Rating:  Summary: A book for the next millenium. Review: An incredible book. Detailed and often very intellectual, The Urantia Book's message is spiritual. This often escapes many of the book's detractors who miss the whole point of the book. In order to grasp the book fully, one must have an understanding of the part of the Forward which states that the concepts to be portrayed in the book are really not fully explainable to humans using human language. The revelators of the information in the book surmounts this difficulty by saying they will use the closest words in the English language to describe new and "enlarged concepts". This means that the book must be read using one's imagination towards what the words might point upward to, rather than what it actually says. The Urantia Book is not an easy read. Many years of study and discussion with other readers are necessary to gain a full comprehension. But the knowledge gained and the spiritual fruits borne are all well worth it! By the way, it is just a book! . Not a cult, a religion nor dogma. Nowhere in it does it say that it is the only truth. Rather that truth is found in many avenues. A book of a lifetime!
Rating:  Summary: RECOMENDED HIGHLY FOR INTROSPECTIVE PEOPLE Review: I have read the Urantia book several times over the the last thirty years. Though I am not a "fanatic" I can say that it is both thought provoking and well presented. Well worth perusing be it as an occasional reader or in depth study. Initially I skimmed through the book, looking through my skeptical minds-eye for errors. I have studied religion, philosophy, evolution and dabbled in astronomy, enough to have a basic understanding of current thought on those subjects. I have not found anything that could be contested or refuted. I seek inspiration and growth and it can be found in the Urantia book. The more I read, the more I am rewarded, in ways words cannot convey. It was years before my inherent skepticism began to fade and even now it rears it's convoluted and presumptuous head. I now maintain a more healthy sense of skepticism. Since reading the Urantia book, I have experienced growth in awareness and perception. I have always pursued self awareness and intellectual growth and the Urantia Book has provided deep insight into life, spirituality, character and the human condition. The prose is uplifting, intelligent and often poetic. Written in an authoratative style it is seldom condescending. I recommend this book to any thoughtful, religiously curious person. Read the forward and you will be hooked.
Rating:  Summary: A Super critic relents Review: I first came into contact with the UB in 1974. After a few hours of reading, I said,"This is too good to be true!". After a few more hours, I said," If this is not true, it should be!" During all of my years since, I literally wore out my first UB- It fell to pieces. I have detected only one "fact" difficulty. This is the UB contention of 48 chromosomes instead of the widely held contention of 46. I have recently satisfied-to my mind- this seeming difficulty. I believe that the "missing" chromosomes are MORONTIAL, and therefore not detectable by any scientific method. These invisible chromosomes probably help form the sites in the physical reception areas for mind, personality, and the contact and lodgement of Thought Adjusters. I would welcome any comment on this theory. Thank You, Roger Fuller
Rating:  Summary: A magnificent read! Review: The Urantia Book has been a part of my life for 18 years. I'm not associated with the Foundation, or study groups, or any cult that I know of. (I find it amusing that some think readers of The Urantia Book are cult driven since the book adamantly warns against this.) I'm an average wife and working American mother who found in this book a way to understand my existence in the universe and grow in my personal philosophies of God and His relationship with me. This book is a tool of intense study, and nothing more or less than what it is to the reader. It has changed my outlook on life and given me peace of mind in my daily tasks. Those who make it out to be anything other than what it proclaims either haven't read it in its entirety, or make a habit of disclaiming any religious work simply because it's easier to attack the work than examine one's own lack of faith. Truth is easy to pick apart by unbelievers, but anyone searching for it, or struggling to discover his or her place in existence, will find The Urantia Book to be a very emotionally satisfying, philosophically engaging, and awe inspiring read.
Rating:  Summary: On the journey in quest of spiritual freedom, a must read. Review: Buddha's son once said after trying to comprehend his father's teaching of the freedom of salvation through faith, "Work out your own salvation." and be your own teacher, "It's not TRUTH until its YOUR TRUTH." The Urantia Book is not for everybody, just yet. It should be read as a personal, subjective document of immense importance for the sincere truth seeker. The continuity of content, harmony of values and beauty of insight profoundly impressed me. If you have discovered the Urantia Book, you must seriously consider that you are NOW ready for an expansion of your cosmic understandings, an enlargement of your spiritual values, and an acceptance of greater peace. DON'T RESIST. By its own admission, the Urantia Book does not have all the answers. Truth is always dependent on cultural context in time and space. However, if you are looking for relative answers to fill in the gaps of information in such topics as: "The life, times and teachings of Jesus", or the cultural connection between humans and angels, or the eternal connection between the human spirit and the eternal spirit, or maybe the physical connections of ETs and terrestials here on Urantia or in our local cosmic neighborhood. You will be pleased with the revealed information in the Urantia Book. How about possible answers to the "Crop Circle " phenomenon, or the mythology behind the "fall of man" or the apocalypse? You may derive answers from the Urantia Book. The Urantia Book states, "It's not so much what you learn or do here in this Earth life but rather that you have the experience. This is paramount." Regardless of our origin of race, cultural beliefs or family background, and no matter how much material wealth, health or happiness we achieve, the overwhelming message for me in the Urantia Book during these past 25 years has been: "Its not that you win or loose but HOW YOU PLAY THE GAME," or "It's not how many times you fall down BUT how many times you get ! up that matters in this life experience." The greatest realization for me from the Urantia Book was that we are all just starting out on our own eternal adventure of achieving ever expanding and increasing levels of: comprehending wisdom; experiencing universal truths; realizing greater cosmic insights; and living expanded spiritual values in a nearly endless progression of advancing lives. Perfection is our destiny, service is our goal, and Love is our reward. Happy journey, see you on the path. -Robert Linnell
Rating:  Summary: A Super critic relents Review: I first came into contact with the UB in 1974. After a few hours of reading, I said,"This is too good to be true!". After a few more hours, I said," If this is not true, it should be!" During all of my years since, I literally wore out my first UB- It fell to pieces. I have detected only one "fact" difficulty. This is the UB contention of 48 chromosomes instead of the widely held contention of 46. I have recently satisfied-to my mind- this seeming difficulty. I believe that the "missing" chromosomes are MORONTIAL, and therefore not detectable by any scientific method. These invisible chromosomes probably help form the sites in the physical reception areas for mind, personality, and the contact and lodgement of Thought Adjusters. I would welcome any comment on this theory. Thank You, Roger Fuller
Rating:  Summary: Solid Theology Book Review: Urantia Book is a very advanced and solid religion book I ever found, theologically. Theology of a new cosmic religion, where we are all brothers and sisters, family of God under God as our Father. I am a lecturer in a Christian theological school an I am active in discussion among different religions, and I can say that this is the book that can answer almost every question with very good logical explanation. Questions from secularists, from atheists, from agnostics, from moslems, from buddhists, from hindus, and especially from critical christians like myself. As an active Christian inside moslems and buddhist country, I know very well about Christianity's dogma weaknesses, especially when stand in dialogue with other beliefs. If we want to understand this book, please let us open and expand our point of view. This book contain so much information, arranged in a very systematic way. The easiest way to approach this book is to ask questions, and let the book answers. List several very difficult questions which nobody in this world can answer, and search the book. For example: where is the God if he exists? If God exist, why I cannot see him? which is true: evolution or creation? Is Jesus a human or God? Which is true: trinity (Christian), tauhid-monotheism (Islam), polytheism (Hindu), God is not exist and you can become God (Buddha), or I don't know ? I approach this book using this practical way. Then I read throughout the book, crosschecking its teachings and information. Should this book fails to answer, or there is a single fatal contradiction or inconsistencies, then you may suspect this is not a revelation, or this is just a fiction. We all know moslems are one point six billion people in this world, and they weren't and wouldn't accept Christianity because of several causes. They accept Jesus (as special prophet), but not Christianity. Urantia Book even explains the causes very well and true. I know it from bitter dialogue with moslems.
Rating:  Summary: vast, complicated, and (mostly) heartless Review: If, like another reviewer suggested, you are one who does not adhere to the exclusivity of one writing, or one written "truth", then this book certainly throws an interesting curve into the whole picture. I read it for about a year. At first I was compelled because of its scope, because it speaks of God and it also speaks of the existence of life on other planets, all evolving back to the divine. Great! But what it also does is basically judges all Earth-based, feminine, indigenous religion as being essentially primitive and superstitious. That irked me. Then it goes ahead and takes so much beautiful metaphor, allegory, and archetypal imagery from the Judeo-Christian tradition and attempts to explain it away in the calculative left-brain way with which the entire book is written. In this book, for example, the forbidden tree in Eden was an actual, physical tree that bore real fruit of immortality! Planted on "Urantia" by aliens, or angels, or something. All biblical lore is reduced to actual, physical events, explained away by blaming our poor, limited human intelligence (or unlimited stupidity) on such perversely superstitious and erroneous interpretations of such events/myths. Then a carefully thought out, grossly logical and pragmatic version of any given myth is substituted for our human version. ANd listen to this: The spirit that resides in us, that is a part of God, is called the Thought-Adjuster! The terminology of the Urantia Book is so cold and clinical, I believe it was written either by a human male dangerously detached from his feminine side, or an alien after all. All in all, not a book to read from cover to cover, a feat I was never able to achieve. Each part of the book claims to come from a different messenger, but every book is written like a text book, with many lists of different spiritual levels and governing galactic principles, and the same patronizing, logical voice is expressed throughout. Read it if you dare, when you are idly curious. Don't let it replace truly profound and truly human scripture like The Holy Bible, the Dhammapada, the Tao Te Ching, the Bhagavad Gita, etc. There is still a little "heart" in the third part of the Urantia Book, which deals with Jesus, but only because it deals with Jesus. If you need a more detailed and contrived version of the gospels wherein every little nuance is explained for you, allowing no room for intuitive interpretation, you may enjoy Part III of this book. I personally recommend reading the actual gospels themselves instead.
Rating:  Summary: Most confused book I have seen in ages : ( Review: The writers of this book are on a journey to confuse people with misconceptions about almost every spiritual path, little in this book is in any way harmonious, logical or even credible. The Urantia Book includes many references to out of date failed systems of thought and warps text from the Bible to achieve it's own purposes. If you can't come up with anything of value steal it from everywhere, and everyone else, prey on peoples hunger to know the truth and make millions. Please do not fall prey to this collection of lies and lack of insight.
Rating:  Summary: Truth is where you find it Review: I'll keep this simple. If you are one who realizes that the "whole truth" doesn't exist in any book but that many books contain "the truth" then this book should intrigue you. It doesn't pull any punches. It is what it is. Some parts leave me scratching my head but most parts expand my religious comprehension. And that's ok with me. Plus, if you fear it's the work of a cult, it's not. It doesn't ask you to join anything or give your money to anybody or use certain "techniques" to attain nirvana or enlightenment. You're safe. If you do not fear having your established opinions challenged, this is a true adventure for you. If you are happy and satisfied with your religious dogma, stay away.