Rating:  Summary: Informative, but a few points need to be expounded on Review: As the author states, satanism was transplanted into the New World from Europe, around the 1800's. Also, it is important to note that modern Satanism, such as that practiced by the church of Satan, is quite watered down. When it came to the America's, it wasn't, and some of these cells thrived independently of one another, and still do. Yes, it is unusual, but not unheard of. Most people, when confronted with that type of evil (such as in the book), steer clear of it. However, it does still continue on from generation to generation. The New Age Movement, far more enticing and "compassionate" takes up the slack by gradually introducing people to unChristian practices, in a far less offensive way. This is the more long-term tactic of Satan: teaching you what is bad is in reality, good. There are many levels to even this, but it is the true movement of the Anti-Christ. Afterall, most people with common-sense would run from the kind of people written about in this book. So, it has to be introduced in a newer, more "one-world" friendly manner. It has to appeal to people who ordinarily wouldn't embrace it. So, while I will admit that when compared to the larger society in North America, the events described in this book do happen, albeit rarely. However, the true enemies of God are far more appealing to modern-sensibilites, and they appear to be based on tenets that ordinarily well-rounded and compassionate people would think are good. That is how modern Christian Churches are infilrated with these ideas, over a longer period of time. So, I just wanted to put this book in the proper perspective. Outright Santanism is practiced, and some cells from old Europe do still exist in America today, although covertly. But, don't forget that Satan's true agenda will unfold through the "compassion" of the New Age Movement. We should truly fear things that are hard to tell if they are right or wrong, and see true Satanism as an anomaly...a rareity to be guarded against, yet put into perspective. Yes, I am a born-again Christian.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent help for a helper Review: Having read REACHING FOR THE LIGHT, I followed the suggestion to learn all I could about ritual abuse. So very much of the content in SATAN'S HIGH PRIEST has turned out to be true in my friend's case, I am grateful for this book being written and published. It not only helped me realize I am not fighting this war alone, but the ending--the ending is helping me and my friend reach for the light. Thank you.
Rating:  Summary: Not again... Review: I am a practicing Satanist. I own many of the works by Anton LaVey. I was on the website for my local occult shop and noticed this book was placed in their left hand path section and the title led me to believe it was some kind of unauthorized biography of Anton LaVey so it made me excited to come here and see what it was all about. I didn't examine the book jacket very carefuly I just saw the title which says "Satan's High Priest" and the baphomet (more on this later). I'm digusted that this trash is still being printed. Folks, this is HATE LITERATURE. I haven't even read it, and judging by the description and the cover of the book alone I know what it's all about. Another author spreading hatred towards my religion to those stupid enough to literaly buy into it. This disturbed me because it uses the symbol of my religion on the cover of the book, and as another reviewer said that shouldn't even be legal. I'm not reviewing this book since I have never read it so I am simply trying to spread understading and awareness. To whomever is interested in buying this, I wanted to encourage you to buy another book either with it or hopefuly instead called "Remembering Satan" by Lawrence Wright. Not only is this a TRUE account of a Satanic Ritual abuse case but it covers the history of American paranoia and hysteria dating back to the Salem witch trials. That said, it would be just as interesting for you and it will be a valuable book to share with your friends and family members who may have misguided views. It's completely needless to say because it's obvious, but if you really want to know what MODERN Satanism is all about you should read The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. It was the first and the original. A wonderful little book that has never been out of print, inspired those who read it when it first hit the shelves, and continues to inspire more people decades later, even today.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: I found the book to be interesting and informative, but it seemed more like story form than what I expected. It is really sexually graphic, which I found to be a bit much, but all in all the book was interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Poorly written attempt at shock fiction Review: I purchased this book with the expectation of being educated on this subject. Instead it was filled with boring half truths that the author admits to having fabricated in the introduction. If you expect to gain an insight into the minds of these people, don't. The characters are one dimensional and weak, the dialog and narration is VERY poor. If you expect to learn about "Satanism", don't. This book is filled with lies. If you expect to be shocked, don't. How the author manages to write about shocking things like infanticide and beastility while still putting you to sleep is an amazing feat of poor authorship. Overall you would be better off spending your money on ANYTHING ELSE. This is one lame and boring attempt at an after-school-special supposedly "based on a true story".
Rating:  Summary: Not recommended for everyone Review: I would not recommend this book to those who wish to become more familiar with ritual abuse. As one who knows several survivors, this author seems to sensationalize and embellish her limited understanding of sra. This book is more likely to make a skeptic out of a believer. Rather than educate, it continually distracts and causes the reader to question its credibility. While the author is sincere in attempting to raise awareness of ritual abuse, she has clearly fabricated some of the information in this book. The book is well written but fails to provide a more genuine understanding. For a greater understanding, I'd suggest Morning Come Quickly by Wanda Karriker.
Rating:  Summary: Whoa! What A Ride! Review: If you're looking for a sexually and gorily graphic half-story/half-real account of Satanism in a small, rural town, this is the book for you! Meant to shock you at every corner and sometimes going way over the top, this book still gives you an idea (not necessarily factual though) of how Satanism can affect a town. I personally found this book fascinating and difficult to put down, but it also was very tirggering for me. I suppose that's my own fault, being an SRA survivor, I had no business reading this book. But it's a good read. Just as long as you are prepared to read about every disgusting thing that looms here on earth. Recommended with caution. :v)
Rating:  Summary: New slant on ancient issue of ritual abuse. Review: Judith Spencer's first book on ritual abuse made me afraid, but Satan's High Priest made me cry. This insightful, new book tells the story of occult crime from the viewpoint of the perpetrator. Joseph Warren, operates the local mortuary and the mercantile as well, so he's exceptionally well situated to succeed his father as high priest of the local satanic cult. As we watch his rise to power, the broadening of his sphere of influence and his masterful control over his subjects, both human and demonic, we see a man driven to flee awareness of his own traumatic past, an awareness that could lead to his own healing. Joe Warren never chooses awareness, but he does lose his power to a bigger player, and the latter days of Warren's life are ruled by fear -- the natural fruit of his labors for evil. Then, just when things look darkest, adults Joe abused and trained to do evil as children begin to remember and reach out for help as they embrace the awareness Joe never had. One of them is Joe's own da
Rating:  Summary: Superb Exploration into the Psychology of Perpetrators Review: Rarely has it been my displeasure to read such a piece of poorly-written pornography masquerading as a tell-all expose' of "Satanism." Between the bodice-ripping pseudo-details ("The child's hand grasped the hilt of the ceremonial dagger, and struck with profound savagery, again and again. The altar ran with blood") to Spencer's own admission in the preface: "Details of some events in the story are constructed consistent with what would be expected given what was known of the time and area and (the alleged perpetrator's) place in them. Informed assumptions are made...." (page 14) there is little credibility left here, even for the most gullible. The most truly Satanic thing about this trashy little tome is the author's willingness to dish the invented "dirt" while maintaining that even the most repellent "details" a la Jerry Springer are neccessary to bring this "abuse" out of the closet. No deviation is too disgusting to be trotted out in the name of "truth".....and the more detail, the better. Repellent! This is one of the *worst* books I have ever read; gutter-journalism at it's finest.
Rating:  Summary: Why Is This Such A Contraversial Subject? Review: Regardless of what anyone thinks of this book, or whether they even believe the events described in this book, I know from personal experience that this stuff does happen! My little brother was a product of this. His mother, not mine, offered him as a sacrifice to satan. My father quickly involved the authorities only to find out that many of them were corrupt themselves. He had to fight a horrible court battle to stop the mother from carrying out her plans, he had to have a circuit Judge shipped from out of town to get involved because most of the officials, sherrifs, judges, child protection and so on were a part of this cult. He finally prevailed, but not before his house was shot up missing those inside, but the bullet holes everywhere and the scared people who were inside being so distured that my father had to hire special protection till the whole thing was over. My half sister was also involded in the brotherhood, she is no longer but was enraged when she found out what was going on because she knew from being a part of the sect that this was all a reallity of their very religion. Baby's, people kidnapped off the street and even people within that were no longer wanted had been used for sacrifices, so I don't even care to see some smart alleck satanist come here and preach their mumbo jumbo. I do however know of satanist's who do not relish the thought of taking human life, but these people are not directly involded with any coven that practices this type of devotion to satan. Those who do, are very high up in the sect and would gladly give their own life if they felt it would please him!!!!