Rating:  Summary: All In All, A Valuable Tarot Deck Review: First of all, I should get the negativity out of the way: I think this deck sometimes does try to do too much (between its yes/no function, spelling out word function, I Ching correspondences, elemental correspondences, astrological associations, Rune correspondences, timeline function keywords, gemstone correspondences, energy chakra correlations, Hebrew alphabet correspondences, and then of course all the pictorial symbolism on each and every card). And I think the card stock itself is a little on the thin side (I like more durable cards).That having been said, the deck and the book are a tour de force of its subject, incorporating every little bit of Western and Eastern esotericism in a way that's never before been attempted. One could spend years digesting the symbolism and wisdom present in these cards, and we should think of that as a good thing! Why limit ourselves to one spiritual tradition; I admire the effort to incorporate so many different religious paths into a single system, and I'm amazed that it comes together as coherently as it does. The pictures are gorgeous (if a bit cramped in by all the associated symbolism - though still fully useable). In a way I wish this deck were available in a larger version (made of thicker stock), for then it would be that much more valuable. But even still I would recommend this for any serious Tarot user. The book and deck are worth the price, though I would caution people from being too tied down by all of the symbolism in the cards - I'm particularly suspicious of the bizarre mathematical "timeline" function. Still, despite its flaws, its strengths are such that you should own this deck!
Rating:  Summary: Great Idea, Needs Work Though... Review: I just got this book/deck set and I found it MUCH more complex than led to believe by it's outside cover touts. There is a LOT of stuff on each card from many diverse traditions, It does not remind me of "Ouija" at all and to get all you can a lot of book study is involved. The other thing I found as a let down was the suggested card meanings, even some pictures seem "taken" direct from the Crowley "Thoth" Deck itself. (i.e. 4 of Swords = Truce). I was more excited reading about it than I was after opening the box, as well as need a magnifying glass to read some of the "letters" that are supposed to "Spell Out" words & Messages. It has potential, but needs more "fine tuning" and in my opinion, was most likely prematurely released. Sorry.
Rating:  Summary: Great Idea, Needs Work Though... Review: I just got this book/deck set and I found it MUCH more complex than led to believe by it's outside cover touts. There is a LOT of stuff on each card from many diverse traditions, It does not remind me of "Ouija" at all and to get all you can a lot of book study is involved. The other thing I found as a let down was the suggested card meanings, even some pictures seem "taken" direct from the Crowley "Thoth" Deck itself. (i.e. 4 of Swords = Truce). I was more excited reading about it than I was after opening the box, as well as need a magnifying glass to read some of the "letters" that are supposed to "Spell Out" words & Messages. It has potential, but needs more "fine tuning" and in my opinion, was most likely prematurely released. Sorry.
Rating:  Summary: A Mixture of Everything Review: I like this deck, even though it does try too hard to be all things to all people. The cards are loaded with symbolism - I Ching, Yes/No symbols, traditional tarot figures, gemstones, the alphabet, Runes, etc. You can use the cards for simple yes/no questions, to spell out answers to questions, and to "play games" (as the companion book says). The images are computer generated but are still very appealing, and many of them are quite vibrant (with bright hues of pink and blue). The drawback I found was that many of the cards have the same meanings written underneath; I don't think the creator of the deck took too much time to give the deeper meanings that are usually associated with each card. The pluses with this deck are its diversity and the opportunity to try new types of readings; the companion book, which is very comprehensive and informative; and the website that accompanies the deck. I would recommend that you look at some images of the deck carefully before purchasing and only buy this deck if you like to mix symbolism, and don't mind a very nontraditional deck.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Gorgeous Tarot Deck Review: I saw this deck at a con I recently attended and was instantly attracted to it by its beauty. Joseph has put a lot of love and effort into these cards. And not only are they beautiful, they are a kind of "universal divination tool." Not only do you have the traditional cards, including the Major and Minor Arcanas, but also on the cards are either rune symbols, I Ching symbols, astrological signs, and gemstones. The cards have a number of unusual features, such as foretelling time lines and the ability to answer Yes/No questions. There's also a short section in the book called Tarot Party Games. Can you imagine "Tarot Poker?" Hmmm makes me wonder what happens when you get a full house in your spread. Another section I liked was in the book's beginning where it discusses how to take care of your cards, a nice touch. And of course the book describes each card of the Major and Minor Arcanas. There's also a blank card, called the Mysterious Blank Card which you can use as your Significator card or as your own "custom card." The Major Arcana also has two "zero cards," The Fool and the Multiuniverse." Very nice. I really like how Joseph has kept with tradition in designing this set, but added a few extra touches that make this deck really stand out. I have looked at numerous Tarot decks and not felt anything, but as soon as I saw this deck, I felt an immediate and positive emotional reaction to them.
Rating:  Summary: The Quest Tarot Deck : A Review Review: In my mind, the Quest Tarot represents the epitome of the New Millennium, the 21st century as far as Tarot decks and books go. This compact deck of 80 cards fits neatly in even the smallest hands, making handling, shuffling and stacking effortless and enjoyable. Others must agree! The Quest Deck was the Winner of the 2004 Visionary Award of Excellence! The International New Age Tradeshow and the Coalition of Visionary Resources has just awarded Joseph Ernest Martin its highest honor for Best New Age Interactive Product of the Year. This special award is given at the Denver show each year to highlight the best in the New Age Industry. As well, this deck and book sold out in less than seven months and is now in its' second printing, with 15,000 copies in print.
Created by Joseph Ernest Martin and published by the well-established company, Llewellyn Publishing, this deck offers vivid, mesmerizing graphic images with tiny "extras" embedded in the mystical ornate borders. Joseph applies his mastery of art and design to create a deck that entices even the cynical to explore the mysterious and exciting world of the tarot.
The Quest Tarot deck has the same basic structure as more traditional tarot decks but introduces some unique surprises- instead of 78 cards in total, this deck features 80 cards, with 23 key Major Arcana (the 23rd extra card is numbered 0 - the same as the Fool, and is called the Multiverse) and 56 Minor Arcana cards, sorted into four suits.
The 80th card is a blank one called the Blank/Significator Card. Joseph describes this interesting extra as, "This card is included into the deck to be used in two ways. The First is to create a card that represents yourself in the Tarot. You can do this by any medium you choose. You can use paints, stickers, colored pencils, anything! Personalize this card so that it truly is the essence of who you are. The Second way is to create a card as an addition to the Tarot. I believe the Tarot is a ever changing journey. You can add to your journey by creating a card that fits a special need you wish to add to your Tarot Deck."
Joseph presents the cards in the suits Stones (Pentacles, Coins), Cups, Swords and Wands. The Trump Cards are labeled Mother, Father, Daughter and Son. The author deliberately placed the female family icons before the male which is a very unique departure from the traditional King, Queen, Knight and Page. He explains, "As we enter a period of feminine energy, I feel that it is important to have this deck reflect and utilize that power." He also stresses the importance of the family structure rather than using the stereotypic social class structure represented by monarchy.
The back of each card is decorated with symbols of the four elements: air, fire, earth and water as well as a mystical eye representing "being open to see the truth in all things," surrounded by radiating wavy lines which "represent the field of energy that we are all a part of."
The Quest Deck is truly a unique deck, offering many embedded features which add intrigue and knowledge to your tarot readings. The cards include astrological symbols, letters of the alphabet, Gemstones, I-Ching and Rune symbols, and Hebrew letters as well as special "Yes/No" features on the Trump Cards. This is absolutely the most diverse deck I have reviewed thus far!
Joseph includes a 312 page full sized book entitled, "The Compass Guide to the Quest Tarot" that is chock-full of interpretations, tarot spreads, information about the gemstones, astrological meanings of the cards, appropriate rune and IChing information, and true insight into the world of tarot. Joseph fully demonstrates his love and understanding of the tarot and presents this knowledge in a user-friendly and accessible manner. This book is truly a joy to read and digest!
I highly recommend the Quest Tarot - it makes the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one. It will appeal to the taste of people of all ages, and deserves a top spot in any tarot devotees' deck collection.
Review originally published at: BellaOnline Tarot http://www.bellaonline.com/ArticlesP/art28250.asp
Rating:  Summary: Art of the Quest Tarot Review: It is a beautiful deck with so many details in each card and the guide book contains a lot of information, such as gem stones, rune and astrology, which I always wanted to relate to my tarot cards. Definetely, this is a deck for every tarot collector.
Rating:  Summary: Gorgeous artwork Review: The artwork on this deck is just beautiful. The images are dreamlike and it's easy to fall into them. The Moon card is easily on of the most fascinating I have seen. Martin has an excellent sense of colour and drawing skills. The deck is very usable for actual readings and meditation, though personally I don't use the hair-colour, etc. indicators much. However they are well integrated into the decorative elements of the border and easily ignored if you don't want to use them. One caveat - The keywords are annoying and just take up space that could have been devoted to the art. The book was 296 pages and could have been twice as long. Martin was trying to give you all the info you would ever need, lol
Rating:  Summary: Gorgeous artwork Review: The artwork on this deck is just beautiful. The images are dreamlike and it's easy to fall into them. The Moon card is easily on of the most fascinating I have seen. Martin has an excellent sense of colour and drawing skills. The deck is very usable for actual readings and meditation, though personally I don't use the hair-colour, etc. indicators much. However they are well integrated into the decorative elements of the border and easily ignored if you don't want to use them. One caveat - The keywords are annoying and just take up space that could have been devoted to the art. The book was 296 pages and could have been twice as long. Martin was trying to give you all the info you would ever need, lol
Rating:  Summary: Eye Candy Beautiful New Age Deck Review: The Quest Tarot has to be one of the most stunning tarot decks I have had the pleasure of setting my eyes on. I have so many Tarot Decks, and this new deck has to be one of my favorites of the Modern Deck. The Art Work has a beautiful fantasy feel to them, and the colors are bright and envelop the interpreter as well as inspire the intuition. The Major Arcana are the typical but instead of 22 cards there is an extra card, Zero titled the Multiuniverse, actually there are two Zero cards, the Fool, which happens to be my most favorite fool in any Tarot Deck. Each of the cards has a Zodiac Symbol on the top left corner, and an Ancient Rune on the Right Corner. On the bottom center of each card is the title of the Card, with an inspirational key word that would be helpful for the beginner as well as the advanced Tarot Reader. The Fool is "beginnings" The Magician is "transmutation" The High Priestess, "Meditation" and on an on. The Pip or the Minor Arcana are the traditional Wands, Cups, and Swords with the exception of the Coins which become the Stones. Again the Minor Arcana follow the style of the Major Arcana, with a Zodiac Symbol on the top left corner, but this time a I Ching sign is on the Right Corner. Again in the center bottom is a key word to help you along the way. The images of the Minor Arcana is that of the Cups, ects ect. But very beautifully done. In stead of the typical King, Queen, Knight and Page, this deck uses the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter. In this there was one small problem. If you ever read comic books, every one will remind you of the Silver Surfer Superhero, who flies around in the cosmos in a Surfing Board. They really reminded me of that. But still they are just as beautiful as the rest of the deck. There is one more thing I like about this deck, the blank Significator Card, you can use it as the siginificator or create your own card. As a New Age type deck, I really have to recommend it, if you like psy-fi, with a comic book feel to it, then this deck will be fun to use. They really are eye candy, but I am a Traditional pre-Rider-Waite Tarot reading kinda guy, I do not know if I would use them. But I enjoy having them in my collection they are beautiful.