Rating:  Summary: You cannot be serious! Review: This book is incredible. It is incredible how the Roman Empire, that was largely responsible for the proliferation of literal Christianity, is now being tauted (in new form as the EU) as the birth place for the latest Anti-Christ. For previous candidates think of Hitler, Mussolini or the muslims that inspired the Crusades. Michael Evan's book is outstanding in its divisory, dogmatic nature and it's simplistic -almost childlike- notions of good and evil. The kind of thinking and belief system that this book so readily encourages, will contribute little to the tasks of reconciliation and peace-making that today's world so urgently needs. The book will no doubt sell well, very well in the US, though people will need to ask themselves why its sales are and always will be pitiful elsewhere.Come on Mr Evans - you cannot be serious!
Rating:  Summary: Up-to-date-news-behind-the-news Review: This book is well written, unbiased, informative, and revealing of information that most of us are not willing to take the time to research. My eyes have definitely been opened to the real war! Thanks for a timely book. Ann
Rating:  Summary: Fodder for Endtimes Christians Review: Michael Evans has written a book that attempts to justify US policy in the light of his interpretation of sacred Judeo-Christian texts. If you want to believe this sort of thing, that is your right. If, however, you think the US government should be secular rather than theocratic, and if you think individual politicians should be answerable to their constituency rather than to the radical religious right wing, you may want to read this book with a high degree of skepticism.
Rating:  Summary: A very timely book! Review: Mike Evans does an excellent job of showing the biblical significance of the times we are living. His many years of work behind the scenes with the leaders in Israel and in Washington D.C. gives the reader a unique perspective. He says the Quartet's Road Map is not a "peace plan" but an "appeasement plan." The book also addresses the war on terror and its realities. "Beyond Iraq" will give you an understanding of the complex situation in the Middle East and the impact it is having and will have on our nation and others.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacular Review: If you really want to see the war behind the war I highly recommend this book. It is a wake up call for all to stand up and be counted. The time is here and now not in the future.
Rating:  Summary: Wake Up Call Review: Wake Up People! The clock is ticking and we are fast approaching the final showdown! You NEED to read this book to open up your spiritual eyes. The worldwide cry is for "peace & security" but the "bible road map" to true "peace & security," a phrase that is repeated as the end-time war cry, has been laid out for several millenia by YHWH (g-d) in the scriptures. Buy a computer and you get operating instructions. If you do not read the instructions you will not be able to operate the PC properly. WE are a creation of YHWH - He left us a manual of "operating instructions" - The Bible, the Old Covenant, The Torah, and The Brit Hadasha, The "Renewed " Covenant. If we do not seek its wisdom on how to sucessfully operate in this world and in the next world we will perish! This book outlines the road to peace in the physical realm and how the realization and actualization of these truths can propel us into a life beyond of "eternal peace." It is YHWH's timing that this book is making its mark at this time in history. Get with His program! Get this book NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Beyond Brilliant Review: Michael Evans has written the best book on the true situation facing the Middle East to date. Sure to be a New York Times Best Seller. This is a book that should be guiding Middle East Policy from the White House to the Knesset. Mr. Evan's courageous rejection of the Middle East Roadmap is not based upon a lack of desire to see Peace come to a region that he has championed and studied for over 30 years, rather it is based upon an inability to embrace a strategy that is fundamentally flawed and could prove disasterous to Arab and Israeli alike. Beyond Iraq exposes the hypocrisy and intrigue behind the most explosive issue of our era. This is a must read if you are serious about understanding the issues in the most hotly debated issue of our day. The war on terrorism mus be fought with resolve and integrity. To err on either end is to guarantee terrorism's victory. Beyond Iraq is straight-forward, hard hitting and on the mark.
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read for this day and time Review: I read the first chapter of this book on-line and couldn't wait to buy it. Now more than ever we in America are becoming a globally focused nation , whether people like it or not. It is important not to remain ignorant as to the times that we are living in. People must take the time to seek for themselves what is happening in the world and no longer be content to form their opinions based on heresay. Take the time to understand why there is so much conflict over the Middle East in this day and age, history is unraveling before your eyes, and you have been chosen to live during such a time as this.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I've ever read!!! Review: This book opens your eyes to what is really going on behind the scenes. Mike Evans is a true ambassador to Jerusalem.
Rating:  Summary: Every Christian Should Read This Book! Review: With recent events in Iraq and now with the Middle East, this book is a wake-up call to Christians everywhere. This book helped me understand the implications of today's events from the perspective of Biblical truths. If you are a believer, you should read what this book has to say. It is GREAT! I could not put it down!