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Rating:  Summary: Beautifully written, illustrated and profound!!! Review: Although I'm a Buddhist, my soul is healed after reading "The Little Soul and the Sun". I intuitively know the book contains a great secret of Life. Moreover, the illustrations are utterly beautiful. it should be a required reading for humanity.
Rating:  Summary: A special book for special children Review: As the mother of a special needs child I find the message in this book delightful. Granted I haven't gotten to the point of having to explain the book, or its message to him yet. But I think that for any child, on any subject a book that inspires conversation and discussion with a loved one, is to be treasured. And in many ways I think that it answers many of the questions about God that frequently arise.I think that in addition to using this book to teach about god, it will also be a tool to teach my child about others who may do unkind things and how to respond to them. ALso I really appreciat the focus on the emotional and personality ways that people are special instead of the focus of so many books on being special because of actions and sports- things that my son may never be able to do- but he will be able to be kind and loving and sharing and forgiving.
Rating:  Summary: Living out the life of the Little Soul Review: Attention Parents and All Lovers of Children including, "You" (& Michael Jackson): The Little Soul in the Sun by author Neale Donald Walsch is a parable that gives children and adults a new way of looking at reasons why "bad" things sometimes happen and a new way of dealing with those issues whenever they occur. The story teaches that it is okay to consider your-self as special and to let others know just how special We-All-Are regardless of our culture, beliefs, or religion. The parable explains how God loves everyone in the same way. It describes how a person who we may not consider to be our friends may be God's angel in disguise. God has sent them to bring us a gift-the gift of growing in tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, and a chance to be 'Who-We-Really-Are.' Neale and I believe that this parable came from God and we know that anyone who becomes familiar with it will be blessed by it. Along with his other books, I am blessed by it daily because ever since it came into my life as a gift on Christmas of 2000, it has really opened my eyes to see the Presence of God in every aspect of life through a unique prospective. I like this parable so much that I choose to believe and "pretend" that I am the Little Soul, only I exist as a hue-man being 'In Living Color.' Compared to the Little Soul, I like to think that my experiences are based on the parable and this opportunity is being presented as part of an agreement to keep a promise. To understand the agreement and the promise you will need to 'hear' our story to believe me. As an adult, in my copy of the book, I even have other adults autograph and write 'words of wisdom.' The truth in what they write motivates me to continue believing, inspires me to understand more, and amazes me to think, hey! suppose this fiction is actually a real story that came to life. As a gift of a lifetime and for clarity on why I submitted this review, I ask that you act now, purchase today, and listen to the cassette version of the parable. Also purchase for your soul the CD, Conversations with God-The Journey created by award winning composer, Gerald Brunskill, a talented angel that I have met and appreciate. With your help, I would also like to organize a book drive for kids, which would involve lots of support and donations. Participants would write words of wisdom in these books, which would then be donated as charity to children of nation. In time, they might see you the way I see you, as a real angel sent by God. Thank you for coming, thank you for being here. Given the timing, you may even consider this message to be an, OMEN-phenomenon regarded as a prophetic sign*
Rating:  Summary: Brings Love and Forgiveness Review: I am 42 years old and every time I read this book it brings tears of joy. The message almost instantly connects me with the love I have for the people in my life. It helped me forgive those I had difficulty forgiving. It is a book for the child within, no matter what age you are. This little, innocent looking book may just rock your world. It did so for me. I, personally have bought at least fifty and given them to friends and family of all ages. If everyone could read, understand and accept what is available here in these pages we'd have instant peace on this planet.
Rating:  Summary: A book for all children, especialy the child residing in us Review: Simply and beautifully written. Everyone who reads this soul touching book can remember who they are and that, God doesn't send anything but Angels into our lives. I personally feel that if everyone were to read this story at the same, time our world would instantly change.
Rating:  Summary: I found enlightenment with The Little Soul and the Sun Review: This highly inteligent book was written for adults who understand the specialness and uniqueness of children and the bright light they show to us. To teach our young ones, we must first understand the story. This book should be read by every ADULT, and lovingly passed on to our children. I've had this book for sometime, and have waited for a grandchild to give it to. But now I feel that I am "hoarding" it. There are so many who need to hear its message! (Guess I'll have to get more copies!)
Rating:  Summary: Too complex for young minds Review: This is a lovely book. Walsch has set out, as he has in all his other books, to bring love, peace and understanding to the world. Unfortunately this is not his greatest success. Two types of children will get this book - those whose parents are CWG fans and can explain the book to their children, and those who receive this book from someone outside the immediate family as a gesture of love. The latter group are the losers because the book needs explaining. The topic of "slowing down vibrations and becoming heavy" is something that some CWG readers cannot grasp so what chance the children? I think Walsch has made a good attempt to bring CWG to children but it could have been so much simpler than this. You have to aim at your audience and I think he should have imagined a kid picking up this book and understanding it first time round with no assistance from outside. He would then have tackled it a different way.
Rating:  Summary: Reviewed by a metaphysician Review: This is a perfect gift to children of all ages. I have purchased it for my 3 year old. The ideas presented are expansive: ideas of oneness with all beings, good and 'bad.' The word 'bad' is mentioned only a few times in one section of the book and I found it acceptable, considering I censor things to the minute detail before allowing my daughter to entertain the thoughts. The Little Soul learns to love those that trouble him in a way that promotes joy in ones heart for life's enemies. (my wording, not the books.) There are so few books I have found that offer children the oneness with life idea, this is surely one to add to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: A deeply profound parable for all time! Review: This wonderful story has drastically changed the way I had viewed life and my relationships, both good and "bad". The idea that souls plan how they are going to help each other accomplish whatever they wish to accomplish in their next lifetime on Earth is simply mind-boggling! I now feel that I can better understand and forgive those who have harmed me in the past. It is now believable to me what God says in the book, "Remember, I have sent you nothing but angels." This story stirred my mind and touched my heart and soul.
Rating:  Summary: Be Re-Minded of Who You Are Review: When I first read the book Conversations With God a few years ago, I was deeply touched. Much of the insights presented in this unusual conversation were a wonderfully fresh way of seeing All is One and that All is Love. A year or so later, I was browsing the children's section of the bookstore and came upon The Little Soul and the Sun: A Children's Parable Adapted From Conversations With God. I read it right there and it brought tears to my eyes. Here it is some years later, and I've just bought this delightful book for my son as a Christmas present. This beautiful story is illustrated in lavish pastels by Frank Riccio, and features a parable about Little Soul--one who wants to experience itself as Who I Am. You see, Little Soul knows that it is Light--but feels that knowing isn't enough. So Little Soul asks God if it can actually feel what is means to be the Light. So God asks Little Soul how it can experience the Light when it is already as a candle in the Sun, along with the other billions of souls who make up the brilliance of the Sun? Little Soul entreats God to think of something--some way in which it can experience what it feels like to be Light. God answers Little Soul "Since you cannot see yourself as the Light when you are in the Light, we'll surround you with darkness." Little Soul asks "What's darkness?" and God replies "It is that which you are not." Little Soul asks God if it will be afraid, but God says "only if you choose to be...there is nothing, really, to be afraid of, unless you decide that there is." One of the central themes of Conversations With God is that in order for God to experience Itself, It had to be contrasted with something else--something "other". You cannot experience dark without light, up without down, now without then, fast without slow. The purpose of duality is to experience parts of the God-self in all Its glory. In a sense, we are all a part of God, and God exploded into a million Souls to experience Itself. However, when We made the journey Earthward, We forgot where We came from--and Who we were. Little Soul and God continue the conversation, and talk about how everyone is special in their own way--each manifesting a different part of "special". Some parts of special include kindness, creativity, and patience. Little Soul decides that the part of "special" it wants to experience is the part of special known as forgiveness. A multitude of Souls gather around God and Little Soul to hear this extraordinary conversation, and God sweeps an arm towards them: "There is nothing to forgive" God says. Little Soul could hardly believe what God said. "Everything I have made is perfect. There is not a single soul in all of creation less perfect than you. Look around you." Little Soul grumbles that this wasn't fun at all! How would it experience itself as One Who Forgives if there was noone to forgive? Just then, Friendly Soul offers to help him, volunteering to come into Little Soul's next lifetime so it can do something for Little Soul to forgive. Little Soul was incredulous, and aks why Friendly Soul, who was such a magnificent Being of perfect Light, would want to become dense and dark--slowing it's vibration in order to do this bad thing for Little Soul to forgive? "Simple", The Friendly Soul replies. "I would do it because I love you." Friendly Soul goes on to explain that both it and Little Soul have been male and femaile, good and bad, victim and villian--All of It. "Thus have we come together, you and I, many times before; each bringing to the other the exact and perfect opportunity to Express and to Experience Who We Really Are." In being the "bad one" this time around, Friendly Soul will give Little Soul the opportunity to experience itself as One Who Forgives. Friendly Soul becomes serious and confirms that it will have to become dense and dark to do this act--and that both it and Little Soul may forget Who They Were. Friendly Soul asks Little Soul a favor: to remember, in the moment that it strikes and smites Little Soul--doing the worst that it can possibly imagine--that Little Soul will remember Who Friendly Soul Really Is. An agreement was made, and Little Soul goes forth into a new lifetime, excited to be the Light--and to experience that part of "special" called Forgivness. "...whenever a new soul brought joy or sadness--and especially if it brought sadness--the Little Soul thought of what God had said. 'Always remember', God had smiled, 'I have sent you nothing but angels.'" My favorite passage of the book, which is the major theme of the New Age, is "And so", God concluded, "when you are surrounded with darkness, do not shake your fist and raise your voice and curse the darkness. Rather, be a Light unto the darkness, and don't be mad about it. Then you will know Who You Really Are, and all others will know, too. Let your Light so shine that everyone will know how special you are!"
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