Rating:  Summary: Unbelievable Review: One of the greatest books to come out of America, EVER. This is not just a counter-culture hippie book; it is a legitimate work of profoundly life-improving philosophy. There are many tedious works of philosophy out there that seem to ask questions just for the sake of asking questions, and leave you with the feeling that you've only been playing fruitless mind-games. _Be Here Now_ is not like that at all. It addresses issues that really are important to us humans, and gives advice that can truly help you to improve your quality of life. ... _Be Here Now_, on the other hand, shows you time-honored eastern philosophical methods which will solve your illusory problems - not just cover them up. It also has a good moral theme to it, showing you ways to be happy without having to do so at other people's expense.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Review: I really enjoyed it. The Eastern path is not really where I am at, but found this book inspiring nevertheless. I really enjoyed the initial autobiographic part, as Ram dass is such an interesting man and has had such an interesting life. The journey of transformation of Richard Alpert into Ram Dass, the psychedelic experiences, the frienship with Timothy Leary and the encounter with the guru had me spellbound. Also, the next part of the book is so original in presentation, a real experiment in writing and art and of communication through the sensory experinece. It has that whole seventies feel about it. A classic. And much ageless wisdom in here.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This book is eye opening. Its basic truths seem obvious, but not until you read them! It is a book made for psyches with the largest portion full of psychologically fueled images that can get burnt in your head. It's message is simple and unique. It's a powerful powerful book. A modern Bible outlining the technicalities of here and nowness. I recommend it whole-heartedly.
Rating:  Summary: life changing Review: I've owned 2 copies of this book and have shed many a tears over these sheets of paper. It has opened my eyes to a world that I never thaught existed. This book is amazing - it's recomend it to anyone geting into eastern thaught or trying to discover your own spiritual being!
Rating:  Summary: awakening to the eternal present Review: So, here I am about a year ago and I am in the process of knowing "whats up" with things. I had had pychedelic expierences with psilocybin and LSD and whatnot, I I thought, wow they don't tell you this is skills for adolesence class! Then I hop on the ol' internet, read psychedelics encyclopedia and realized that alot of people, doctors included that believed drugs can actually expand the mind. It wasn't just me and my exclusive, aparrently misguided friends. My Parents, "what is happening to our son!" But I show them the studies and the opinions of well known "smart respectable people" many scientist and philosophers, and they say, "well perhaps there not all nuts afterall, or maybe there lunicy is hiding under a viel of legetamasy.... Anyway the guy who sold me my '79 v-dub bus says have you ever read "Be Here Now?" and I say, no, but I've heard of Ram Dass, the guy from harvard with leary, yeah I know whats up with that guy. Boy was I wrong, I thought Ram Dass was a footnote on america's psychedelic history, but I find that he is a true hero for those seeking truth, at least as big as leary for that sake. Any way he gives me a copy and says check it out. I start reading it and get to the dark part, And I'm thinking, Am I trippin, Is this really just some cracked-out acid-head that is hiking down a trail of drug induced un-thuths? am I only down with this because he has done psychedelics, what if he were'nt into drugs would I be down with this, and the drawings and all this, and I began to test my faith in the guy. But as I read it I thought"well he isn't preaching any religion, he doesn't tell me what to do with my life he simply says listen what I believe to be true. And I began to see, no matter how skeptical I was trying to be, I couldn't deny that it made sense, real sense to me. And then I look at what the Dali Lama says and ghandhi and krisnamurti and infinite more and they all say the same thing! If Ram Dass is nuts then vitually every religious leader and holy people are all on the bandwagon of deception. To add to this rather comforting thought is that the words ring true in my heart, which can't be wrong. The first part of the book may seem far fetched, but he says it happened this way, he is still alive, and was a harvard professor, look at christianity and think that was 2000 years ago, his deciples were farmers, Neem Karoli Baba died about 30 years ago and Ram Dass is HERE NOW. I met mim a month ago in San Rafeal, he has had a stroke but is doing well, if you are skeptical, talk to him your self, I did, he'll be in the open secret book store again soon. Search google to find out the details. Don't take my word for it; take yours,read it. After all its the only opinion you can trust. There are may great books that say things very similiar this. in that respect, this book is not unique, but the way the information is delivered and Ram Dass's wonderfull way of communicating what's in his heart. And this is what makes the book a classic, a must read. pure love egoless love thats Ram Dass. Good luck on your journey. Namaste:)
Rating:  Summary: the way Review: i read this book a couple of years ago.i cannot describe the change which has occurred in me since reading it. i am now a vegetarian,and i am living *the way*. after reading some others' reviews of this book, I was initially hurt & offended by the negative reactions. then i realized that the person who was disappointed by the book must have had some expectations from it. this is natural; however; Baba Ram Dass does not proclaim to write of the "truth". From a spiritual prospective;this is not a book which teaches *truth*. this is a book which causes one to look within oneself, and recognize the truths in everyday events. and again; one cannot say one is done with ones caterpillarness and is now ready to be a butterfly..one just becomes. the moment you give it up you can have it ALL. anyone who opens these pages with an intent to become "realized" or "aware" will be sadly disappointed, for the knowledge is conveyed so subtlely that one can NEVER see what one is not ready to see. an important thing to note before making the decision to live the "right" way...you cannot go back. once you SEE, once you SEE the right way vs. the wrong way...you are responsible for choosing the right path. and only you know if you are living the right way. this book was the start of a beautiful and eternal path I've chosen to make every day matter, and to really live in the Here and Now. this is not to say there will not be hang-ups...that there will not be obstacles. the old saying goes, "the higher you get, the harder you fall" and this is true...but through the suffering, comes enlightenment. i welcome anyone's thoughts on this...i welcome a global realization of these ideas...but i recognize that we can all move only as fast as our slowest link. so, *help everyone*. :-)
Rating:  Summary: Sprituality of a wrong kind Review: This is an example that not every book that talks about Love, God and spirituality is helpful for one's spiritual development. The author read some spiritual books, ideas got all mixed up in his head he added some of his imagination and then put them all on paper. This book if read without critical mind will create more illusions take one away from right path and will be harmful. If read with a critical mind this book of a very little use because of all the garbage one have to sort through to find anything useful.
Rating:  Summary: a classic Review: a very cool book. i even bought copies for my relatives. skip to the brown pages. this book probably affected the course of my life. i got his latest book 'still here' and i was dissapointed. it almost seemed like he sold out. if you like this check out books and audio lectures by Alan Watts.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed at first, but then I read it again!!!! Review: I was initially turned-off by the first part of the book where the author talks about his psychidelic drug days...the book definately starts out as a "Hippie" book. The first pass on the book was quite painful for me. I thought it was one of the WORST books ever written. But the last month or so I have been trying to get in touch with my spiritual side. And, when I read the book again, for some reason I enjoyed it so much I started marking off pages and passages for future reference. Real profound things the author has to say about human spirituality that are very true AND necessary for each of us if we want to achieve enlightenment. I highly recommend this book now! :)
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Review: After weeks of of clouded thoughts leading me back to where I started, a friend recommended I read this book. I went on a search for it and it ended up finding me. I bought it on a Monday, read it all day on tuesday, by Wednesday I had done three drawings, one collage, and one oil painting. Now mind that i hadn't had any creativity flowing through me for a year! This book was obviously written while on acid but it is amazing what words and ideas came out of this man. I would recommend, and have recommended it. Especialy if you are searching for something yrt you have no idea what it is.