Joseph McMoneagle was one of the original remote viewers recruited into the military's Project Stargate, a once secret army project designed to use trained remote viewers for spying during the cold war. For the uninitiated, remote viewing (often referred to as RV) is a skill that allows a person (viewer) to envision events, people, or objects that are not within eyesight--in another room or in another country (and sometimes in the future). McMoneagle believes that anybody can be trained in remote viewing (no psychic gifts required). However, it requires a huge commitment and a highly disciplined mind. Using the analogy of martial arts, McMoneagle sees RV training in levels, starting with white belt where viewers can expect to see a gestalt (an overall impression) of a target. By the time readers reach the red-black belt-great master, McMoneagle claims they will have gained "a near-perfect union of one's paranormal talent blended within extant reality. People who reach this level no longer have to think about it, they simply do." Although readers won't become a great master by reading this one book, McMoneagle does provide a comprehensive training program as well as important chapters on the ethics, protocol, and applications of remote viewing. --Tara West