Rating:  Summary: Cry Havoc And Let Slip The Dogs Of War! Review: Yes, The Bible mentions a rapture but does it say when? Or have we merely assumed because we do not want to suffer through it that it happens at the very beginning of the tribulation? I do not know when it happens, Therefore I will not assume one way or the other. Yes, it very well could be at the beginning. But it could also be in the middle or at the very end. We simply do not know. Whatever the case I intend to stand for Jesus until my dying day. "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!". Let us put on the Armour of God, Use His Shield, Draw His two-edged Sword and fight the good fight. We are God's Army and we are fighting a war that we cannot see with human eyes. Jesus said we are to store up treasures in Heaven where we will never lose them, In other words, Let's all do God's Will and do It because we love Him. The truth never changes. We can believe whatever we want to believe but the truth will not change to suit our imaginations. There is only one God and only one correct interpretation of what God is. Let us all try to find that. Let us not put words into God's mouth that we can't back up in the Book. Technically there shouldn't be any denominations either but we know satan. Divide and conquer. Cheers.
Rating:  Summary: Lahaye and Jenkins pull no punches! Review: 'Are We Living In The End Times' has re-awakened my interest in biblical prophecy and future events from an 'end-times' perspective. Unlike a previous reviewer who charged 'Pan-Americanism', I find nothing of the sort. The hotbed of activity in the final days will be in the Middle East and the surrounding areas, not the West (I don't think the USA will even be around, much less a factor in prophetic events) and the authors decry the corporate greed of American capitalists in one section of the book. The 'Personalities' section was particularly helpful. Recommended reading for believers and seekers.
Rating:  Summary: Are we living in the End Times?...... Review: ......the answer is NO. For nearly two thousand years Christians have been screaming about the end times. It's not coming. There is no dragon that's going to come out of the ocean. Ever hear of alegory? Get a clue, people. The book of Revelation was written as a promise to Christians that God would deliver them from persecution from the Romans. The battle of Armegeddon was meant to be the final battle against the Romans at Megiddo. 666 is a code for the emporer Nero, NOT A COMPUTER CHIP! Tim Lahaye should do some actual research into Christian history rather than spit his biased drivel into ridiculous books such as this.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books on prophecy Review: Having just finished "Conquest of Paradise: An End-Times Nano-Thriller", my interest was peaked in regard to end times bible prophecy. The imagery from that book made the apocalypse seem all too real, so I figured I look for more on the subject. The only such I've read before is Hal Lindsey's "The Late Great Planet Earth". LaHaye and Jenkins handle the subject much better. The subject matter is very linear in its presentation and makes the subtle aspects of the Book of Revelation and the prophecies of Daniel easily understandable. After reading this book, if you're a Christian, you will find it difficult not agree that the Second Coming is near. For those who want additional reading, I highly recommend "Conquest of Paradise". I couldn't put that book down, and it had ideas in it that I've never heard before. Overall, this is one of the best end times books on the market. LaHaye and Jenkins do a great job.
Rating:  Summary: how not to interpret the Bible Review: I couldn't even finish this book. The connections, ideas and jumps that the authors make concerning Biblical prophesy and the modern era are at their best shaky and at their worst symptomatic of an overactive imagination. The writers espouse a literal interpretation of the Bible (which as I understand it means that Scripture should be interpreted by its plainest, most obvious and textually accurate meaning whenever possible), yet they repeatedly make outlandish parallels (with little or no literal scriptural foundation) between Biblical prophesy and historical events.
It is fitting that this half-cooked book on eschatology in the modern era should be written by the same authors whose claim to fame is a FICTIONAL literature series based on end times prophecy!
Along with the interpretational problems I have with this book, it also seems to be very anti-everything-except-what-the-authors-tell-you. Also, the little blurb from a Left Behind-series book at the beginning of each chapter looks to me to be a shameless plug for the authors' other works.
The study of prophecy should be used to grow in Christ, not to push your personal agenda and mislead Christians (and non-Christians) who eager to know more about their faith.
Do yourself a favor - take the money you would have used to buy this book and go buy a Bible.
Rating:  Summary: I feel we are living in the end times Review: I have read all 12 of the left behind books and they have moved me spiritually to learn more. I now search for books on prophecy and I find it very comforting to know that I will be taken away in the Rapture. This is a very good book for everyone to read as it is put into terms we can all understand. I would recommend this book to every christian. I think Tim Lahaye is a very talented writer and writes his books in terms everyone can understand. Thank you Tim for your left behind series and your many other books. I look forward to future books you write.
Rating:  Summary: For serious fantasy lovers only Review: Please read this book. If you believe it then you won't be needing any of your worldly goods or cash anymore so please send it all to me. Anyone ignorant enough to believe in this nonsense shouldn't be allowed to vote, drive, or reproduce. Historians can not accurately even prove who wrote the bible, yet millions of people believe it as the word of God. So why would anyone believe a book, supposedly taken from the scriptures as facts? Read Mother Goose, it's much more believable.
Rating:  Summary: it's near but when? Review: those of you who scored this book a 1 star have no foundation in the Bible or are atheist or both...go read revelations again and compare with the events that are happening in today's world. tim lahaye uses the Bible expertly...a good read
Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ BOOK Review: Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins should be commended for this wonderful book on Bible Prophecy. It is a subject that has had much disrepute brought upon (as well as Christianity) in general, because of date setters, and people bending the scriptures to fit there pat theories. LaHaye and Jenkins instead give us an excellent, sober, and intelligent, line by line cometary of the Book of Revelations in an easy to read manor; they also being in scriptures from all the Great Bible Prophets (both Old Testament and New testament) as well as from the Lord Jesus Christ. This Book is a must read for all Christians to promote Holly Living in an evil age and to spur evangelism and IS A MUST READ FOR ALL NON CHRISTIANS AS WELL. I would challenge everyone to read this book. If you see the Prophecies happening as laid out in the HOLLY BIBLE then you can chose to Believe. What do you have to lose?
Rating:  Summary: A Helpful Guide to the Left-Behind Series Review: Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins have really contributed to Biblical understanding of the end-times with this book. There are many books on prophecy, but this one is written with the common person in mind, assuming that they are not experts on the finer points of eschatology. What is great about this book is that it takes snippets from Left Behind and then explains them biblically. Understanding prophecy can be overwhelming and confusing, but they give timelines, helpful information and they speak to the common believer. This book is a needed followup for Left Behind. It will really sharpen your knowledge of Bible prophecy and coming events.