Rating:  Summary: This is a very informitive book Review: It only took me two days to read this book I could not put it down. This book is veary fasinating and it helped me to discover who I really was. And who I was sometimes pretending to be too. It was just a all around informitive book and I reccomend this book to anyone and evreyone no matter what. If you are confused about yourself right know or just in general then this book is a must have. Even if you pretty much know who you are you should get this book because it tells you evreything you ever wanted to know about yourself and more. So This is a must have for anyone no matter what. This would also be a grate gift.
Rating:  Summary: Potentially ZERO stars! Review: Malcolm Godwin, the author of this tripe, tries to invoke ancient and eastern methods of analysis and introspection in an apparent attempt to prove that he is worldly, organized, and in touch with the times. It is, though, a shallow attempt. As a black female reader, I found the first few pages of his book to be ludicrous. In the pages that deal with his "analyses" of the "body types"--racial, physical, or otherwise, he discusses the "ideal" human female face. He actually acknowledges to taking his information from a racially biased study. I quote from the book: "A series of tests created by Michael Cunningham, a psychologist at the University of Lousiville, was used to measure beauty. He asked white male college students to rate the attractiveness of photographs of women..." Then he shows a juxtaposed image above the paragraph and writes, "The computer reconstruction above shows the ideal beauty according to a white American male." But who cares what the white male thinks, other than maybe the white woman? There are SO many more ethnicities and racial categories in this world, and for Godwin to call those who don't fit the ideal "white male beauty standard" a "misfit" (quote taken from the index of the pages this "study" was reviewed on!) is just downright pathetic. As a black woman, I could not give a rat's balls worth of care to what the "white male" thinks, but I guess Malcolm doesn't realize that he, the white male, is a MINORITY worldwide and that people of color are HUMAN and have a voice in this world. He ends that section of tripe by saying, "If you are physically unconventional, either racially or in any other way outside the social norm, the chances are that you will be found less attractive." Less attractive to whom? White men? So what? These are Malcolm Godwin's own weird words. Hello--I don't care if the so-called "norm" is blonde/blue, I'm a black woman and there is absolutely NOTHING unconventional about me. I am as much the norm as everybody else. So readers out there, take heart--Godwin thinks you're a "mis-fit" if you don't fit his, the "white male," ideal of beauty. Tsk, tsk. After all, I'm not even attracted to white men, I prefer brothers and Latinos. I care what THEY think about my beauty, NOT about what white men think. But then again, Godwin doesn't talk about or represent the HUMAN race, only his own white race, which is already a world minority. If he'd wake up, join the 21st century, and become truly enlightened, he'd see that that white male crap is played on down the toilet. But apparently he doesn't care...he's too busy calling all non-anglicized women MIS-FITS. This is offensive, incorrect, stupid, and I surely don't see a psychological degree behind his name, so it's my guess that he's spouting his own shallow tripe in a desparate attempt to hold on to that fading white-male image. And I don't care if you other (white) people think that my review is non-helpful...it should be VERY helpful to the other world majority (people of color). And if you think I'm bitter, I am. This tackily handled book brought out the worst in me and has the potential to PO other non-white readers. So there.
Rating:  Summary: An indispensable guide to self understanding and discovery. Review: Simply put, this is the best book ever in regards to understanding yourself. Covers almost every topic you could possibly imagine from body type, hand shape, dominant personalities, astrology (not just Western philosophies), aptitude tests and an almost endless amount of information. Worth five times more than the price. A definite must have.
Rating:  Summary: An amazing wealth of self awareness test. Review: There are more psychological and self awareness test here than you will ever find within a single book.It does not dig in depth in anyone direction, but gives you such a broadbased exposure to everything that is available. This will invite you to do further reading on your own on any one methodology that you found particularly relevant to your own character. In itself, this book has a unique value. I have never come accross to another book like this. It has no substitute or competitor.
Rating:  Summary: 101 Interesting Ways To Discover Yourself? Review: This is a visually beautiful book with tests and profiles that are supposed to guide you towards seeing yourself better. There are four sections in this book: Body Types, Feeling Types, Thinking Types and Spiritual Types. Each section contains several ways of pinpointing your unique structure. Unfortunately some of the profiles offset one another, such as having a thin body full of energy and being told later that you were born under a sign that encourages laziness....but then I don't think it is meant to be entirely accurate just entertaining. Regardless the tests and profiles are interesting and fun to do. The best part of this book is the way it makes you step out of the norm and see yourself under a new age light. I recommend this book purely for the entertainment value and something interesting to do on a lazy afternoon or with friends. But to really see yourself just take a long look in a mirror and be honest!
Rating:  Summary: What an enjoyable book Review: When I received this book in the mail from Amazon, the first thing I did was to page through it completely. The art work is riveting. Malcolm Goodwin's illustrations have such motion in them they are a joy to look at. The color and illustrations as well as the quality of this publication is top-notch. This was obvious by just paging through it the first time. I've nearly dog-eared the pages by now. As a person who has dabbled with astrology, numerology, palm reading, personality types, etc. this books puts them all in one place and simply. It is like all my mini-vices in one neat package. There are four sections of evaluations: Body, Feeling, Thinking and Spiritual. In each of these you can evaluate where you fit and what characteristics each type is endowed with. The introduction at the beginning of the book puts it all into perspective. You get out of this book what you put into it. The author indicates there are four ways you can approach the book. 1. As entertainment. 2. As a map of the types of people out there, some we are kin to. 3. A means of understanding your own behavior. 4. A means of realizing who you are, versus who you think you are or want to be. Rarely does a book truly respond to all these needs. If you want a lightly entertaining book and you dive in with that attitude, you'll get that. If you want a sense of direction of where you are to where you want to be. This may help you get there. If you want a sense of who you are, this can help. I don't know if people serious in any of these subjects would find this book accurate or even correct. I really don't know enough to check this. And if I did, what would be the point? This book is about self discovery. To be honest, I doubt someone really serious in any of these would buy this book unless to look at the areas they are not that experienced in. Each topic of self discovery, all 101 of them take up only (2) 8-1/2" X 8-1/2" pages. Just enough to introduce the topic, give you the scale to work with and it's characteristics. If you want to go further on the topic, you have enough background information to start digging in. I have spent many an entertained hour just going back and forth from one topic to another. What is really neat is when a bunch of people look at it all at once too. The discussions can get pretty interesting. It is a discovery in itself when you see what ratings others give you. Teenagers have a ball with this. This book is perfect for the young person who is trying to realize who they are and who they want to be. For the middle ager like myself and the elderly, it is interesting to note where I've been as well as where I'm going. You can also look at your children's types as well. All and all, this book is a good investment. This is a book that can be fun, introspective and enlightening.
Rating:  Summary: It's Amazing! Review: Yes, how did we fit such a lot of great stuff into 101 pages, well we didn't! The book has 224 pages, which makes it particularly good value at the price.