Rating: Summary: Interesting, Informative, Necessary to know WHY! Review: After the constant ruckus with terrorist I decided to read the Qur'an for the simple reason that Sun Tzu taught in his Art of War writings...that we should "know our enemy," So I jumped into Abdullah Yusuf Ali's translation of the Qur'an... I realized after reading other introductory books that it is likely that Islam would not consider any English translation of the Qur'an a true indication of its original meaning. But it is close and the best we mere mortals can do. After reading this version of the Qur'an, it is clear that the whole world is to come under the purview of God or Allah! In Islamic terminology God is simply called Allah. I also believe that the Qur'an actually charges Muslims to fight against any and all who pervert their religion from within, such as Osama Bin Laden and the terrorist of 9-11. Muslims who believe otherwise have been misdirected and mislead due to ignorance, illiteracy and oppressive leadership. Yes, the Qur'an teaches not to trust the West but it also condemns without question the terrorist activities of Osama bin Laden. As Bernard Lewis says, "there is no precedent or authority in Islam" for 9-11. I have been fascinated by the similarities in all religions and I am also equally distressed at the conflicts that develop between various sects, denominations and major beliefs systems in the world. They are all basically saying the same thing. It just gets said in different ways and from a slightly different perspective. Then some jerk says, "my way is the only way and all hell breaks loose." Even though they are all trying to achieve the same thing, "oneness with, mercy from...and communion with God." No matter what a religion calls its Deity, the bottom line is that they are all referring to God. Islam and other religions are no different. Allah is God, Jehovah is God, Jesus is God, the great "I Am" is God and on and on... In reading this version of the Qur'an as translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. I noticed that you wind up with religious rhetoric similar in speech to almost all other religions. Be good, do no harm, but stand up for your belief, and practice brotherly love, relief and truth in all things. Do all that you have promised to do, and do not encroach upon another person or their property. The same basic principles exist in them all. Here are ten common founding principles: 1. GOD IS, WAS and always WILL BE 2. God had a hand in creating all things 3. God controls all things to a certain degree and sent messengers to guide and change us for the better. 4. God has rules and requires obedience 5. Human beings are unable to control their worst desires, and like water, will seek the lowest most base activities possible without God's influence 6. God judges all, the good and the bad 7. God will ultimately reward the good and punish the wicked 8. God will forgive a repentant soul, but not a lying hypocrite 9. We should remain faithful, punish deviance, and provide brotherly love, relief and truth to those who follow his teachings and/or repent. 10.To sum this all up in all religions "It is best for mankind to believe in and obey God and his messengers and do not turn away from him." All religions that seek God carry these basic tenants, all of them. I have not found one that says you cannot have civilization, industry and modernization or that you cannot have healthy and wholesome, movies, parks and skyscrapers, freedoms, liberties and comfort. They do say...do not become deviant, greedy or corrupt, gluttonous, decadent, murderous, materialistic, hedonistic, or licentious. In short restraint is the better path and liberal excessiveness and progressive physical self-gratification as practiced today in many quarters in the West, with their sinful nature, is evil and wrong... An interesting and informative read, I highly recommend...
Rating: Summary: Indescribable! Review: Ah, the Holy Qu'ran. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that compares to it's magnificence, it's glory, it's simple message that humanity's creator is ONE. And through his prophet the same message was brought to mankind again and again. To those folks thinking about purchasing the Holy Qur'an, I say wait no longer. See for yourself what quotes and verses have been taken out of their proper context and uses by maniacs to justify their insanity! This is your ONE hope to find a gateway, a window into an Islamic world and EVERYTHING their religion is structured upon! God Bless!
Rating: Summary: Very happy Review: All i have to say is trust this person, they were very nice and sent my book right away. im happy with them.
Rating: Summary: Only one god and Allah isnt his name..... Review: Allah is the name of the only God in Islam. Allah is a pre-Islamic name coming from the compound Arabic word Al-ilah which means the God, which is derived from al (the) ilah (deity). It was also the name of the chief god among the numerous idols (360) in the Kaaba in Mecca. Today a Muslim is one who submits to the God Allah. Islam means submission to (Allah), but originally it meant that strength which characterized a desert warrior who, even when faced with impossible odds, would fight to the death for his tribe. (Dr. M. Baravmann, The Spiritual Background of Early Islam, E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1972) Many believe the word "Allah" was derived from the mid- eastern word "el" which in Ugaritic, Caananite and Hebrew can mean a true or false God. This is not the case, "The source of this (Allah) goes back to pre-Muslim times. Allah is not a common name meaning "God" (or a "god"), and the Muslim must use another word or form if he wishes to indicate any other than his own peculiar deity." (Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (ed. Hastings), I:326.) According to the Encyclopedia of Religion, Allah corresponded to the Babylonian god Baal, and Arabs knew of him long before Mohammed worshipped him as the supreme God. Before Islam the Arabs recognized many gods and goddesses, each tribe had their own deity. There were also nature deities. Allah was the god of the local Quarish tribe, which was Mohammed's tribe before he invented Islam to lead his people out of their polytheism. Allah was then known as the Moon God, who had 3 daughters who were viewed as intercessors for the people into Allah. Their names were Al-at, Al-uzza, and Al-Manat, which were three goddesses; the first two daughters of Allah had names which were feminine forms of Allah. Hubal was the chief God of the Kaaba among the other 360 deities. Hubal was the chief God of the Kaaba among the other 360 deities. Hubal was a statue likeness of a man whose body was made of red precious stones whose arms were made of gold.
Rating: Summary: Print too small, looking for easier version to study Review: As a purely administrative note, with all due regard for what is surely a very fine translation, the print in this book is too small to support careful study. I bought this book, am glad to have it, but the publisher made a mistake in seeking to put too much small font print on each page. For a subject of this importance, what is needed is an 8.5 x 11 text with annotations and a syntopicon.
Rating: Summary: Excellent commentary. Review: As a western convert to Islam through Sufism who is not fluent in Arabic I cannot speak about the translation. However the approach and commentary offered are very in line with what I believe to be the basic tenets of ISlam: fundamentally a kind, peaceful, loving religion which says "look inside for your jihad, pharoah and Moses." The truth lies within you and Islamic guidelines are the path to lead you to this truth. A wonderful book and one of two versions that I recommend.
Rating: Summary: perfect translation of Quran Review: Can man love a book? Yes .Where do I know? from myself. I read this book and I really loved it. What can be the affect of a book at most to a person? If you read this book,you will see the answer.
Rating: Summary: The book that changed our life Review: Can man love a book? yes.Where do I know ? from myself. I read this book and I really like it. What can be the affect of a book at most to person? If you read this book,you will see the answer.
Rating: Summary: Not very similar to the Bible Review: First off, let me say that I am a Christian who read this book out of curiousity, in other words to see how similar the religions are. After reading this edition, it has become clear to me that talk about the Christian God and the Muslim God being the same isn't true. Muslim religious belief demands five things: Belief in God(Allah) and profession of Muhamed as his Prophet. Establish regular prayer(pray five times a day facing Mecca). Establish regular charity(an alms tax). Fast during daytime during the month of Ramadan. Make a pilgrimage(hajj) to Mecca at least once in your life. Christian religious beliefs as explained by Christ: Love your Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your mind, and all your soul. Treat thy neighbor as thyself. The book itself is a collection of surahs, or revelations by the archangel Gabriel to Muhamed. They are arranged more or less according to length, with the longer surahs in the beginning and the shorter ones at the end. There is no chronological explanation of God's plan as in the Bible. For instance, Genesis begins with creation of the heavens and Earth and man, and then advances forward through time. In the Qur'an, a topic will be addressed, and then examples from the Bible will be thrown in, really with no explanation of who the people are. Frequent Biblical examples found in the Qur'an are: Adam and the Garden of Eden. Abraham lecturing the Chaldaens about one God(Allah). Moses struggle against Pharoah. Lot's escape from Sodom. Noah's Ark. In addition to Biblical references, there are also the stories of the 'Ad and the Thamud, powerful Arab pagan tribes brought to desolation by the power of God(Allah). That is basically what you will read throughout the Qur'an, insolent transgressors will be wiped off the face of the Earth by the power of God(Allah). Therefore, submit to God(Allah) in Islam. That would be best for you, if you only knew. That has led to the problem of who is the representative of God(Allah) to submit to. In the Muslim world, they have had a leader(Caliph) who is to be both the temporal and spiritual leader of the Muslim community, kind of like God's messenger on Earth. Like many Christian 'leaders', they could often be found wanting. However, where Christ warned of false prophets coming to you as wolves in sheep's clothing and to judge them by the fruit they doth bear, Muhamed states that it is not for people to see the unseen. Why question things? Who are you to judge the workings of Allah? Submit to His messenger! That is where I found the Qur'an seriously wanting. How do we know who God's messenger really is? I am no expert on the accuracy or quality of the translation, but I could say the same about the Bible. The Muslim community in the US thinks that this is the best English translation out there, so I think it would be good to read. And if any Muslims are reading this review, why don't you read the Bible and find out for yourself what Christians base their religion upon. You can only profit.
Rating: Summary: Not a Muslim, but certainly an admirer of the Qur'an Review: I am, as my title says, not a Muslim. Actually, I am a Wiccan. But I find in the Qur'an, more so than in any other holy script, a call for us to care for ourselves and others equally. Many believe that the Qur'an is the source of the hatred that some Muslims have for the West. I do not feel this is true. The text calls, not for the (lesser) ... (holy war) on the Western world, as it is currently being practiced by some misguided folks, but to cleanse one's own heart of hatred and impurity first. ... Every passage I have read calls for love. Love of Allah, and love of your fellow man. How can people turn such a loving book into their (proclaimed) guidebook for hatred? There are things I will never understand. That, perhaps, is first amongst them. Again I say, I am not a Muslim; I am a Witch. But nonetheless, I think, were the Qur'an practiced as the law of our land, this would be a great nation....