Rating:  Summary: Best Book you'll ever buy Review: I had pretty much given up on religion and was devoutly agnostic and bitter, this book has changed all that. It has transformed the way I look at life, and my relationships, it has given some excellent advise on love and compassion. I could go on and on for awhile, if you are at all questioning buying this book, if you've come this far or just stumbled on the page, I doubt it was by accident. Buy this book, it will most likely be one of the greatest purchases you ever make! How's that for a book endorsement?...
Rating:  Summary: best spiritual book Review: I started reading spirtual books since age 11 ( I am now 37)and I have to say that this book is best one- No need to read any other's- this one will tell all and give you all you need for your spiritual growth- The bible of all books!!!! A must read for your own good!!!
Rating:  Summary: Extremely well written spiritual quest. Review: If you are interested in spiritual journeys which fuse new age values with the most ancient and arcane religious teachings and guidance, this is the book for you. Extremely informative and interesting, it provides delicate morsels of food for thought while feeding the higher plane.
Rating:  Summary: Have You Been On an Intense Search for Truth? Review: If you are like me, you have probably been searching for the answers to the questions of life. Who am I and where do I come from? I'm supposed to be doing something important....what is it that I can't remember? What do my dreams mean? How can crystals help me? Who or where is my soul mate? What really happens when I "die"? All of these questions and so much more will be addressed in "The Lost Teachings of Atlantis." I was floored when I read the table of contents and saw all of the topics in one book that I had been searching all over the Internet for and in any book of an esoteric nature that I could get my hands on. This book really shook me up and challenged me to look at myself, my beliefs and whether I wanted to remain the same (conscously choosing to turn away from the Source) or do I want to turn back to the Light and transform. Please, do yourself a favor and buy this book. Even if you are unsure of whether you can believe it or not, it is a very entertaining story of one man's journey to Tibet and his path to enlightenment. You will be hanging on the edge of your seat, rooting for him to make it to the ancient monastery in the Himalayas. You may even find yourself close to tears as you realize things you must change about yourself if you want to return to the AllThatIs. It's worth it!
Rating:  Summary: coming out of the matrix Review: if you liked the movie 'the matrix' i think you will love this book!...a real eye opener in terms of what's REALLY going on here on this planet, who/what we really are and how to find our way back to the TRUTH and PURE LOVE (who could resist that)...i absolutely love this book...after 10 years and about 600 'spiritual' books later, i finally found what i was looking for.....an easy read, entertaining and impactful...enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Teachings you can't ignore Review: My previous review of this book was less than positive. Now, after I've had the time to consider both the author's words and my own, I've decided to rescind my prior comments and offer an entirely new review of this material. It's still true that the author offers no proof as to the actuality of his story. (Nor does he even attempt to.) However, this doesn't matter much due to the nature of the material presented. The teachings are still important and powerful and insightful whether the personal story is factual or merely fictitous. After having some time to "sleep on it" and some days to contemplate the basic message I have to admit to the truth of the message being presented here. It is this "selfish, separate self" that underlies the problems and miseries of the ages. The more self focused and self serving one becomes the greater the miseries and problems of life become. And obviously this holds true for families, countries and the world itself. It is this underlying concept that any valid spiritual pathway attempts to instill in it's membership. Although the message may at time be diluted or distorted due to a number of other factors, it is still present within most world religions. The teachings here are not always easy, nor are they what most of us long to hear...however, they are based on truth, they are based on the fundemental issues of what it means to be alive on this earth and how we can further our true purpose in living. If your looking for someone to give you a feel good placebo and not disturb your personal slumber then I suggest you look elsewhere. ( I tried this already...yet the truth of the message seemed to lurk behind every problem, every face, daily serving only to confirm what I tried to ignore) Humility and selfless love is the pathway back to God, back to our true selves, there is no other. As Mr. Peniel and a great host of other voices point out to us the time is growing short. Our actions and our selfish way will have REactions, this is unavoidable. The very earth on which we live may undergo monumental changes in the near future. And we as a species must ourselves undergo monumental changes as well! This book is much more about taking action than just accepting some new belief. It urges us to turn away from endless theological arguments and focus our energies on the basic problems of the human dilemma. I support this message and hope there are many more who will do so as well.
Rating:  Summary: profound and thought-provoking Review: not an easy read, expands the mind to a wonderful degree, one must take time to truly absorbe what was just read. more than worth the time, causes you to give more serious thought to every aspect of your life. easy to recommend this book to every truth seeker
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Source of Ancient Wisdom and Practical Teachings. Review: SEEKERS OF TRUTH...here is what we've been waiting for! This is probably the most incredible book published. It is a humorous, fact-filled account of the life of the author and his discovery of the hidden valley in Tibet (Shangri-La?) and his subsequent exposure to the teachings handed down since the time of Atlantis. Don't worry, it's not "far out," quite the contrary. It is full of very practical, important lessons that everyone needs to hear. It has a section of daily mediation exercises which I have found extremely effective. And the best part is, you can actually communicate with the members of this order, who have been exiled from their home by the Chinese and are now in North America. They have phone numbers, e-mail addresses and related information. Unfortunately, in the rush to get this book to publication before it is too late, the text contains some glaring typos and grammatical mistakes. Don't let this distract you from the VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE in this book. The time is NOW...get the book and get busy!
Rating:  Summary: If you're only allowed one book a lifetime, this is it... Review: Stop whatever it is you're doing that is so important and read this book. Now. This book will change your life. Buy two- give one to someone you care about. Then buy a spare - mine is practically worn out, it gets taken everywhere and read every day. This book makes all other metaphysical/spiritual/self-improvement books redundant. Anybody want to buy a mountain of metaphysical books? Bonus Typofest: If you are a really anal English Grammar pedant then this book is very good for practising being non-judgmental... Is there a down side? Certainly: where is the Index? We need to be able to find stuff! This book should not be recommended reading, it should be required reading. Buy it. Now.
Rating:  Summary: This book has changed my life and how I look at the world. Review: The amazing wisdom in this book, by itself, is worth the cover price, but the meditation techniques make it positively invaluable in my opinion. In this incredible book, Jon Peniel encapsulates millenia of ancient history, spiritual teachings, as well as his personal story of growth in a secluded pre-Bhuddist monestary, now desicrated, high in the Himmelayas. Interestingly, the area that Mr. Peniel mentions in this book has recently been 'discovered' by National Geographic explorers. Even more intriquing is the omision by these explorers of the ruins of the monastery which, of course, would contradict most of what modern archeologists consider to be true. The basic principle of this incredible book is that we are all part of a greater whole, sort of like facets of an incredibly-complex and large gem, and that it is only our selfish seperate mentality that keeps us from achieving peace, prosperity, and at-one-ment with the divine. When I say that this volume changed my life, I mean it. I used to be very nervous and preocupied, but studious and frequent use of the meditation methods, I feel, have tremendously improved my life. However, you have to be willing to put alot of time into them, like an hour or two a day. That's not to say that I have acheived the same level as that of the author, it takes a life of devotion to attain such enlightenment as he has. This book also coroborates some of what I've read elsewhere in the works of David Icke, William Bramely, and Stuart Swerdlow.