Rating:  Summary: Excellent resource of Roman Catholic teaching Review: McCarthy's "Gospel According to Rome" is an excellent, well organized, and easy-to-use resource book on the subject.
To those Roman Catholics who have bashed this book, I can only say they must be very insecure in their beliefs or very uncomfortable with the teachings of their own religious institution. For the hard truth is that McCarthy's book is not based on his own biased opinion or interpretations of Catholc belief, but a straightforward presentation of the doctrines and teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, via its own well-referenced catechism and official documents.
Though written by a former Catholic, this is not a personal rant abut the Roman Catholic Church. Rather, McCarthy's main aim is to inform about the teachings and structure of the RCC. For this reason alone, many Catholics who have written disparagingly here would do well to read a book like this, as my own experience and observations have taught me that the average church-going Catholic knows little about the offical teachings of his/her own Church.
For example, ask ten Roman Catholics what one must do to get to Heaven, and you will typically get ten different answers. Yet, Mr. McCarthy, utilizing the Vatican's own official teaching (and , in this instance, with the aid of concise, detailed flow charts) clearly delineates the complicated criteria for justification and sanctification that the RCC has developed over the centuries.
As stated, in this sense, this book would be even useful to Catholics who need a simpler understanding of a belief system that is so complicated it requires the employment of canon lawyers.
McCarthy's detailing of the process which made "the Assumption of the Virgin Mary" an infallible doctrine is worth the price of the book alone.
Of all the unique and peculiar doctrines that separate the RCC from Protestants, it can be easily argued that this is the most peculiar. Where is the evidence, scripturally, historically, or otherwise, that Mary was assumed bodily into Heaven? McCarthy relates with inarguable historicity how Pius XII was able to use the RCC notion of tradition to declare ex cathedra a new belief requirement for Roman Catholics, in spite of deafening silence on the matter from the entire body of early Christian fathers.
The book is well organized, with chapters expressing in great detail the Roman Catholic teaching on a topic, followed by a Bibilical response. The material is well authenticated with the Roman Catholic catechism's reference numbers indicated throughout. Every assertion is well documented.
My highest rating, for a well written, interesting and informative book on official Roman Catholic teaching. The first book on my shelf I go to when I need such a resource.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Treatment of the Roman Catholic Church in print? Review: McCarthy's work is quite excellent. With respect, care, and precision, he brings the light of Scripture to bear on the Catholic Catechism. I would strongly recommend this as a primer on Catholicism for the layman who is unfamiliar with its teachings, and perhaps especially recommend it to ordinary Catholics seeking to bring Church dogma (as well as personal belief) under the searchlight of Holy Scripture. I have lent my copy to Catholic friends (including one Jesuit) and none have so far attempted to refute any of its contents.Having read the book with the Catechism in my hand, McCarthy's quotes from the Catechism are absolutely accurate, and not to my knowledge misinterpreted, or quoted out of context. It is worthwhile purchasing both the Catechism and McCarthy's critique to see the extent to which McCarthy's message is sadly true. Surely critics of the book are begging the question when they appeal to the authority of the Vatican as the authoritative interpreter of Holy Scripture - including its alleged nominating the Vatican as the authoritative interpreter? McCarthy is spot on in refuting Catholic dogma with Scripture, whose infallible interpreter is the Holy Spirit, granted to all true believers (John 16v13-5). The sheep hear His voice, but the hired hand they will flee from (John 10v4-5). Who are you listening to?
Rating:  Summary: Another they're wrong and we're right book Review: What does the disgruntled ex-Catholic McCarthy have to say in this book? Nothing scriptural of course. When the vain man-made traditions of the protestANT, evangelical, fundamentalists Catholic hater/basher crowd comes up one can simply cite scipture to refute them. Authority of scripture 1 Tim 3:15, Hebrews 13:17, John 20:30, John 21:25, 2 Thess 2:15. Sola Fide(faith alone?)read James 2:17, Romans 2:6-13, Acts 10:35, Rev. 20:13. Instant salvation/justification Philippians 3:12-14. As well as the Fathers of the Church like St. Augustine "One will possess the Holy Spirit only in proportion to his reverence for and adhesion to the Church of Christ. St. Jerome "If the soul in not clothed with the teachings of the Church, it cannot have Jesus enthroned inside it."