Rating:  Summary: percepciones Review: explorar culturas antiguas tan enigmaticas como lo son los MAYAS, es un interes comun entre aquellos (y me incluyo en ellos) que miran al pasado para encontrar un conocimiento que con el paso del tiempo se ha perdido. un conocimiento que en sintesis no trata de invadir y convencer a nuestra mente, sino de cuestionarnos y ofrecernos posibles caminos por recorrer, ya sean en el plano antropologico, cultural o espiritual."El factor MAYA" me ha ofrecido una vision ademas de completa muy interesante e inquietante, que dia a dia que se va leyendo el libro requiere de mas y mas atencion del mismo con una total concentracion y dispocision, para encontrar en sus hojas una "verdad" que solo es valida si permanecemos en movimiento constante preguntandonos al igual que el autor - si aun tenemos algo de MAYAS en nuestro interior. un libro indispensable para quienes creemos con el corazon en la enigmatica cultura MAYA
Rating:  Summary: Pseudo science for the unwary Review: I know many people look to Maya spirituality as a guide for their own spiritual journeys and I think that is great. In some ways, it helps promote intercultural understandings. This book does not do that however. Arguelles' work is a mixture of pure conjecture, misrepresentation and bad scholarship. Anyone with even the slightest knowledge of real Maya spiritual practices will be able to identify the errors in fact and application of his unique perspective on time and the Maya Universe. Arguelles' book entices unwary souls who are searching for enlightenment, but does them and the Maya people a severe injustice. IF you want to believe in Harmonic Convergences and the like then go ahead and buy this book. If you want genuine insight from real practicioners of Maya spiritual knowledge and from people who know and respect Maya culture, this is not the book for you. I would recommend the following anthropologists' works "Time and the Highland Maya" by Barbara Tedlock, Dennis Tedlock's annotated translation of "The Popol Vuh" with K'iche shaman Andres Xiloj, and "Tortillas for the Gods" by Evon Vogt. And anything by Martin Prechtel, who is himself a Tzutujil shaman.
Rating:  Summary: Incoherent, unsupported Review: I wanted to give this book a chance, and wish I hadn't bothered. It reads like an acid ramble -- cosmic assertions tumble over startling insights, with no notion sustained beyond two sentences, properly connected to others, or backed by evidence. I kept waiting for him to settle down and present out some facts and build his case, but he just keeps laying bricks on air. I researched some of the more checkable facts, and found him generally wrong: for example, Isamu Noguchi's "The Sculpture to be Seen From Mars" looks nothing like the "face on Mars" (which was an illusion anyway), which he says shocked him into realizing the transmission of universal information. The irony is that despite savaging Western science as unable to understand the Maya, he is so absorbed in his own insights and revelations and discoveries that he never tries to see the Maya through their own eyes, as any good scientist would, and so fails to truly respect the subject he supposedly exalts.
Rating:  Summary: The Spiritual Context of Energy Review: Jose Arguelles presents a harmonic balance of the nature of Energy and Mayan spirituality in "The Mayan Factor." Although some of the concepts can seem intimidating at first, Arguelles' masterful use of language allows the reader peel away the layers of traditional Western thought on the subject of Energy to reveal a core of Mayan philosophy steeped in spirtuality. This book is what I call a "long lingering lesson," meaning the longer you allow Arguelles' message to linger in your thoughts, the more poignant the lesson becomes! For me reading the Mayan Facor was like sipping a glass of 1996 Bordeaux; when I was done I was refreshed, yet thirsted for more, and the world didn't quite look the same anymore! I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in Mayan culture, energy, or anyone looking for a unique perspective on humanity's place in the grand scheme of things!
Rating:  Summary: The Spiritual Context of Energy Review: Jose Arguelles presents a harmonic balance of the nature of Energy and Mayan spirituality in "The Mayan Factor." Although some of the concepts can seem intimidating at first, Arguelles' masterful use of language allows the reader peel away the layers of traditional Western thought on the subject of Energy to reveal a core of Mayan philosophy steeped in spirtuality. This book is what I call a "long lingering lesson," meaning the longer you allow Arguelles' message to linger in your thoughts, the more poignant the lesson becomes! For me reading the Mayan Facor was like sipping a glass of 1996 Bordeaux; when I was done I was refreshed, yet thirsted for more, and the world didn't quite look the same anymore! I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in Mayan culture, energy, or anyone looking for a unique perspective on humanity's place in the grand scheme of things!
Rating:  Summary: The Spiritual Context of Energy Review: Jose Arguelles presents a harmonic balance of the nature of Energy and Mayan spirituality in "The Mayan Factor." Although some of the concepts can seem intimidating at first, Arguelles' masterful use of language allows the reader peel away the layers of traditional Western thought on the subject of Energy to reveal a core of Mayan philosophy steeped in spirtuality. This book is what I call a "long lingering lesson," meaning the longer you allow Arguelles' message to linger in your thoughts, the more poignant the lesson becomes! For me reading the Mayan Facor was like sipping a glass of 1996 Bordeaux; when I was done I was refreshed, yet thirsted for more, and the world didn't quite look the same anymore! I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in Mayan culture, energy, or anyone looking for a unique perspective on humanity's place in the grand scheme of things!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, to say the least. Review: Mr. Argulles gives a concise and easy-to-understand analysis of the Mayan Calendar, and then proceeds to leap into unique and interestingly odd interpretations of this calendar and what it means for humanity (based on his interpretation). Although I question his New Age terminology, the ideas as presented are certainly worth having a look at if you're interested in this subject and have a tolerance for the mathematical complexity that this calendar can present. Argulles has apparently amassed quite a little following by charging people for "further information," but this book really is all one needs to understand his bizarre interpretations of Mayan spirituality. Nonetheless, it is a strangely good read.
Rating:  Summary: The Dreamspell system Review: This has a very extensive academic/mathematical flavor to it. The author points out cycles of history & relates his system to the I Ching and DNA. Do NOT expect to read through only once- it may take more than one sitting and/or reading to digest enough to gain much understanding. Also, you may be put off if you do not believe in an extraterrestrial source for ancient civilizations. Note: this does NOT explain how he arrives at the calculations of the different kin for the Dreamspell oracle, but there are a few websites that have the information posted.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating and very Informative !! Review: This is a book that is hard to put down and one that you want to read over and over!! Very educational and fascinating as to where we have been and where we are going!! Definitely a favorite.
Rating:  Summary: Based On Occult Philosophies Review: This is a case where reading the reviews of other readers helped me understand my feelings about this book.
This book comes to conclusions about the Mayans that are heavily based on bizzare relationships between numbers. For me it was impossible to understand what he was talking about with all the numerology.
A lot of the Mayan art work contains monstrous creatures who are always frowning and looking sad. That's probably a warning about the possible dangers of getting involved with the I Ching. At the beginning of the book it states that some Jesuit monks had experimented with the I Ching and they went insane. (The I Ching appears in the tv show 'Dark Shadows' as a way to open doors to other domains.)
I wasn't able to read the last chapter because I started to sense the horrible occult energy coming from the book. Then I heard a voice say 'we are the keepers of the light'. I can't imagine who was telling me this.
This often happens when I read books which are based on occult or satanic ideas such as for example The Da Vinci Code.
On the positive side there are some beautiful illustrations that I think the author created himself. The author is certainly an unusual person who has a background in art history. Another reviewer said the author thinks he's a reincarnation of one of the Lords Of Time. Certainly anyone with such an intense interest in Mayan history must have had past life experiences as a Mayan. Maybe he's someone who was involved with the more mysterious aspects of this religion.