Rating:  Summary: Godfather George and Real Politiks Review: "Give this job to Jr." says Bush the elder invoking images of this waspish, thin-lipped, internationalist operating worldwide yet maintaining a public image of down-homeiness.Russell Bowen more than rips the lid off the public image carefully cultivated by Bush, Inc. exposing the dark side of not just American politics but its international tentacles stretching into every country where American business/government conducts its business with a plethora of American paid for and sponsored dictators. Gore Vidal has written that the American Republic ended in July 1947 with the signing, and creation, of the national security state vis-avis the founding of the CIA. For George Herbert Walker Bush, the national security state always existed. Bowen traces the history of the Bush crime family interweaving the story of the family with the politics of the nation and the high flying deals which enriched the family. Bowen documents not just the Machiavellian work of Bush the elder, but the sins of the sons, Neil, Jeb and Dubya. Admitting to his own work under orders from Bush the elder, he asks the following questions: Where was George? 1. When, during World War II, his shipmates were drowning after the bomber plane Bush was piloting was shot down? 2. When the Bay of Pigs was planned? 3. When John F. Kennedy was assassinated? 4. When presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated? 5. When Martin Luther King was assassinated? 6. When a "deal" was made to hold the Iran hostages until the inauguration of Reagan? 7. When Ronald Reagan was nearly assassinated in Washington by a known Bush family associate? 8. When the truth about this association with Iraq should have been made clear to the American people? I found many parts of this book to be fascinating, I became intrigued with Bowen's revelations of the business dealings between the grandfather of W.S.Farish. According to Bowen, Farish was the inheritor of the Auschwitz deaht camp fortune. In 1980, Bush designated Farish as manager of his vast wealth deposited in a "blind trust." Bush knew he could trust Farish to keep the family secrets as Farish's money was made from the same Nazi enterprise as Bush's father Prescott. According to Bowen, "Farish's grandfather, W.S.Farish, pleaded, "no contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. As president and chief executive of Standard Oil of New Jersey, Farish was the controller of the global cartel between Standard Oil and the German I.G.Farben concern. The joint enterprise had opened the Auschwitz slave labor amp on June 14, 1940, to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal. Jews and other political opponents supplied by Hitler as slaves were worked to death or murdered. Senator Harry S. Truman headed a Senate committee investigating the corporations' collaboration with the Nazis. Farish was brought before the committee to answer questions concerning his company's alliance with the Hitler regime that had begun with his presidency of Jersey Standard in 1933. Before Farish testified, Truman told newsmen, "I think this approaches treason." In an era of literary mediocrity, Bowen has written and published a work documenting the misdeeds and illegalities of a family some consider the Republican Kennedys. Fast forwarding to today, the son, Dubya, is covered with the same crown of thorns befitting Bush the Elder. Bowen proves that information is power so read and consider the information contained in this volume. The Farish affair is but one of a plethora of similar incidents documented in Bowen's book establishing a pattern of treasonous, illegal and immoral conduct by the Bushes using their position as public officials imbued with a public trust for their own benefit.
Rating:  Summary: But Where's The Aliens? Review: A hilarious read that stretches truth and plausibility to the limits. Has Mafia, CIA, assassination attempts, secret Arab deals, drug dealing, etc. But where's the aliens? And everybody knows George Bush was the second gunman on the grassy knoll! If you're a fan of Oliver Stone acid trips then this crazy book is great for you!
Rating:  Summary: DisInformation???? Review: As one might suspect, the review "claiming" this book is pure fiction comes from Newport, Kentucky. (See reviews above). This is an old Mafi town across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio. In this town they claim the mafi is a fairytale too, but we all know it's real!!! Hmmmm, there is a book about Bush and the mob, and now a review from an old mob town that has a long history of gangland killings and outlaw motorcycle clubs posts a review claiming the book about Bush is "makebelieve"? Anyone can say anything. A wise man looks at facts. Fact is a lot of the allegations in the book ARE supported by facts THAT DO CHECK OUT! Fact is the book SLANDERS the Bush family.....BUT THE BUSH FAMILY HAS FILED NO LAWSUITS!!! Fact...THIS IS A VERY BELIEVEABLE BOOK!!!
Rating:  Summary: a waste of paper and ink. Review: I can't believe I was duped into buying this crap. Bowen's next book should be about the people living on Mars.
Rating:  Summary: A must read book Review: I gained a clearer understanding of many world events that Ihave witnessed in my life time. After reading the book one comesaway understanding why our "War of Drugs" continues as a failed policy; why our nation continues to be punish the people of Cuba with our embargo; why we invaded Panama; Iran Contra; and why Bush left Saddam in power in Iraq after telling the American people that Saddam was another "Hitler". Most who read the book will probably just explain it away as another one of those conspiracy books, but to those who have a lot of unanswered questions ranging from the murder of JFK to the attempted murder of Reagan, this book has the answers. END
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointing! Review: I purchased this book hoping to learn more about the Bush family dealings with Nazi Germany, the Bay of Pigs, the Kennedy assassination, the Reagan assassination attempt, the Savings & Loan debacle, Iran Contra, and so forth. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a biased politically driven diatribe, written at the time of the 1992 election, and intended to help to derail George Herbert Walker Bush's failed re-election attempt. Sadly, it seems that most of the reviewers below were so passionate about their desire to see victories for the democrat party that they failed to notice the weakness of this book. The author unwisely starts the book with a short biography. He describes himself as having spent much of his life in uniform prior to his seventeenth birthday. Sorry, Mr. Bowen, military school doesn't count. It just means you probably had wealthy parents. Then he shares that his falling out with the Bush clan stems from his arrest and imprisonment for illegal importation of narcotics into the United States. In my opinion, this puts Mr. Bowen in the sad fraternity of Barry Seal, Terry Reed, and many others who enjoyed the huge financial rewards of flying illegal drugs into our nation and then resented the consequences. As to style, the book is not well written. Moreover, it is not accurate. Mr. Bowen compares the first Bush administration to that of Herbert Hoover. In this comparison, he relates that both administrations were charactarized by bread lines. Well, I wasn't alive during the Hoover administration. But the assertion that there were bread lines during the early nineties sounds like the worst of Democratic Socialists of America rhetoric. For those who are interested in the secret history of the United States, I would depend on more credible authors such as Craig Roberts, Anthony Sutton, Jim Maars, and James Perloff. Knowing what I know now, I would not waste money on this book.
Rating:  Summary: READ THIS BOOK!!! Review: I understand that much of the American public will tend to give our goverment the benfit of the doubt. Call it patriotism, optimism, or naivety. Some of the facts in this book can be (and have been) easily substantiated; Neil's involvement in the failled SNL, Iran-Contra, the source of the family's wealth, the October Surprise, connections between the Bay of Pigs and companies associated with George, etc. Any one who dismisses these facts obviously hasn't done their homework. Simple research can prove these truths. Although this book relates only to the Bush's it is a good example of how the people of our country have been led astray. Keep in mind, the Bush's are but a few of the many people (from both the "Left" and the "Right") who are guilty of placing personal gain ahead of the good of the people. I highly recomend this book to any one who would like a glimpse of the way this country has been opperating for the last century.
Rating:  Summary: From the New York Times To Wallstreet Journal Review: I was amazed at the supporting documentation. One has to wonder why the general media hasn't run away with this thing. It's interesting to note the correlation between this and the current elections.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! Review: If 1% of this book is true, the Bush family is the worst of us. It is absolutely incredible that this has become a leading political family in the US. The author will speculate in one paragraph, then treat his theory as assumed fact in the next, which does undermine a ring of truth. I don't know how much of this is true. I have heard that Bush was our most cynical President. I also cannot believe he was innocent of any wrongdoing in the Iran-Contra scandal. But, implicating him in JFK's assassination? Please! Now dubya is a front-runner. I wish H.L. Menken were still alive. He'd die of laughter. Shrub!
Rating:  Summary: Illustrative Review: If everything this book say about George Bush and his family is true then the thought that United States has two running government - one at the White House in Washington, DC and another one at Wall Street, New York - become a proved reality. Throught its pages, the reader find out that the Bush family have being helped, protected, promoted and placed in strategic political and business jobs by unseeing hands just to carry out the business interests of the American banking and oil industry and the elite families in United States and around the world who own them. Is that possible?