Rating:  Summary: The most complete, non-dogmatic spiritual work to date. Review: "The Lost Teachings of Atlantis" is truely a gift of wisdom. It combines teachings that have taken me years to experence or find through other sources. Those of you who have experenced a spiritual teacher will recognize the truth presented here. Jon Peniel openly shares his experences of Spirit in a wonderous, insightful and helpful manner, and the information dealing phyically with Atlantis is striking. Any fan of multi-disciplined "psydo-archialogy" will note how well this information fits in with many alternative theories of cultural evolution(or devolution- depending on your perspective). Read it! Process it! Enjoy the Journey...
Rating:  Summary: A soul-searching, comprehensive look at our belief systems Review: After twenty years of reading books on any metaphysical book I could get my hands on, Children of the Law of One-The Lost Teachings of Atlantis proved to be more than just reading! It is a book that has shaken my life to it's core and made me deeply examine some of my most cherished beliefs. It is impossible to read this book and remain the same. I challenge anyone to start and come out the other end the same person. I guarantee it won't happen. Jon Peniel's journey is really our own. Will we have the courage to change? And will we do it in time?
Rating:  Summary: my opinion: ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!! Review: First of all, I don't usually write Internet reviews. I think they're a waste of my time. Truth is, I am selfish like that..point blank! That was until I got a hold of this book. Honestly...This book absolutely changed my life. Not actually the book, but the truth within it.
I am a cheery 36 year old sound engineer living on the East Coast with my wife who's a publicist for a major media firm. No children (anymore).
I've always been a seeker. Even as a child, my curiosity about "everything" ran deeper than the average child. I've always thought that there was more..and dashgammit I was gonna find it! :)
A born and raised born-again christian, I was left with no other alternative but to explore other religions and other philosphies in search of more pieces to life's puzzles. I had to! The ignorance was killing me! And then Suddenly!!! I somehow (I don't even remember) got a hold of this book. And it somehow brought illumination and clarity to LIFE!! Can you imagine??! Me..understanding the secret to life!! And just to think, all of the pain and dissapointments up to this point have actually prepared me for this eye-opening moment! (I don't think the light bulb would have come on had I not endured the many setbacks that I've encountered.) Fortunately, this book was there to shine a little truth and understanding about my life. The result? My eyes are now wide open! I was blind but now I see!! I see life and God in all its glory. Incredible!!
Perfect timing considering my wife and I just lost our baby girl to an umbilical cord mishap. 9 months pregnant, Leah McKenzie Kelly was due on the day that she died. Two months to today, and my wife and I are unbelievably fine. (it's not shock. our counselor is amazed at how were navigating through all of this) Minus the normal grieving, you'd think that we were ten years younger. We cannot figure out how all of this happened. All I know is that this book helped me see the universal power that lies within me. And boy did we need it! :-)
Rating:  Summary: For all who have an open mind. Review: For all who have read or enjoyed the non judgemental teachings of Emmet Fox, Edgar Cayce, Dan Millman, or James Redfield this book is an excellent source for spiritual guidance. It's storylike format helps all of those who simply cannot follow a dry self help spiritual guide book and the author's "take what you want and leave the rest message" definitely makes one feel like this book attempts to reach people at all levels of spirituality while at the same time leaving the reader unpressured to believe in every word that is written within the 300+ page novel. I recommend that any reader with an open mind and sincere desire to raise their spiritual consciousness read this book. I also recommend The Celestine Prophesy and The Tenth Insight By James Redfield, any book by Emmet Fox for all Christian readers, and The Way of the Peaceful Warrior and No Ordinary Moments by Dan Millman for readers who are interested in books that run along the similar paths. Enjoy reading and please email me if you are interested in discussing any of the spiritual information found in any of the books at dmkemmer@ucdavis.edu
Rating:  Summary: Hold on tight and let go! This book will change your life! Review: For Edgar Cayce readers looking for "the rest of the story", this is it! Jon Peniel's words touch your soul and offer a path towards your own enlightenment. This is timless stuff, just in the nick of time. Unselfish love and the Golden Rule are the keys to life! Jon shows us the way. Sparkling jewels of truth are offered along the way, with insight into meditation, metaphysics, our life and our God. Order two copies and give one to a friend.
Rating:  Summary: Understand the soul's journey and path - read this book! Review: For spiritual growth and understanding of the purpose to life, this book is a must. The author, Jon Peniel has described much of the teachings he received at a monastery in Tibet. In addition, there are meditations to aid in the spiritual growth. This book is well-written and very in depth. It's the kind of book that you will want to re-read to fully grasp all the information it covers. The teachings from the monastery date back to the times of Atlantis. Anyone interested in Atlantis would find this book captivating and very intriguing. A truly wonderful book!
Rating:  Summary: The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atl Review: I found this book to be very inspiring. It answered many questions I have had about the workings of the universe and life here on this planet. I felt as though I had finally found not only answers but a feeling of home, and a sence of belonging. I have always felt like I have been trying to put the round peg into the square hole in this life - this book made me feel like I had a place to put my round peg.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I got this book hoping to get better insights into human origins. From that angle this book has been a major disappointment. A better presentation can be found in Edgar Cayce's Story of the origin and destiny of man (Robinson), and an even deeper one in the writings of Hilarion through Maurice B Cooke (e.g. seasons of the spirit, tapestry)The book is generally cluttered, showing a lack of organization, perhaps in thought - considering that the author is referred to by other characters in the book as "a great writer" and "leading the forces of light". It tastes odd to read many chapters of what appears to be mostly a self-centered presentation. In addition, statements like the following (all in one paragraph) make one wonder what the author is trying to prove: After a discourse on human origins : "..we have nothing at stake, nothing to prove, nothing to lose or gain..so you can take them or leave them as far as we're concerned. We really, really don't care if you believe the concepts of histroy or creation presented in the book or not..If it doesn't ring a bell fine...we don't think it is important, It isn't important. We really, truly, don't care about intellectual ideas, theories, concepts..who cares?..who cares?.." That's a whole big paragraph on "we don't care". And that too after presenting concepts very similar to Edgar Cayce readings. Nevertheless, the book has its value provided one can cut through all the chaff and focus on what is important to each reader.
Rating:  Summary: Law of One Review: I had no idea this book would be so incredible, its contents have changed my life! I can't stress enough how benifical I think it is to read. I got it 8 months ago, and I am still reading it, it's been stated before, and I will state it again. This is the truth, the message is simple and profound. I again urge you to check this out. If you are curious at all about life, and love, how it all works... I can't say enough thanks
Rating:  Summary: best spiritual book Review: I had pretty much given up on religion and was devoutly agnostic and bitter, this book has changed all that. It has transformed the way I look at life, and my relationships, it has given some excellent advise on love and compassion. I could go on and on for awhile, if you are at all questioning buying this book, if you've come this far or just stumbled on the page, I doubt it was by accident. Buy this book, it will most likely be one of the greatest purchases you ever make! How's that for a book endorsement?...