Rating:  Summary: Validation for those of us who don't believe in the tithe! Review: .... When I found out about this book on the internet, I knew I had to have it. I received it in the mail just a few days ago, and have devoured it. I was stunned by the depth and detail with which the author exposes the true purpose and practice of the old testament tithing ritual. The book is exegetically sound and heavily reliant on scripture. The amount of scripture used to support Mr. Webb's arguments (as shown in the index of quoted scripture verses) is impressive. The discussion of the old testament practices, in itself, was enough to conclusively demonstrate the fallacy of applying the tithe to the church. The later chapters on the relationship between Christians and the old testament law (another area in which I believe tradition has supplanted truth) are succinctly and persuasively written. .... Finally, the book concludes with a fabulous discussion of why and how spirit-led grace giving should occur. No doubt there are die-hard advocates of the tithe who will dismiss this book as written for people who want an excuse not to give. The beauty of this book is that it does NOT discourage giving. Rather, it ENCOURAGES GIVING THE WAY GOD INTENDED US TO GIVE. I felt such an incredible sense of validation as I read this book. My approach to giving will never be the same. I will NOT give less as a result of Mr. Webb's book. Rather, I will exchange Baptist tradition for biblical truth, and the oldness of the letter for the newness of the spirit. Thank you Mr. Webb!!! I highly, highly, highly, highly, highly (one for each star) recommend this book for anyone who is struggling with these same issues.
Rating:  Summary: A Much Needed Scriptured based Book on Tithes & Offerings! Review: Beyond Tithes & Offerings was the prescription I needed to answer all my questions & doubts about tithes & offerings. What I was reading in the Bible and what I was hearing was contradictory. I knew when I had asked for clarification through scriptures and only got words without scriptures, that I had to research the subject. And, what better way than searching on the Internet to find the information needed, when I could not find enough scriptures thru concordances, etc. to find it in the bible. I knew it had to be there! And, your book confirmed it!! Thanks so much to your faithfulness in writing the truth about tithes & offerings!! God bless you both!!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book! Presented with precision, balance and love! Review: Beyond Tithes and Offerings is a wonderful book! Many of the books and articles I have thus far read concerning this perspective of the tithe are often negative, critical and neglect to encourage the practice of true Christian giving principles according to the Word of God, which can only be effectively enacted out of a changed heart, filled with God's love and divine purpose. Beyond Tithes and Offerings is for certain a brilliant exception! This book not only outlines clearly and simply the proper biblical context of tithing (in contrast to the traditional view taught in most churches today - including my own, yikes! hehe), but it presents a practical challenge to invite the Lord to come and inspire our motivation to give out of our abundance to supply the lack of others; not out of necessity or by compulsion, but out of love. If you are one who perhaps has chosen a non-tithing position thinking that this means you are now exempt from a responsibility to give (even of your finances), this book will, on the contrary, prove you otherwise and challenge you directly in your faith and your relationship with Jesus. Beyond Tithes and Offerings does not neglect the importance of understanding Christ's heart as it concerns our giving. Since reading this book, in addition to my own personal Bible studies and prayer, I have experienced a revitalized sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and a fresh liberty in the area of giving that I had been missing before. I learned so much more than what tradition has taught me over the years (or perhaps I should say mis-taught). I highly would recommend this book to pastors as well as any Christian who would invite a challenge to their faith and the opportunity to grow in their understanding of God's Word as it applies to the subject of true Christian giving. The motivation of this book is not to divide churches or turn members against their tithe-preaching pastors or from giving financially to care for the needs of the local church, on the contrary it encourages spiritual growth and attention to the reality and power of God's Word that needs to be wholly applied to our lives in every area. This book is not against giving, in fact it encourages it and pastors needn't feel threatened by the title. It is certainly not the common perspective of most church leaders and Christians in general today (and for many may be a little hard to swallow because it so severely offends the tradition many have religiously observed for years), but it is the biblical perspective and one that I believe has the potential to revolutionize the way churches operate today. I especially encourage pastors to read this book, because, rest assured, probably a good number of your flock already are! It's going to make preaching the traditional tithe (with Scripture) a whole lot harder, as people begin to just read for themselves the simple truth revealed right in the pages of God's Word.
Rating:  Summary: WHERE IS THE CROSS IN TITHING?? Review: For many years I've agonized over traditional teachings on tithing. I couldn't reconcile them with the all-inclusive sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. This book has the Blood of Jesus coursing through from start to finish! This CANNOT be said of any book I've read supporting the tithe. I challenge any Believer to, first, look up "tithe" in Strong's Concordance (in which I was personally shocked to see that tithing stopped at the Cross!) and, then, read this book! Ask the Holy Spirit for the Truth. It'll change your life.
Rating:  Summary: Not Legalistic Review: Fortunately, this sheds some light for intelligent legalistic readers. Much of the "nothing but 10%" ado is not Christ-like and is hardly scriptural, from a New Testament perspective. Many of those things are pointed out here. Watch for the plank in our own eyes!
Rating:  Summary: finally the truth and freedom Review: I am so please to find the truth about tithing. Now my doubts about tithing has been answered. The author has done an outstanding job scripturally concerning tithing. I now feel freer than I have been in years of this subject. And I am happy to see that there are others out there who feels the same as I did. I want to thank Mr. Webb for this wealth of information on tithing. I recommend anyone who has questions about tithing to read this book, because it is a big eye opener. It has brought santity to my confused mind about giving. I was thinking correctly, but always felt like I was wrong because of the incorrect teaching I now know I received. There is a Pastor/Teacher Bob George, who did get me started on the correct giving and about tithing with his tapes, that was one witness and Michael L Webb is now two. I just thank my God for them for boldly coming forth in setting God's people free. FREE AT LAST, THANK GOD I'M FREE AT LAST, ESPECIALLY IN THIS AREA. MR. WEBB DON'T STOP.
Rating:  Summary: Good News Review: I believe that the authors did a great job. A majority of the people will never believe that this is a very scripture based book. I could not stop reading this book and it sheds so much light on tithing. I will say that in the last chapters, everything that was mentioned about pastors was true. I have had a pastor say that it would be hard for him to put in his tithe that Sunday, because of low funds, well this book points out the fact that you shouldn't give grudgingly. Final words, magnificent and hope to see more of your writing. God Bless
Rating:  Summary: Looking for others that believe the same... Review: I believe tithing was a Old testiment law. But I also believe now that we have grace, we no longer need the Law. Jesus came not to destory the law, but to fulfill. Because nobody could satisfy the law. I the new testement the disciples went from house to house breaking bread. They share with each other, not because of a law, but they loved one another. So in result they had all things to enjoy. I believe Love is stronger than the law. Love is the only commandment god gave us. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy mind. And love thy neighbor as thyself. You must choose to follow these 2 commandments or the 10 commandments. But the exciting thing is by following these 2 commandments, we have fulfilled the Law. I am searching for other believers like this. Because I will like to share my thoughts with them. Please contact me. Living for God is a very lonely thing and its hard to find friends. tmurray@interactive-internet.com (Timothy
Rating:  Summary: tithing is only for those under the law Review: I have felt coerced and guilty by my (former) pastor who insisted we give 10% of our gross salary to our local church, or else face God's wrath... I have always given 10% out of love but then after being hammered at, I started doing it out of guilt, fear and self-righteousness. Money seems to be very important today. This is a good - but rather long book. Also read the great internet article "Old testament giving vs. New testament giving" by Brian Anderson of Solid Rock church in Milpitas, CA.
Rating:  Summary: Read this book!!! You will be changed for the better!!! Review: I want to commend the writers for a wonderful and uplifting book. On the surface this book is about money, but in reality it is more about the freedom and grace that we have as christians. Next to the Bible this is one book that has truly shown me the love and grace of God, this book has had a profound effect in my walk with the Lord. From now on I will be lead by the spirit in my giving and not lead by well meaning but mislead men or women. My hope and prayer is that we who have read the book and realize the truth in it will have the courage and conviction to stand up for those who are less fortunate than we are, to not fear men but to fear God. Let us also put this book in the hands of men and women that are responsible for handling the money in our churches. As for me I am going to get a few copies and send them out to my church leaders, if they read this book and are not touched by it than I will know that their heart is not for the poor but for the money. Now I know the true freedom I have in Jesus Christ. Once again I thank the writers for letting God use them in such a powerful way. And most of all I thank Jesus my savior for my salvation and for my FREEDOM.