Rating: Summary: Polemic on State of Worldwide Islam Review: Why is polemics such a no-no in our day? Many reviewers speak against such, but why? Honest and to-the-point polemics are healthy, as they eventually expose those who say it correctly.This book is definitely polemic concerning the branches of Islam, and their impact on the worldscene. Certainly, this got all the world's attention on 9/11. Whether Schwartz's polemics accusing the Wahhabi branch of Islam are true or not remain for others more schooled in the history and ways of Islamic branches to help the rest of us sort out. As analogy, it is like someone not familiar with all the Christian confessions believing the lie that all of them are the same. To believe the supposition that all Christian confessions believe in the physical violence some provide on abortion clinics is to seriously misunderstand and misquote the majority of Christian branches. If Schwartz's analysis of Islam is true, Wahhabism is not representative of all Islam, but is responsible for much of the terrorist activity from this part of the world. Responsible for this support and propogation, so this book states, is Saudi Arabia. Shocking the charges he files against the US government and its naivity and approach to such if true. Chilling read and this reviewer will await and seek other voices as this gets shifted out.