Rating:  Summary: Relief from guilt Review: I was unclear since what I read in the bible was different from what I was hearing on Sunday. This excellent book explains that the requirement to tithe was only in the OT and never commanded in the NT. Tithes were based on crops, not money. Tithes were eaten and shared with the giver. In years 3 and 6 the tithes were given to the poor- which is a lot different than supporting church overhead expenses. This book is very detailed but nontechnical so you don't have to be a scholar to understand.
Rating:  Summary: Impacting ! Review: I've had this view for a long time and was happy to know more people sharing the same point of view. However you'll delight in the deep work performed by the Webb's. It's impacting because it opens an old wound in the traditional collection system, shared by many sincere Christians, but with almost no scriptural support. In my country many are profiting with this distortion, who's interested in keeping this misconception going? Another question arises... will we keep supporting our preachers without imposed rules? Read to know it's absolutely worth it !
Rating:  Summary: The best book for freedom from tithing and the law! Review: Michel webb et al, have done a masterful job of proving once and for all that tithing is NOT a New Testament command.It has been taught by many ministers and TV preachers that tithing is THE key to prosperity for the believer. Some preachers and teachers even go so far as to state that unless you tithe (work of the law, mind you) you don't even qualify for blessing. Excuse me, but the New Testament example for prosperity and any gift we receive from God is based on 2 Corinthians 8:9. By His poverty, we become rich...not through the work of tithing. Giving should be from the heart as we have purposed; not by compulsion to a law. We are under Grace NOT the Law. We give because we are already blessed NOT to get blessed. **The authors have covered this masterfully in their book.** In addition, tithing was under the OT Law to which Christ did several things: * Fulfilled it * Abolished it * Nailed it to His cross * Slew the enmity (through his cross) * Blotted out the handwriting of ordinances which were against us All of these references deal with the Law. Consequently, as a one Dr. Jay Snell has noted, we obey the Law not as an external document which damns; but as an inward impulse. And further, if you are a Gentile by birth, you were NEVER under the Law to begin with. Only the Jew was given the Law. Under the New Testament, the Christian was never and is never told to give a certain percentage by compulsion; on the contrary, we have the freedom to give freely as we have purposed in our hearts. Not a legalistic 10%, but an amount that we have chosen from the heart because we give out of love. This also means that giving beyond 10% is both possible and probable. **The authors cover this in their book as well.** Ask yourself reader: "Have I ever been blessed so much that I have not had room to receive it?" This is an oft-quoted promise based upon Malachi 3. But as you drive down the streets of anywhere, USA, you cannot tell the tithers on one side of the street from the non-tithers on the other side. Something is wrong somewhere. And consider this: the very ministers who teach tithing as binding upon a New Testament Believer as THE way of prosperity are actually placing the very people they are trying to get blessed UNDER A CURSE! How? Simple: by placing you under the Law in this one area of tithing, they are actually placing the burden to obey the ENTIRE Law upon you. Ministers cannot say, "Yes, we were redeemed from the Law but in this one area of tithing, it is still binding." These ministers even quote Malachi 3--an Old Testament passage written to those under the Law--as proof that we are blessed by tithing. However, you cannot pick and choose which parts of the Law to keep. As Paul said in Galatians, "he that chooses to obey the law in one point is a debtor to the WHOLE entire Law." In other words, if you take it upon yourself to obey one part of the Law, you are OBLIGATED to keep the entire thing! And with 613 different commands and ordinances to keep, it'll keep you busy. But this kind of teaching frustrates the very Grace teaching of the New Testament. Either Christ * Fulfilled the Law * Abolished the Law * Nailed the Law to His cross * Slew the enmity (the Law) * Blotted out the handwriting of ordinances (The Law) which were against us or He didn't. The Bible says He did. Therefore, tithing is no longer binding upon today's Christian. Many who teach tithing agree that it was under the Law and then go back to the period before the Law to substantiate tithing as a principle. In other words, if tithing or the giving of ten percent occurred before the Law, then it is binding today. But that is no argument. All of those who tithed before the Law were spiritually dead and there is no record of Adam and Eve tithing. Any appeal to the period of time before the law as proof of tithing being binding today in principle, is on shaky ground at best. **This book covers this as well as other objections.** I recommend that if you purchase this book, also get other books such as NO More Tithing," and "Did the Apostle Paul Teach Tithing to the Church?" These will prove once and for all that you are free to give...not obligated to give.
Rating:  Summary: This book brings freedom to your giving! Review: Mr Webb takes the traditions of men that we as Christians have followed in our giving practices and puts them on the altar of God to be burned up! He then takes the Truth of the Word and lets it bring revelation to us in regards to the freedom of giving by and through the Grace of God. I recommend this book to anyone who struggles with rigid 10% "tithing". You will be released and blessed and you will be able to give as we are called to - CHEERFULLY.
Rating:  Summary: Falls Short by a MILE Review: The author skips the real issue of tithing and the number of Lies that are told by the church. He has compromised truth on the alter of the fear of offending anyone. (Sheepish in his delivery) It will leave people with the same burden of "giving" money that yokes people with the same bondage as religious tithing. Having read Lie of the Tithe by R. Johnston after reading this book I found that there is no comparison between the books. Boldness and TRUTH was found in Lie of the Tithe where masking and yoking with the same burdens were found here. I have learned that when Nobody 777 says its good you should look out. He seems to be a religious something or other. The book falls short by a MILE from delivering the solid truth and will trap people into bondage again in the long run. Watch out!
Rating:  Summary: BEYOND TITHES AND OFFERINGS Review: These two men were armed to the teeth when it came to knowlege of different sacrifices etc. They even had a good handle on the unscriptural tithing part. My problem with the book came with the compromise that the authors made by implying that even though tithing is unscriptural we should give money to these local reprobate goat factories (churches) anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Free at last, Free at last Review: This book has backed my views on the Tithing issue! I highly recommend purchasing it!! I recked my credit during my college years due to the "give til it hurts" messages I sat under. I unfortunately felt obligated to pay up when Evangelists came to town, or whenever the Pastor wanted more money for the new "Palace" he envisioned building. I would question, "why am I suffering since I'm giving to cheerfully and generously?" The answer came when I cut back on my giving to catch up on my tuition and bills, and you know what,..I got my finances together. (You mean, I'm not cursed with a curse, and God is still blessing me?!!) Now I give freely based on how I feel led to give, or on what goal for giving I have set for MYSELF!! Some of my friends/family think I'm crazy, or dooming myself for my new, liberated views. I now have a book to give to them to hopefully set them free as well.
Rating:  Summary: Freedom Review: This is by far the best book that I have read on the subject and I have read a few. The authors examine the doctrine from just about every possible angle. Very tastefully done. I highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This is one of the best books for those that are seeking the truth about tithes and offering. The book points us back to the principles of true grace giving.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible book! Review: To be honest, I was a bit skeptical as the Webb brothers do not have the typical credentials of your typical theologian, and I think that's what makes this book so effective! An excellent historical account of the OT tithe and a very good foundation with which to base our true "grace-giving" off of. Great job, this is a truly wonderful and accurate book.