Rating:  Summary: Truth Review: As i read this book it revealed alot in me that I thought I was past as a Christian. Thank God I found this book. I found myself smiling, laughing, and crying because this was a great book. I recommend this to anyone who needs to be delivered from racism and doubt about God bring you "the one your heart loves."
Rating:  Summary: What should we see first. The person or there color? Review: Boaz Brown is an amazing book. I am a white female and have dated and will probably marry a black man. My daughter is also half black and I hope that I can teach her through the love of Jesus Christ that race has no bounds and that only hate is from the enemy. This book really helped me see into both sides and the reality that I and my daughter may face!
Rating:  Summary: Different... Review: Boaz Brown wasn't quite what I expected it to be, but it was a pleasant read in spite of that. The story crossed racial lines and addressed some really important biases that we sometimes have, but don't know, or at least won't admit to. Love can be found in the places we least expect and when we limit our horizons with racial prejudices, we can sometimes miss out on the blessing God has prepared for us. Michelle Stimpson did a very applaudable job crafting this story.
Rating:  Summary: Boaz Brown Review: Congratulations to Michelle Simpson for a beautiful, romantic, realistic depiction of a developing relationship that had so much against it, but showing how love prevails, no matter what needs to be overcome. I absolutely enjoyed reading Boaz Brown. So many Christian women create their list of attributes for their ideal man, and this book shows that the list may be what is keeping a woman from meeting that man that God has for her! Intertwined throughout the book is the underlying theme of how a person's prejudices may be keeing her from a fulfilling and satisfying life. Michelle Simpson confronts the issue of race relations and the importance of looking beyond our personal reality toward's God's reality. I could not put the book down. I read almost every word because I did not want to miss a thing. LaShondra is a woman who wants to live her life by the Book. Her struggles represent the issues many Christian women face. Her inner conflicts are real. Her family is one we can identify with. LaShondra successfully overcomes her own prejudices to find happiness where she never dreamed she would go. As for "Boaz", he is the man most of us have dreamed of. Michelle Simpson provides us with an example of a solid man of God who knows how to treat a real Christian woman. I loved this book!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Good but TOO PREACHY Review: I read this book because the synopsis stated that it focused on the dilemma of entering into an interracial relationship. I thought this book was way too preachy. Lashondra Smith is not have much luck dating black men but when she is approached by good looking white Stelson she is reluctant.
The fears and frustration shared by Lasondra were right on point. She mentioned how white people frustrate her yet Stelson seemed like the "one." The characters also talked about the fact that you have to put on one face for white people and another face for black people.
The book would have been better if it weren't so preachy. This book was more about the characters new found relationships with God, as opposed to interracial dating.
Although interracial dating seemed the main point of the book, I don't think it was the true point. For instance, Stelson is a FINE white man. Would Lasondra have fallen for him if he wasn't fine? The character never discussed this point. Stelson was perfect in every way but did his looks make Lasondra amenable to him or his Godliness.
The book never really delve past Lasondra's initial frustration. Because Lasondra and Stelson were deeply religious, the intimate side of the interracial relationship was never explored. Also, unexplored were cultural differences and so forth.
Like I said, I just don't think the true focus of this book was the uncertainty of an interracial relationship in as much as Lasondra's uncertainty in being able to find true love in her 30's.
Rating:  Summary: Love Sees no color Review: Imagine this: you've grown up in a household where you've been taught "the White man is the enemy." You struggle with race issues all your life and finally decide enough is enough and get on your knees to ask God for guidance. Believe it or not, all prayers are answered. The result may not be what you want when you get it.
LaShondra is the vice principal of a predominantly white school and not to be considered a "sell out", she also volunteers as a tutor at her church. The volunteering takes its toll on her since she's the only one extending this much needed service. Her job as a vice principal also faces its trying times when the principal overturns her decision to suspend a (white) student. It's about money and not academics.
During a career fair at the school, LaShondra meets Stelson Brown. He is a prominent engineer and also happens to be white. Stelson is immediately smitten with her but she's not paying him any attention, until she notices all the white women falling over themselves to get his attention. As a way to show them she's the treasure he's seeking, she decides to go to an impromptu lunch with Stelson and the rest is history. What was supposed to be an innocent lunch turns into way more than LaShondra is willing to deal with at this time. She's having issues with race and many of her beliefs that were embedded by her father. She struggles with accepting the feelings she's beginning to have for Stelson, but he remains patient and continues to witness but she's not trying to hear what he's saying. She is adamant about this being a personal battle that she has to fight and come to terms with in her own time. Only time will tell what the heart is really feeling.
I simply loved this book. Stimpson also used bible teachings to drive her point to home plate. So often we have a preconceived notion of the "type" of man we are looking for and as a result end up missing out. He's too short, too tall, too fat, too skinny, too black, or too white. The real question is who is he on the inside? Judging a person solely by their physical appearance is a blatant disregard for what's truly important - character. Love sees no color. Once we learn that, practice it's concept and give everyone the benefit of the doubt, until given reason not too, then and only then will you really find true love or your very own Boaz.
Reviewed by Esther "Ess" Mays for Loose Leaves Book Review
Rating:  Summary: A Quick Read Review: LaShondra Smith is an attractive, successful, professional woman who is
looking for a relationship. LaShondra has high standards including that
any potential mate must be God fearing. LaShondra finds all of the
qualities she is looking for in a man in Stelson Brown, except that Stelson
is white and LaShondra is hesitant to enter into a serious relationship
with him. LaShondra was raised by her parents, particularly by her father
who was the victim of Southern racism, to be wary of white people and stick
to her own kind. LaShondra's values are ingrained into her and it is very
difficult for her to overcome her own prejudices and let her relationship
with Stelson grow.
The book was cute. I liked the premise of developing an interracial
relationship from the perspective of a Black woman. The writing was not
the strongest, but I liked the way the author explored LaShondra's
prejudices against white people through her developing relationship with
Stelson and how her deep seeded beliefs about white people were challenged
by her faith.
The book definitely has a strong Christian theme. Some of the characters
are under-developed, including Stelson, who seemed more like a prop used
for LaShondra to explore her own conflicting feelings, but it was a worthy
first effort and a quick read.
reviewed by
Rating:  Summary: Looking for Mr. Right Review: Michelle Stimpson offers up a spiritually challenging yet enjoyable read in her novel BOAZ BROWN. LaShondra is a Christian woman who has achieved success in most areas of her life. She is an assistant principal, and when she is not volunteering to work in various ministries at her church, she spends her free time with her family and girlfriends. LaShondra is single, and after being involved in several dead-end relationships, she renews her faith and decides to be celibate until God sends her the man of her dreams; her very own Boaz (Boaz is a man introduced in the book of Ruth in the Bible and LaShondra considers him an example of an ideal mate.) When she meets Stelson the two have an immediate attraction. Stelson seems to possess all the qualities that LaShondra requires in a mate. He is a successful businessman, a Christian, and like her he is a very active member of his church. However, there is one criterion that Stelson will never be able to meet and LaShondra is forced to do some serious soul searching, praying, and studying of God's Word before she is able to determine if she is willing or able to venture into a relationship. She has faith that God will send her "Boaz", but when He does will she recognize him? I really enjoyed reading this book, primarily because although it was a work of fiction, it challenged me to re-examine my views to see if my thinking was in line with my Christian values. Many of the characters in the book could serve as spiritual role models because they were very disciplined about studying the Bible, praying and allowing God to direct them on a daily basis. Still, the characters were human; they made mistakes and had character flaws that any reader could relate to. The book had a strong spiritual message that the author supported by integrating scripture into the story, yet the book never came across as preachy or overbearing. Michelle Stimpson is definitely an author to watch. With interesting sub-plots and a strong set of supporting characters BOAZ BROWN is indeed a page turner. Reviewed by Stacey Seay of The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers
Rating:  Summary: How do you love? Conditional or Gods Unconditional way? Review: Much Applause to Michelle Stimpson for stepping out and bringing to the pages of black & white, the real color of GRAY. LaShondra Smith is a successful, strong, single woman with a close knit family & life long friends and most importantly she has established a strong personal walk with GOD. LaShondra just wants what every woman desires, a strong, sucessful, I will be there for you man, and she is praying for him. In walks Stelson Brown, a successful, strong, drop dead gorgeous, man with a secure & confident relationship with GOD. OK so what is the problem, What LaShondra has been praying for is What Stelson is, well almost. LaShondra finds out that life, love & faith don't always come exactly like you dreamed. When faith, love are put to the test, what do you do? LaShondra quickly learns that she has to deal with her past, her present, that is if she wants to have a happy future. Michelle Stimpson has brought an eye opener fo many in this story. Just remember to never say never & if you want a Boaz, you will have to be a Ruth!
Rating:  Summary: One Word...Awesome! Review: The author did an excellent job with this book. It flowed greatly. Without going into a lot of details about the plot I will say that the book was really an eye-opener on race relations in our society...But hey "Love Conquers All"! It's rare that I find a book that I just don't want to end, but this book was just that great!