Rating:  Summary: SWEET BEGINNING, SOUR AFTERTASTE Review: During the first pages, I loved that book and I said to myself: Thats IT !! The youthfull and down to earth style (so I thought) seduced me and "sucked me in". But after a while I got tired of it. Silver is pretty restrictive, considering that WICCA is an relatively open path. Her way of tarot is right ( I do it for years and I wouldnt change my layout), and also in other things she seems pretty close-minded (like the Farrar-Couple). The "hammer" is her story with the deer: how can you try to influence a hunt? Thats pretty against my personal view of WICCA. Silver influences a lot of teenagers (those who love "Charmed" and stuff like that), espescially with her new books. Thats okay, but PLEASE if you read only this book/author TRY some books of SCOTT CUNNINGHAM. At least he wrote from his heart.
Rating:  Summary: An OK book, but with a down side Review: To Ride A Silver Broomstick has some interesting information and excercises in it. However, It skimps on the real meat of Wicca. There isn't nearly enough theology to give a newbee a good sense of what the spiritual side of Wicca is all about. Also, The book has way to many "Spells". I don't mind books on Wicca that include a good introduction to magic as well, but I don't think giving spell after spell does that. I also did not like that in the begining she states that there are many ways to practice Wicca, but at several times in the book her tone becomes on of "Always do this" or "don't do that" It gets a little too preachy, not to mention inaccurate at times. The last problem I had with this book is that Her tone often reminds me of how my mother used to speak to me, when I was about 10. I didn't like condesending tones then, and I like them even less now. Having said all that I would conclude that this book is worth reading, but in conjunction with other books. Don't use this as your only source as it is very one sided.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for beginers (like myself). Review: Im only begining studies in the craft. To Ride A Silver Broomstick has clairified and demistified Witchcraft, Neopaganism and other religions/practices I knew nothing about before I read this book. I have read that some people believe that Silver RavenWolf does not go into enough depth when discussing the history of the Craft. I believe that if she went into more detail, it would discourage people such as myself, from learning more about the Craft. There was only one thing that I wish authors of books such as To Ride a Silver Broomstick would do. If you noticed, all Craft oriented books are from a womans point of view. I, being a male, am confused in what role I take. I'm not sure if ceartain deities are restricted from me, if I call myself a witch or if some rituals are not available to me because of my gender. I don't think of myself being sexist, but I haven't come across a book that is written from a males point of view. In general, I think this is a great book. As a result, I am joing classes and looking for more practitioners of the Craft. I am also learning more about the history of the craft. Thankyou for reading my review for How to Ride a Silver Broomstick
Rating:  Summary: EXTREMELY IGNORANT AND VERY MISLEADNG FOR THE NOVICE Review: This book is possibly the WORST book on the market concerning Witchcraft. (As a matter of fact, I would never advise anyone to purchase ANY of Ravenwolf's books, as she clearly doesn't understand REAL Witchcraft in the least)! A simple example is the fact that she tries to explain the Wiccan Rede (ie: An it harm none, do what thou wilt), and then goes into detail about casting spells for successful deer huntng! This clearly proves that she doesn't live by the Rede, as hunting IS killing, and in doing so she condones violence and actually breaks the Rede twice! Once for the act of killing the deer, and second for the fact that by killing the animal it brings negative Karma back on herself which brings the Wiccan Law of 3 into the picture. The Rede states very clearly, HARM NONE! No one, no animal, not even yourself. Even when we litter and harm our Earth we break the Rede. This is information that the Novice should be taught. It is sad that in todays world anyone with a PC can get published, wether they understand what they write about or not.
Rating:  Summary: Good when viewed/used with a grain of salt Review: Lets face it (In my experience at least)- most of us these days are solitairies some 70% of the time, Silver Ravenwolf valiantly attempts to pass on basic skills to the novice.This is a good basic book for those just starting out. In my opinion a bit lacking in certain areas (History for one). However; if used in conjunction with Scott Cunningham's books or The Witches Bible by the Farrars or a multitude of others then you will get a better read on and feel for the subject. As a loner-book this comes up short in a few areas. The advantages of this book are its no nonsense style and hand-holding for rituals if you need it, and simplified explanations. The disadvantages are the mother to daughter/son talks and plethora of magickal occurances within the authors life - which can distract and cause you to lose focus, as well as the tests. While tests are good, they have a tendency to limit one to the knowledge at hand forgetting personal experiences of the testee. While I do not agree with some of Silver Ravenwolf's statements, she has her path to walk as I do mine, and as do we all. I can say her writing did get me to consider certain ideas, plus has started me thinking in a few new directions. As with any book on any subject read it - and then judge it, if judge you must. My advice if you want it is Buy this book to use in conjunction with several others and do not depend on any one book as the be-all end-all of your knowledge.
Rating:  Summary: The best book for new practitioners. Review: This is one of the best books on Wicca. The language is clear, the exercises are perfect and the style makes it very good to read. It is perfect for newcomers.
Rating:  Summary: easy to read Review: This is a wonderful book on Wicca and magick for the beginner. A close friend of mine has been interested in Wicca, but was unable to read books by Buckman and others out of boredom. He picked up this book and read it in two days. Easy to read and inspiring. I am buying it for my Catholic mother to help her understand my beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: This is a great book for beginners!!! Review: I believe that if anyone is interested in a good outline of Wiccan traditions, beliefs, history, or studies that they should read this book...it gives good "how-to" basics and gets you started off on the right foot without any hesitation
Rating:  Summary: One of the best out there Review: Many people didn't like this book because they thought that RavenWolf was nothing more that a fluffball, and didn't take the book seriously, but it is for this very reason that it is so good. RavenWolf allows for people to move along at their own pace, and write rituals so that they MEAN something to the person doing them. The magorirty of the people who winned and cried about this book aren't real Witches to begin with, they're most ceremonial magicians, who like to parade around with pagan symbols and CALL themselves Witches. It's because of this that they don't realize that the warm approach to the way it was written means that RavenWolf is one of the purest Wiccan authors out there, she writes from her heart, not her college degree, and this motherly approach, is one of tennets of Witchcraft in general. She is also very knowlegable in all aspects of folk magick, from herbs, to crystals, and everything else. She also has extensive knowlege of the occult in general. My only gripes about it is that she tends to be a little eccentric, but hey, Buckland was the same way, you just have to look beyond it. She also has little regard for history, however, for many this is a good thing, since using the word Wicca was all about a new beginning anyway, but even though she doesn't write a whole lot of historical references, she can surely bet that she knows her stuff in this field as well. These were the only reasons it didn't get a perfect five. I find myself continuously pulling this book of my shelf for the charts and graphs. Raven Grimassi's "The Wiccan Mysteries" came very close to being that all encompasing book on what Witches believe, and this one comes just as close in the field of what Witches do. A great book!!!
Rating:  Summary: A marvelous book. Review: Great for people are/are not interested in wicca