Rating:  Summary: On par with Think and Grow Rich Review: At first I was sceptical when my business associate Arthur Goldstuck gave me this book. After reading the first few chapters I realised this book is very sound in it's advice and very practical at the same time. Like Think and Grow Rich this book contains many practical examples of how to put the ideas into action and how it has worked wonders for others. Written in the 1950's the advice is now needed more then ever to get ahead of the pack.
Rating:  Summary: Eliminate those success blind spots Review: Chapter 3 changed my life - got to start with this book while you are planning to climb the ladder of success in life. The best priviledge I have is lending out this book to people (as I have done it so many times) and see their lives starting to change for good! Catch the word in the title 'THINKING' and you have mastered the best success principle in life.
Rating:  Summary: Complete personality developement program............... Review: David Schwartz is amazing.He raelly sets standard for his readers.This book is so wonderful,it will show its power only after reading 10 pages.Can you imagine what after reading complete book?This book not only for MLM leaders but everyone of all ages should read it. Author shows us how powerful our belief is,Then how to stop giving excuses,What is thinking big & how to think.How to use the power of words by speaking positive. Our thoughts create our world.Change thoughts change your world. This book will uncover the leader in you.Just follow your dreams & instructions given in this book.You & people around you will feel the different you in 1 month. It worked for me, it will work for you too.
Rating:  Summary: Read and grow Review: Excellent read for those who are seeking a practical advice to improve all aspects of their lives, be it occupation, daily habit, apperance, thinking positively. Must read for all MBAs and professionals who want to build up a successful career.
Rating:  Summary: I'll jump on that 5-star bandwagon! Review: I could repeat everyone else's comments, or I could just give a quick overview of why I think you should read this book. This book is a must-read for any person serious about improving themselves as a manager, a husband or wife, a friend, or a person in general. There are a lot of mediocre self-help books out there, and its refreshing to go back and re-read The Magic of Thinking Big, which is one of the few that sets the standard. I would classify this at the same level as Think and Grow Rich and How to win Friends and Influence People. This is one of those rare books thats actually flawless, and thats why it gets 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: The Book that Changed Everything For Me Review: I have to admit, I have read this book about 8 times. I make it a goal to read this book every six months because of the powerful influences that come from Dr. Schwartz. I read this book initially in 1999 and was taken aback by how powerful the thinking process is. As a result of applying the book, I was able to get a better job, attain certifications in my field (Computers), buy a house and feel much better about myself. If you find yourself in need of a change, look no further than this book. I recommend this book for family and friends. While the book was written some 30+ years ago, the concepts are still relevant, and the stories hold true today. Put this book at the top of your must read list!!!
Rating:  Summary: THINK BIG + WORK HARD + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS Review: I love this book! This book is a must for anyone who wants to achieve success. I believe that the simple formula for achieving success is: THINK BIG + WORK HARD + STAY FOCUSED = SUCCESS This book is for THINKING BIG For WORKING HARD read: Unstoppable: 45 Powerful Stories of Perseverance and Triumph from People Just Like You, by Cynthia Kersey For STAYING FOCUSED, use The Motivational Blueprint (you can get it free from my website) Zev Saftlas, Author of Motivation That Works: How to Get Motivated and Stay Motivated & Founder of www.CoachingWithResults.com
Rating:  Summary: Best of its kind. Very effective simplicity. Napoleon who? Review: It is always shady when you see someone using the usual cliché "This book has changed my life!". While I usually don't take those comments seriously (too much money wasted in 'life-changing' books, I guess) I have to admit that sometimes a particular book hits you with more impact than usual and after a couple of years some self-examination might leave you with the impression that perhaps the author has indeed influenced your choice of paths more than you would have expected. This was the case with me and Dr. Schwartz's "Magic". I am not an intense fan of self-help and motivational literature, but do read a title or two now and then. I have read many of the classics like Dale Carnegie's books (almost all), Napoleon Hill's "Think and grow rich", Covey's "The 7 habits of highly successful people" and others like "How to be a start at work", "The power of positive thinking",Psychocybernetics" and many more that have sold millions, are mentioned everywhere and everybody seems to love. Maltz, Hill, the list goes on. The fact it that so far no book of this kind has proven to be as effective with me as this one. I even felt I have wasted too much money. Not the case with this particular book. This is the kind of title where you read things you already know, you are after all mostly just looking for motivation. That extra push to get you going in particular moments when things aren't flowing as easily as you'd wish. And for that use, my preference goes to books that have an honest simplicity. This title isn't verbose, it isn't very technical or full or scholarship, perhaps even some of its examples are fully fictional. The truth is that I don't care about that, because it has proven very effective. If you are looking for something to motivate you (in any area), I suggest you try this title first. The effect with you might be quite different. Perhaps Napoleon Hill's style suits you better (I truly disliked his books) or maybe some other author. But to many of us, Schwart'z approach is perfect. I first read this over a year ago, and can now look back and see certain aspects that were definitely made easier because if it. Overall, the only thing I regret is not having found this title much sooner in my life (I'm 27), but it will no doubt still prove useful for many years. As a side recommendation, I suggest you combine this with the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, or the more accessible "The Art of Virtue" also based on Franklin's words, Dale Carnegie and as much wisdom and self-examination as you can come up with. The results won't be magic, but I'm pretty sure the improvement will be easy to notice.
Rating:  Summary: It tells us the importance of positive thinking Review: John Milton in his 'Paradise Lost' wrote: "The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell or hell of heaven." Lord Buddha also said that "mind is behind all our action" over 2,500 years ago! Now Dr David J Schwartz gives a similar message in his motivational book. However, there is a difference. Dr Schwartz's book presents us with a carefully designed program for getting most out of all aspects of our lives: job, marriage, family and the community. It tells us the importance of positive thinking and how we can turn a defeat into a victory and many more including achieving financial security. He guides us to reach all these goals through our own will. No wonder why more than 4 million copies of this book have been sold! I'm sure that there are few of us who haven't read the book would consider extracting some wisdom from this wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: Author not always credible Review: The author is a PHd...but in what? The book never says. I doubt if the author has a PHD in any scientific fields because his thinking is less than scientific. Most of his superfluous advice is based on personal observation and examples, not on scientific research and verifiable facts. Sometimes he gets a little judgemental. For example, the author chastises a financially successful 40 year old man for breaking up his engagement. Yet, I highly doubt the author knows enough about that man or the relationship to judge fairly. In summary, he says a lot of good things based on hot air, personal observations, and judgements.