Rating:  Summary: LOSING STEAM BUT STILL COMPELING Review: The first 300+ pages are basically filler and catch-up for the real action that occurs at the end. As the title implies, there are several assassins here. Carpathia guns down the Jerusalem Twosome witnesses on their prophesied last day. Lying dead for three days while celebrants dance around their bodies, the two begin to stir and rise to Heaven.
Surprisingly, two diametrically opposed characters, Rayford Steele and Hattie Durham, decide independently and separately to kill Carpathia. In the closing pages, during the culmination of the celebration in Jerusalem Carpathia is shot in the head and is clearly dead.
Unclear, is who is responsible; Rayford, Hattie, or one of the ten under-potentates on the stage with Carpathia. Though the authors go out of their way to makes us think it's Rayford, I'm not so sure. And it probably doesn't matter--Carpathia, though dead here is destined to return in INDWELLING.
Rating:  Summary: 3 1/2 Years and Counting...The AntiChrist is Dead!!! Review: I read the first 5 books together, then put the rest on hold for a while until more were released. I picked up this book, number 6, a few days ago and I am hooked once again!
This book contains graphical prophetic description when the 200 million demonic horsemen, on flamed horses with lion's heads, appear and kill 1/3 of the population of the world, all non-believers. The story goes on to the 3 1/2 year mark of the Tribulation, when the 2 Witnesses are assassinated and then resurrected. Read that part...I loved it! The book ends with the death of Nicolae Carpathia.
I am enjoying this series. Some reviewers have praised it, while others have called it narrow-minded and boring. Well, this is fiction, true enough, but if the end of the world is boring, I'd hate to see what you are into. Plus, the Word of God is narrow minded. "Narrow is the Path, and Few find it"
If you don't like the series, that is fine, everyone likes different things. But I am voting a positive "YES" on this series. I will enjoy reading the next 6 books and on into the other spin-offs. Nothing is more fascinating and enjoyable to me than seeing prophecy fullfilled, and while this work is fiction, it is based on factual literature found in the Bible. Book #7, here I come!
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind is spinning it's wheels Review: I'll admit that I do enjoy this series of books. I'm hardly a Conservative Christian who is living each day for the Gorious Appearing of Jesus Christ, but I do enjoy a good end-times story as much as the next person. Granted you better be prepared for a whole lot of preaching and a single-minded viewpoint if you're going to read this series.The series officially turns the corner this time around as the Tribulation Force make plans for the assaination of Nicolae Carpathia. They know that God will select someone to do the deed and they all want the job, but in the end only one person will be responsible. And that person will probably die themselves. Meanwhile, the airhead stewardess, Hattie Durham, runs away from the safe house, supposedly to get a chance to kill her ex-hubby, Nicolae. This is a good thing, because she rarely appears in this novel. Hattie is a horrible caricature that LeHaye portrayed, and the series will be much better if she weren't in it. Basically, the story slowly progresses, leading to the assination at the end of the novel and a cliffhanger that they hope will make you want to come back for more. This is a good work of fiction, with an exciting storyline, but the characters are paper-thin and the dialogue is ridiculous. More then once I rolled my eyes when I read lines about characters "dropping to their knees and weeping" about Jesus. Only on staged evangelical shows will you ever see that. Personally, I pray for the people who are reading this series of novels as how they believe the future will play out. It's a very loose interpretation of the book of Revelations, but it is merely a work of fiction. Let's not forget that.
Rating:  Summary: Not My Favorite Of The Series Review: This one let me down a little. I love the series as a whole, but I think Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins had a cold streak on this one. Compared to The Mark or Soul Harvest it doesn't hold up. But ya can't go skippin' books now can you? Force your way through it. You don't even wanna know what I thought of The Indwelling. I'll skip that review.