Rating:  Summary: An absolute must-read!! Review: Mike Evans ties the words of the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel together with today's breaking news in a well-written and easily understood explanation of the struggle between good and evil in these last days before the return of the Messiah. This book is a wake-up call for America that our future destiny lies in obeying God's Word by supporting Israel and that the time is NOW for Christians to stand up and be counted as being firmly opposed to the "Road Map" forcing Israel to surrender what God has given her. Read this book and learn of the prophetic ties between ancient Babylonia and the country known today as Iraq. See much of what has happened behind the scenes and why the war with Iraq has consequences that reach into eternity. Find out why Americans must unite in prayer NOW to break the power behind the forces of terrorism! This book is a message that needs to be read by every American!
Rating:  Summary: The Only Road Map to Peace - The Bible Review: I throughly enjoyed Mr. Evans' timely book because the events described in the book are so fresh in my mind. Evans has had access to the most important persons involved with the issues of the Middle East over the past 30 years. As such, he is uniquely qualified to write this book. He writes his book from a pro-Israeli viewpoint that the land covenents between God and Abraham about 4,000 years ago trump any Arab claims to the land that have occurred since then. Evans does an especially good job describing the extremist form of Islam called Wahabi. I learned that the extremist Muslims really do obey the Koran. The garden variety Muslim in the U.S. and Europe are much like nominal Christians: They believe their faith to a point but not with a passion. We need to remember that Wahabis and the extreme form of Islam constitute only about 10 percent of Muslims worldwide but that is still over 100 million people. They want to see Israel driven into the Mediterrean and the U.S. driven to financial ruin. They are taking their fantastic oil reserves as Allah's blessing to accomplish these goals. Evans traces both history and politics and ties them into biblical references that have predicted these events. Especially of concern is Evans' warning that the upcoming 2004 Presidential election may be largely determined, not by American voters, but by Muslim powers who will manipulate the timing of terrorism to put the person of THEIR choice in the White House beginning in 2005. Hal Lindsey's recent books on prophecy and current events have probably been more crisper reads for me in understanding the Middle East. Mr. Evans is a close second. Evans' book does show some evidence that the text was hastily written and even more shoddily edited: On page 29, Evans incorrectly states that the Euphrates River runs through Baghdad. On page 45, the same sentence is repeated in the same paragraph. On page 59, the text implies that Hussein, the grandson of Muhammad who died about 632 A.D., was killed by rivals in 1680. Old guy !! Annoying little glitches that hopefully can be corrected before the book is reprinted. I have only one theological nitpick with Evans. On page 24, he calls King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon as "wicked." He may have been that way at the time of the Book of Daniel Chapter 2. I think it is very interesting that Nebuchadnezzar eventually did recognize and submit to the God of Israel. (Daniel Chapter 4.) I think his repentence and conversion could have been mentioned. If Saddam Hussein were truly like Nebuchadnezzar, should we expect Saddam to repent and recognize the God of Israel? These nitpicks do not detract from Evans' main thesis: The U.S. invasion of Iraq had significant implications for God's plan in the unfolding of the end times. Jesus Christ is soon returning to the earth and the main stage geographically will be the final fight between Jerusalem and Babylon. (Isaac and Ishmael.) I would encourage all unbelievers and especially Muslims, to read Evans' book with an open mind. Islam is Satan's invention to try to exterminate the Jew from the planet. It will not work. (Jeremiah 31: (31-40.) Don't delay your decision for Jesus Christ. Time is rapidly running out.
Rating:  Summary: 1 star ? no 0 stars in amazon ? Review: I bought this book and surprise ! It shocked me how cinical a writer can be . Just one question: if jews are the God's people, what we are ? trash ? if jews are the "good guys" why they are the live example of TERROR ? Please don't read book , it will confuse you as christian. Read the bible as a kid and you will undesrtand who are really the ACTUAL jews !!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Bible & The "Road Map". Our Future. Review: I first encountered the author over two years ago through his book entitled "Jerusalem Betrayed: Ancient Prophecy and Modern Conspiracy Collide in the Holy City", still available through .... Included in that excellent work were revelations of the real intentions of the Arab and Islamic worlds together with the hidden agendas of Western politicians with evidence to back up every statement. The writer's knowledge and insight into the Middle East impressed me considerably at that time, as it still does in this, his most recent work. Mike Evans presents here a strongly held viewpoint within many Christian and secular circles that Israel is being forced as a "political pawn", to pay the "appeasement bill" towards the Arab world by sacrificing it's Biblical heartland. Including areas known within the Bible as "Judea and Samaria" & the "mountains of Israel", but which the world largely refers to as the "West Bank". Even the Biblical birthplace of Jesus Christ, "Bethlehem of Judea", has now been sacrificed upon the altar of political expediency. A town where Christian Churches are now rapidly being replaced by Mosques and where the Palestinian Christian population is steadily decreasing amidst growing hostility. This excellent book, revealing so many truths, is like a breath of fresh air amidst the distorted and often biased portrayal of events in the Middle East reported through some elements of the media. This is a book that needs to be read by everyone, irrespective of their "religious" or secular outlooks. Politicians and world leaders would also do well to access the realms of truth within this precise, priceless presentation of the Biblical context surrounding current world events. Be prepared to be shocked as this book reveals a side to the Arab-Israeli conflict that is not portrayed in the World's media, but one which is revealed clearly in the Hebrew-Christian Bible, which already includes "tomorrows' headlines" today. The book drawing attention to the implications of our nations' actions in the Middle East in terms of Biblical prophecy and what deliberately going against the Hebrew-Scriptures will entail. This study revealing with commendable clarity that there is much more at stake here than defeating terrorism and winning the war against Iraq. We are shown the disturbing lengths and depths to which US President Bush, UK Prime Minister Blair and the International community are prepared to reach in the interests of their own political expediency. The book also exposes the reality and levels of corruption within the PLO, together with a brief history of Islam and the Middle East itself. We are shown the "real identity" behind the new "Palestinian Prime Minister" whom the US, UK, UN, EU etc. openly embrace and do business with. Mahmoud Abbas, (Abu Mazen), is revealed as the "architect" of the "phased plan" to eradicate the Jewish state, whose purpose is to obtain as much territory as possible through negotiations and then use this land as a platform from which to strike the final blow against Israel. The very same person who has published a doctorate on "holocaust denial", the mastermind of the terrorist attack on the Achille Lauro. Not forgetting that he too was the mastermind behind the attack upon Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics and the same person who was arrested in Iraq by US forces during the Gulf War. The writer investigates the "Road Map" and the real agenda of the "nations" in relation to Israel and the Middle East. The author declares that God has never revoked His physical gifts of the land of Canaan to the descendants of "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob". In other words the People and Land of Israel....the Jews. The Bible is replete with references to this very fact and many of these sections of the Hebrew-Christian Bible are quoted here in their correct context, which is a refreshing change amidst the realms of replacement theology which are so copious today. This work states that very soon the whole World, both nations & individuals will have to choose whose side they are on.. Whether to obey the God of the Bible or to align themselves with those who would oppose Him & His purposes. This study clearly shows that the only "Road Map" to "peace" is the Holy Bible, with real peace only being seen in the context of the Messiah's return. Something which is outlined in incredible detail within so many Scriptures which are also in the context of the Jews returning to their ancient Biblical homeland, the situation in the Middle East, the nations, Jerusalem and the "dividing up of God's Land". Briefly some of the Scriptures worthy of note are;- ( Zechariah 12; verses 1-3 & verses 9-10), (Zechariah 14; verses 3-5 & verse 12), (Zephaniah 1; verses 14-16), and (Joel 3; verses 1-3) where the Bible describes events following the Jews' return to their land, when the nations are brought into Divine judgement. This last reference ends with God declaring that He will "...enter into judgement against them concerning My people Israel, for they have scattered My people..and divided up My land."
Rating:  Summary: 1 star ? no 0 stars in amazon ? Review: I bought this book and surprise ! It shocked me how cinical a writer can be . Just one question: if jews are the God's people, what we are ? trash ? if jews are the "good guys" why they are the live example of TERROR ? Please don't read book , it will confuse you as christian. Read the bible as a kid and you will undesrtand who are really the ACTUAL jews !!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A sad lie, from which I am glad to be free Review: Well, at one time I was a fundamentalist Christian who supported with both heart and wallet the narrow-minded ideas espoused in this book. The only value in this book is that it shows how one's vision of reality can be so distorted when one bases it upon a narrow religious conception--whether Christian or Islam. For that, it gets two stars. I have known and lived amongst Muslims for years now (have spent now 14 years overseas) and I can assure you that the way that they and thier religion are represented in this book is completely false. If you want a dose of truth, maybe you should make friends with your "enemies," go into their homes and see what true kindness is all about. If, as Jesus said, "You will know a tree by its fruits", you will find that the wolf in sheeps clothing is the author of this book, and not those he demonizes. Yes, there are radical Muslims and I have met a few, and I won't deny that. They sort of remind me of...hmm, radical Christians.
Rating:  Summary: Arthur of Salem Review: I read it because I wanted to understand how the believers of the Christian Millennium meke sense of the world. Whether he is politically naive or not, I cannot say, but the author of this book presents an extremely biased in the Middle East. Besides the usual pro-Israel point of view, which it did not surprise me, I did not expect to find such an anti-Muslim and anti-Arab prejudice. I find regretable to books like inform the political view of people in America.
Rating:  Summary: What DOES the Koran have to say? Review: To the reviewer who tells us to consult the Koran on what it actually says, I'll tell you what it has to say: "Slay the infidels wherever ye find them." Thanks for the suggestion. We do know what the book says, and now we know where Islamic fundamentalists get their inspiration - FROM THE FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAM! They are only following in the footsteps of mohammed, who was a ruthless warmonger himself!
Rating:  Summary: Please Read this Book! Review: This book is a real eye-opener. Everyone should read this. It is well written by someone who knows what is actually going on.
Rating:  Summary: Delusional Review: The author of this piece of literary trash, and those who buy into his theories of Islam as a demonic religion must have some serious brain damage. For those misguided souls who believe this BS, I suggest you read what the book of Islam, the Quran, has to say. Why would you listen to anyone else to tell you what to think? are you that mindless that someone can control the way you view the world based on heresay and 'theories' based on hate and self-interest???