Rating: Summary: Protocols A Forgery Declare Columbia Univ & Russian Court Review: The following is provided as a public service to all who are concerned with the Protocols Affair. "As early as 1921, the English journalist Philip Graves exposed the similarity between the Protocols and a political satire by Maurice Joly, 'Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu' (1864). Subsequent investigation showed the original document to be a forgery written by members of the Russian secret police." -The New Columbia Encyclopedia, Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1975, p. 2229. Additionally, in 1994, after an exhaustive year-long investigation, a Russian District Court in Moscow, Judge Ludmilla Belikova presiding, ruled that the Czarist-era 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' was, in fact, a forgery and that its publication constituted an antisemitic act.
Rating: Summary: true or false Review: the imprtance of this document is underlined by the frantic attempts by the international zionist organizations to have it declared a fake.This attempt was stopped by the High Court in Basel,Switzerland in 1928.The booklet has been systematically removed from libraries and collections around the world and it is still a crime to even own it in places like Germany. what does it say to make it so offensive to Jews? it certainly is not anti semitic; quite on the contrary.It is instead the blueprint of a very longterm plan to conquer the world for the Chosen People.It can best be described as the Mein Kampf of Zionism.The step by step plan is brilliant with numerous very subtle and devious methods to gain and hold power over the undevious and stupid Goyim. Here are some of the steps:control of money and gold,control of the press and opinion makers,infiltration of goverments at the highest level,control of elections in democracies with money,destruction of liberal society through all sorts of excesses. In short,the plan is going well already.It begs the question: who and where is the brain executing The Plan.
Rating: Summary: Protocols -- a century of doubt Review: The Protocols is an absolutely fascinating book. Many of its detractors say that it was written by the Tsar's agents in the 1800's. Others say that it is the textbook for the Christian world's destruction.At a minimum The Protocols is a warning to people everywhere that truth is no excuse for hate. And at the same time, if something is printed that is hurtfull -- but possibly true -- does that make it hate? Allowing this book to be published -- and sold -- is a great example of the freedom we enjoy in this country. Let's hope those who want to restrict our freedoms fail in their efforts at mind control. Afterall, that's what the book Farenheit 451 was all about!
Rating: Summary: You cannot argue facts using censorship... Review: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, issued by Theodore Herzl to the Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897. He outlines a plan for world power by gaining control of the media, politicians, governments, etc., to build the "New World Order." Written 100 years ago, today we can see it's plans becoming a reality before our very own eyes. Confronting the historical events that took place after the book was written and the plans outlined inside it, provides an iron proof of the book authenticity.
Rating: Summary: a hateful text deliberately concocted to justify a genocide Review: The text of this book was MADE UP by Czarist leaders to justify the persecution and genocide of Jews and has been used for these purposes for the past century. It has been repeatedly discredited. Don't buy this book. If you want to read about it in the interest of debunking antisemetic texts, look for it onlin.
Rating: Summary: A Russian forgery that affected history Review: There is a very important lesson to be learned in how this rather silly short book was able to captivate the minds of millions of people since its publication in the beginning of a century. And this is in spite of conclusive evidence that it is a fraud - probably written by a Russian monk - being widely available since 1920s. It was, for example, one of the sources of inspiration for, and is specifically quoted in Mein Kampf. It continuous to be important: even to-day it is a bestseller in a number of Middle Eastern countries. For a detailed analysis of the book, see "A Lie and a Libel : The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" by B. W. Segel; for those new to the subject, I would recommend getting both of these books at the same time. A copy of the Protocols is always close by in my office, just next to Mein Kampf. One might argue that historically the Protocols is the more influential one of the two.
Rating: Summary: So Obviously True and Eye Opening!! Review: This book is an evidence to the jewish slyness and deceit of the whole world,that democracies and dictatorships are all but puppets and proxies of the jewish Master-Minds.I can imagine nowwhy hitler was trying to kill the jews because they were a threat to his country just like America is killing Iraqis because Saddam was such a HUGE threat to america.The jews are making money off every step we take and every move we make,all banks and credit unions are basicly jewish,all weapons manufacturers are jewish and even the guy who was the true decision maker on iraq war is ajew,Mr. Wolfowitz.It is just disgusting to see how they have drove us into losing our personality and our morality while all that they sell us and market to us is extremely prohibited for themselves to do.This book is a users guide to the back stage of 20th century history till present time.It is time to wake up from our jewish media controlled brains.
Rating: Summary: prophesy or predetermined? Review: This book is either the rantings of a mad prophet, or a set of calculated plans for world domination. Being a skeptic, I tend to support the second possibility. Either way, the best evidence that these documents are real, is the fact that all the plans laid forth, have become reality. Not only does this edition include the 24 protocols, it also includes many articiles written in the early 20th century by a vareity of authors, trying to get to the truth behind the "Jewish question". There is even an essay written by Henry Ford, where he discusses a prototype of mondern political correctness, warning that even those who desire to intellegently talk about Jews are immediately labeled anti-semites. And this was before the Holcaust. Yet Ford does come off sounding like an anti-semite when he concludes that it is the racial aspect of Jewishness that has propelled their plans for world domination. It can't be religion, Ford says, because there are many involved in this conspiracy at the highest levels who are not religious practicing Jews. But Ford fails to ask why there are non-Jews also involved in the conspiracy of global control. If this is exclusively a Jewish conspiracy, as Ford believed, than why did the holocaust occur? There is something that links all men with desires of global domination together, and it is not Judaism. It is an interconecting web of secret societies that are much older than Judaism. The vast majority of Jewsish people are pawns just as much as the "goyim" are. The Jews are a chosen people in that they have become a magnet for all the world's hatred, and at the same time, a shield for the real perpetrators to forward their globalist agenda.
Rating: Summary: Excellent Explanation of World Finance History Review: This book provides startling insight into the origins and operation of our current political and financial systems. A concise hard hitting treatise.
Rating: Summary: AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ - NO MATTER YOUR OPINION Review: This version of "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is fantastic. It is well printed, with good fonts, essays and notes. Content - This book indicates the plot of some group to rule the world. This is plainly obvious as indicated by events that are advocated by the protocols that have taken place and are in the works today. The claim that these "Protocols" are forgeries is interesting. Being forgeries then, they are then copies of an original document. If anyone does any research will know when they were taken and from what meeting. One who has intelligence and does not take things for granted, or allow himself to be spoon-fed information by teachers, preachers and television should read this book and make up his own mind. You will recognize the events and cultural breakdowns advocated by the "Protocols" that have taken place. You then have to decide with further study (Ford's "International Jew", Grieb's "Uncovering the Forces for War" and Armstrong's "Rothschild Money Trust" in particular) whose conspiracy it is. Ignorance is Bliss, but Knowlege is Power, and be wary of those who would keep you away from this and similar material. Read it and decide for yourself. It is a fascinating read.