Rating:  Summary: A volume of cosmic reality that once read may open your eyes Review: I have read much over the years and never have I been able to find answers to my deeper spirititual questions. I have found answers beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. The book is appealing to me because it explains and teaches me on a very one on one basis. Most books are easily digested and explained but Urantia is beyond explanation and will unfortunately probably only be read by people that have a "fire" to UNDERSTAND as it is explained by the many personalities in the book. Parts of the book are very difficult to understand, but the essential parts are truly inspiring. Having read the entire volume I am totally convinced it is as it is portrayed and we are priveleged beyond measure to have this volume of truth and infinite wisdom given to us.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, But Complex Review: Although I have not read the entire book (which is over 2,000 pages long), from what I have read, it's definately interesting, as well as a mind-opening experience. There are parts of the book that are really interesting, and then there are others parts that are confusing and hard to understand, which is why I rate this book 3 stars instead of 4.This book is definately NOT for someone who loves pictures (there are no pictures to be found here), or does not enjoy reading, and learning. It's also not book that one can just breeze through easily. It requires one to think, and be inquisitive. If you like to learn about different religious/spiritual beliefs, you might find this book worthwhile. I would also add that this book is for a mature audience. Don't be swayed by EVERYTHING you read here!
Rating:  Summary: APASIONANTE... Review: Jamás había leído algo semejante!.Este libro es apasionante y definitivamente escrito con información fuera de este planeta. Nos hace comprender el porque de nuestra existencia y a la vez nos llena de una paz interior al descubrir la grandeza y el amor de nuestro Padre Creador. También nos enseña a amar a Jesús y como llegar a DIOS por medio de sus enseñazas.
Rating:  Summary: It saved my life... Review: The fourth part, The Life and Teachings of Jesus, has given me all the answers that the Bible never could. The first 3 parts explain the rest of the story. To the critics, well, I'm sure they can make a few bucks trying to discredit a good thing. So how shall I review a book that so inspired me, that it literally has saved my life and soul many, many times. Well, The Urantia Books has given me a deeper understanding of life, put love in my heart and a big, big smile on my face. And I don't see how anyone can call a book like that, bad. To the contrary, if more people really read it, this world would be a better place. The Urantia Book is the only book that has been able to answer all of my questions in detail, all of the time. I'm happy I found the Urantia Book (it's message inside), and you will be too.
Rating:  Summary: The best book in all the Universes. Review: I have read the Urantia Book for many years. It ended my lifelong search for the Truth and compliments my home-study course for a doctoral degree in Metaphysics perfectly. My life has been changed as a result of reading this book and I know those evolved to the level to recognize advanced Truth will cherish this book as much as I do. I also have read all of the previous reviews pertaining to the Urantia Book. It pained me to read reviews saying that it is nothing but lies and written by humans, etc.. I send love and forgiveness to those that find this book other than what it obviously is, a book of great Truth and Beauty and Love. I particularly forgive the 1-star reviewers, as has Lord Michael, for they know not what they do.
Rating:  Summary: Mind-blowing- get ready to have a happening!! Review: Spine-tingling revelation of truth that harmonizes science, philosophy and religion into a cosmology that hums with life and is at once recognizable on a deep level of truth. When finished with the read be prepared to Be like you've never been before! You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
Rating:  Summary: RECOMENDED HIGHLY FOR INTROSPECTIVE PEOPLE Review: I have read the Urantia book several times over the the last thirty years. Though I am not a "fanatic" I can say that it is both thought provoking and well presented. Well worth perusing be it as an occasional reader or in depth study. Initially I skimmed through the book, looking through my skeptical minds-eye for errors. I have studied religion, philosophy, evolution and dabbled in astronomy, enough to have a basic understanding of current thought on those subjects. I have not found anything that could be contested or refuted. I seek inspiration and growth and it can be found in the Urantia book. The more I read, the more I am rewarded, in ways words cannot convey. It was years before my inherent skepticism began to fade and even now it rears it's convoluted and presumptuous head. I now maintain a more healthy sense of skepticism. Since reading the Urantia book, I have experienced growth in awareness and perception. I have always pursued self awareness and intellectual growth and the Urantia Book has provided deep insight into life, spirituality, character and the human condition. The prose is uplifting, intelligent and often poetic. Written in an authoratative style it is seldom condescending. I recommend this book to any thoughtful, religiously curious person. Read the forward and you will be hooked.
Rating:  Summary: Deep, different, yet wonderful supplemental story of Jesus. Review: Having studied theology for 22 years, and being well steeped in the study of comparative religions, this is the book that makes the Bible truly understandable. It's in plain English (and translated into many other languages as well), rather than archaic English, without an apocalyptic bent. The account of the life of Jesus reads as a fundamentally rational history, and doesn't radically change from the Biblical account, as the spiritual message is the same, but explained in more depth. People steeped in a particular denomination's doctrines will find it hard to accept, as there is no mention of a virgin birth, and its position is that Christ was not sacrificed by God; rather that He willfully accepted crucifixion, died, and resurrected to show humanity His teachings of everlasting life were true. Many agnostics may be led to Christ through this book; in no way will this book deter a believer other than on a doctrinal basis. However, the book is a wonderful read in any event.
Rating:  Summary: Elaborate Hoax or Celestial Missive? You be the judge! Review: Where to begin... This book is either the most significant ever known to man or the all-time winner of the "Waste of Time" award. If it is true, then the concept and reality of God makes perfect sense, and the Universe is indeed unfolding as it should. If it be untrue, some one or some group spent a pathetic amount of energy fabricating a perfectly envisioned constuct of how the Universe should be. At the risk of violating the rules of reader reviews as set forth by this website, I find it interesting to note that of the 29 reviews posted to date the ratings broke down as follows: 5 Stars = 24, 4 Stars = 1, 3 Stars = 0, 2 Stars = 1, 1 Star = 3 This might suggest several things; one, that people are rarely ambivalent about this book, or two, that perhaps no one likes the number 3. One might also conclude, after reading the actual reviews, that those who have STUDIED the book consider it to be the most important they have ever read, OR, the leaders of our cult instructed us to write these that our ranks might become legion. Personally, I give it a most enthusiastic thumbs up - WAY up. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but most importantly, you'll think. I suggest you read it, ALL of it, as though it were a work of fiction, starting with the last fourth first, and then DON'T join a cult, DON'T run around the airports doling out copies of the book, and DON'T proclaim to the world that you have found the TRUTH. Nothing worth having comes easily, and of all books this one will certainly challenge you. But if you succeed you will be rewarded with an inexplicable peace of mind, body and spirit. I have my answer, do you?
Rating:  Summary: DO NOT BE DECEIVED Review: Read the Urantia Mystery Revealed by Martin Gardner and grow up. Understand that most of these reviews are written by those who belong to the foundation and have been taken in by this book's breadth and style.