustly call Christians. I personally couldn't put the book down! It was by far the most thought provoking works in modern Christian Living books. Though I can't say that I agree with everything Dave Burchett presents, I also couldn't deny most of his points. His humor shows us some things that are just plain nutty like WWJD boxers, Christian Testamints, and Jesus air fresheners (it's almost as if Jesus' was getting perfume poured on his feet again!). He also uses his wit to show us where the church, as a whole, has failed in that it has allowed bigots and hypocrites to represent itself while the members sit back and think their donation to Untied Way is enough. However, his book addresses problems with solutions. We are asked, and probably justly, to go out and show what being a Christian is. He also has a message to familiar individuals hurt by Bad Christians: that those who hurt in Jesus name actually grieve God. If you're somebody without an open mind and have lost a willingness to grow in whatever faith you have, I don't reccomend "When Bad Christians Happen To Good People." However, you're probably human, and therefore this book will open you to a new idea of trying to sort out the good from the bad in faith, and maybe increasing the good.