Rating: Summary: Great Resource Review: Although controversial, the issues brought up by MacArthur have gone unchecked for far too long. MacArthur does an excellent job of setting forth the views of cessationism that I feel every Christian should know about. Whether you agree or disagree with MacArthur I believe this book should be in every Christians library.
Rating: Summary: instilling more doubt, unbelief, fear and skepticism Review: Another book used to bring more division into the Body of Christ. Thanks a lot, Mr. MacArthur!! We need unity NOT division!!!!
Rating: Summary: A Fair & Critical Examination Review: Having been challenged to discern what the Bible says about speaking in tongues, signs and wonders and other marks of the charismatic movement, and being comfortable with MacArthur's writings, it only made sense that I would read Charismatic Chaos. Though written over twenty years ago, this book is as relevant to the Christian world today as it was then. The edition I read is the second edition, which was updated and published in 1992. In recent years the Charismatic movement has completely infiltrated the church. Aspects of the movement are visible in almost every denomination. And as the movement grows in strength and acceptance it becomes more and more bizarre. It is not unusual to hear about flat tires being healed, fillings in teeth being turned to gold and other baffling (and unproven) phenomena. Almost any time of day or night there is a channel showing a faith healer healing with a touch or knocking people to the ground. Left unchecked, the movement will continue to grow and spread, becoming ever more strange. The main issues MacArthur focuses on are modern day prophecies, ongoing revelation, Biblical interpretation, miracles, healings, tongues, and the "health and wealth" gospel. Ultimately, his arguments against these are based on a few points of doctrine. First and foundationally, MacArthur teaches that experience cannot be accepted as a valid test of truth. Experience is only valid if it conforms to God's word. This is hardly groundbreaking theology, yet is theology that has been forsaken by many Christian churches. Experiences can never be held as co-equal in importance to the Bible. Where there is a conflict the Bible must always prevail. Second, he teaches that God's inspired revelation ended with the closing of Scripture. Though God still reveals Himself, He no longer does so in an inspired way. Therefore, no other revelation can be held equal to the Bible. This puts all other revelation in subjection to Biblical principles. Third, he teaches that the signs and wonders done by the apostles ended with the end of the apostolic era. These were signs given by God to achieve a specific purpose. They were given to prove that the apostles were God's messengers on earth and that they were trustworthy sources of teaching. MacArthur shows how even through the Bible we see the signs disappearing so that even before the close of Scripture with the writing of the book of Revelation, these signs and miracles had ceased. This does not mean that God can no longer perform miraculous deeds. It does mean, though, that God no longer uses men to initiate these miracles as he did in Biblical times. Speaking in tongues also falls into the category of gifts that were given by God for a short time and a specific purpose. MacArthur deals lovingly yet necessarily harshly with the Charismatic movement. He pulls no punches in rooting out the teachings that he considers dangerous. He does this all from a very simple, Biblical viewpoint. He does not waver in his view that the Charismatic teachings go directly against the pure simplicity of the gospel. A fantastic Biblical examination of the Charismatic movement, this book comes with my emphatic recommendation.
Rating: Summary: What is your final authority?! Review: hey... in this day and age we have to ask ourselves, "what is my final authority?" in the charismatic movement... it is their own personal experience. my final authority is the Bible. many charismatic folks get very upset by this book... i believe the reason is that they realize that everything they've built their religion on is false. i have many, many charismatic friends, i love them... but their theology is horribly wrong, a perversion of the Word of God. i saw one review for this book... said something about throwing away all of your fundamentalist handbooks and studying the Bible. well... that's just what dr. macarthur did... it's just what i've done. if you don't like the book, that's fine... try studying the Bible. check out the meaning of the words in the greek language. speaking in tongues the way it is done today in charismatic churches IS NOT BIBLICAL AT ALL! don't believe me? STUDY THE BIBLE! sign gifts were only to verify the apostles... don't believe me... that's fine... BELIEVE THE BIBLE! if you check carefully what the Bible says you'll realize that only the apostles, and those that came into direct contact with the apostles had the sign gifts. what does paul say in the first chapter of romans? he says that he wants to see them that he might impart spiritual gifts to them. i could go on and on and on... but i don't have the time. this is a great book. i don't agree with macarthur on everything, but this book is based on what the Bible says. read this book... but more importantly, read the Bible.
Rating: Summary: A Man With An Experience IS NEVER At The Mercy ... Review: I am a Spirit filled believer in JESUS of 17 years and counting.This book and others like it are themsevle not only heretcal, but even commit the unpardonable sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Just because something is logical doesn't mean it's true! The world is filled with finely tuned lies. Let us stick to the doctrines in question: The gifts of the Spirit as the bible says are for as many as the Lord should call (acts 2:28-39)not just for the first century.We are under the same new covanant that the first century church was under with the same promises and the same status; we are not second rate to them we have the same Holy Spirit that they had from the same Jesus that they served. We are not under a different dispensation for that would require for God the intiate a new atonement and a new plan of salvation altogether! Dispensationalism is itself unbiblical! Unbelief is very clever. It often uses reason and logic the disregard the clear teaching of scripture. Faith takes God's word at face value. When I first heard the arguements agaist the continued presence of the Spirit, it struck me that THERE IS NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT FOR SUCH BELIEFS(and I use the word beliefs loosely). No verse says that God was going to take away supernatural manifestations from his people. On the contrary, the bible speaks of spiritual gifts as if they were to continue perpetually. Why else would God inspire Paul to give detailed instuction and description of the proper use of them in congregational settings? Certainly if God never intended for gifts to continue past the first century, i would have been forttold so that would be no expectation of their presence. When you study church history you find that supernatural gifts continued long after the deaths of the original apostles; up until the 3rd to 4th century AD. Writen bibles cannot and were never intended to replace spiritaul gifts. The scriptures bear witness to their continuation and the gifts, in turn bear witness to the validity of the scriptures. Jesus said that in the mouth of two or more witnesses let every matter be established. you can argue the meaning of a verse of scripture but you can't argue against a miracle!Much to Mr McArthur and others like him's displeasure the Charismatic/pentacostal movement is not a new or passing christian fad but rather a revival that started in 1906 and continues to spread unhindered to this day. Spirit filled christianity is the fastest growing "religion" on earth! Praise God! Anyone would be glad about that. All the thing that distinguish this movement; tongues, healing prophecy, worship styles, casting out demons et al, are not pentacostal doctrines, they are bible doctrine! Jesus said that these signs shall follow those that believe(Mark 16:16-20). Notice that he did not limit these to just those in a specific time or place but to all those who believe, THIS MEANS US TOO IN THE 20TH-21ST CENTURY! Jesus said greater works shall we do because he went to the Father. Check the context: he was not referring to greater # of people preached to as many have claimed but rather to the miraculous works which characterizied his ministry. It would seem that the apostles understood clearly that this is what Jesus meant because that is what they walked in.Jesus did not provide something to one that he would not provide to all. Just like salvation. As more of God's people grasp this truth and realize that "Johnny Boy" and "Stank Hank" are cheating them out of the blessing of God by their false teaching the less prominant their influence become. God has not given us a spirit of fear (2Tim 1:7) Feaf has torment (1John4:18). This is important to remember for discernment purposes: ANYTHING THAT SEWS FEAR INTO PEOPLES HEART IDS NOT OF GOD. God does not use fear or intimidation, extreme cases, propaganda and lies to accomplish his goals.He state his case and lets it stand. Anyone claiming to speak for God must use Godly tactics, not fleshly ones.There is a world of difference between Godly correction and the slander and spiritual ethnic cleansing that has characterized so called " discernment ministries" (also with no biblical mandate or precidence)of the last two decades. I'm happy to report that their works have FAILED to stem the growth of the spirit filled movement. That alone is prooof that they don't speak for God nor are they empowered by God for if they were, we wouldn't be having this dicussion. they simply are trying to justify their own continued unbelief if the face of an ever increasing body of evidece from around the world that prooves that the spirit filled churh is of God. These are facts that they won't admit nor embrace. Their loss.I Would live to hear directly from anyone who would like to say "amen" or attept a rebuttal My name is Malkum A. Wilson and my # is (704)674-1507.My email is generalwilson77@hotmail.com. call me lets talk about it, I like a good arguement! A man with an experience is not at the mercy of a man with an arguement, no matter how well articulated. My review of this book :-200 stars!
Rating: Summary: A definite must-read for every Christian Review: I have had many questions about the charismatic movement over the years, and MacArthur addresses them very completely and Biblically. He has also confirmed the observations that I have made. He does an excellent job of tackling a very difficult subject while doing it lovingly but without compromise of the Word of God. I am thankful for an authority on scripture and orthodox Christianity to address these issues for me using the Word of God. The book is admittedly somewhat academic-looking. Almost every page exhibits footnotes. But this is because MacArthur relies little on anecdotal evidence but primarily on the writings and speakings of the leaders of the charismatic movement themselves, and references every one. And it is very eye-opening. The book not only addressed my questions on the charismatic movement, but was also very educational about things such as the canonization of scripture, the revelation of the new testament age, and the history of the early church. The latest movement among charismatics seems to be the appearance of self-proclaimed "apostles" who do not meet the definition of a new testament apostle, but seem to be given unusually great authority by local church bodies as if they were. I hope that MacArthur addresses this issue more directly in a new edition. This is solid Bible teaching that every believer needs to be aware of today.
Rating: Summary: Does being a Charismatic have you confused? Review: I was faced with a spiritual crisis in my life a decade ago. I was raised Lutheran, but had got involved with Pentecostals/Charismatics in my teens. For years I attended meetings and watched as people danced, shouted, laughed and other forms of activity all taken place by way of the Holy Spirit, or so they said. I despised them for it as I never saw this reality in my own life. In truth, I really did not want to start shouting and dancing around the room. I longed for the quietness and reverance of my old Lutheran Church where I had learned to love God, but I was now told that they were not led by the Holy Spirit. I discarded the notion and continued attending Pentecostal meetings never really enjoying them, but figuring this is the way we were supposed to worship. I walked in confusion as people seemed to get messages from God anywhere and everywhere, even sitting on the toliet. I never experienced this. All I ever came away with was guilt and misery. I came to the point of wondering if God was even there. I picked this book up and found that there were good reasons that I was not enjoying the Pentecostal experience. Reading Charismatic Chaos was liberating for me. I was fianally able to bid farewell to the whole Charismatic thing without guilt and go back to the Church I grew up in where I re-discovered my love for God. I would not condemn Charismatics and neither does MacArthur. I do view the Charismatic movement as being based on extreme emotional experiences, which may or may not be from God. If you are Charismatic and confused this book may help. God Bless.
Rating: Summary: Poison Review: Just more propaganda and faulty logic. I don't see him having any healings or revivals in his church, maybe some self examination would be a wise idea instead of badmouthing other believers and trying to make them look foolish.
Rating: Summary: Very "Sound" and a MUST for those who want the truth Review: MacArthur does a wonderful job presenting issues in this book. He has done his homework as far as bible study, research, and presenting issues from all angles. I personally thank him for presenting the facts as they are. I wish I had this book many years ago when my mother, pastor, and others tried to point me in the right direction. They all tried to warn me of these things years ago when I went into Pentecostalism. However, I believe my learning "first-hand" has made me the person I am now. MacArthur's book bears witness to what I was told and what I have seen over the years in the pentecostal/charismatic movement. In closing, the teaching in this book is doctrinally-sound and a MUST for all those who want the truth from the biblical perspective. If someone is offended by what he says, it only means they need to get on their knees and pray for understanding and get in the Word more as well as do extensive research. I used to memorize verses when reading the Bible; but that is NOT the same as studying. Study involves research using dictionaries, commentaries, history, culture, etc. Again, this is an outstanding book!
Rating: Summary: another false critique of a movement inspired by God Review: This book is absolutely blasphemous! Throw away your traditional religious beliefs and your "fundamentalist doctrine handbooks" (as they should be called) and start studying the Word of God!! Anyone who believe that tongues, prophecy, and miraculous healings have "passed away" or "ceased" is a complete heretic and will answer to Almighty God someday for deceiving other Christians! STOP REMOVING UNWANTED SCRIPTURES!! AND STOP ATTEMPTING TO JUSTIFY THE LIFE OF SPIRITUAL LIMITATIONS THAT YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE!!