The first thing Dorothy Morrison hopes to establish in The Craft is what the Craft is not. "It has nothing to do with canned magic, or flying through the air, or snapping lightning from your fingertips," she explains. And no matter how practiced you are, Morrison assures readers it won't give you the power to "turn your enemies into toads so you can set them on the highway." Explaining what the Craft actually is takes more time and thought--both of which Morrison offers in her typically warm, humorous, and concise style throughout this all-inclusive handbook. Wiccans, who are the main practitioners of the Craft, have one overriding commandment, according to Morrison: if it harms no one, do what you will. It is a reminder that every action, thought, and spell has a ripple effect, so be sure that all your work is for the good. This responsible attitude seeps into every page of this practical magic handbook. Expect a highly detailed account of spells, wand skills, sample blessings, altar setups, invocations, and examples of how to use a cup, pentacle, cauldron, and athame (a double-edge knife that should never be used to draw blood). Morrison closes with a Craft calendar, listing celebrations and rituals for every month and season of the year. --Gail Hudson