Rating:  Summary: Digging for Gold Review:
Well, one reviewer tossed his copy in the trash. This is quite unfortunate.
I can only hope the garbage man found it and is now living a new life of purpose and power. Perhaps the poor soul who tossed the book away will become his employee some day...
This book has that sort of power, if it is actually read and *acted upon*. The author has proof of concept in the accomplishments of his own life.
The validation for this system is found with the practice suggestions contained in each module. I humbly suggest that each reader do these practices after reading the associated section. This action will make the difference between genuine personal development and stale philosophical musing.
Then join us in a better life. No more need be said. Try it.
Rating:  Summary: The Master Key is Mental Alchemy Review: "One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: 'He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery.' And these words are as true today as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple." This quote was taken from a book of Hermetic Philosophy called "The Kybalion" (pg. 28) which was published at the beginning of the 20th century and anonymously written by "Three Initiates" but is reputed to be authored or co-authored by William Walker Atkinson, one of the authors quoted by Haanel in his book "The Master Key System". As a 32-degree Mason, Mr. Haanel was certainly familiar with esoteric philosophy (incl. Hermeticism and Kabbalah) and a comparison between Haanel's book and "The Kybalion" will reveal many commonalities, including an exposition of the causal, magnetic and compensatory Law of Attraction (like attracts like). Haanel's maxim of "As Within, So Without" is reflective of the Hermetic "As Above, So Below" and those familiar with the Hindu Upanishads, some sacred writings of India, will see how this relates to the Hindu idea that atman is Brahman or, to use Haanel's terms, the individual ("below") is one with the Universal ("above"). Also, the Law of Attraction is reflective of the Law of Karma. The Master Key of the Kybalion is the same as the Master Key of Haanel's book. The Key is the understanding and practical application of Hermetic principles which are rooted in the foundational idea of the essential oneness of the individual and the Universal, Creative Source (which some call "God"). According to Haanel, when this truth is understood and appreciated, one "will have come into the possession of the Master-Key" (Week Twenty-Four: Alchemy, page 197). In the "Questions and Answers" section of Haanel's book, he doesn't really answer the question, "Is not the Master Key Idea of 'God' Pantheistic?" He basically just asserts that "this depends entirely upon your idea of Pantheism." Like the Kybalion, Haanel's idea of God is more bi-polar and panentheistic (All in God, God in All) than pantheistic (All is God) and both use the Bible's New Testament reference which states: "In Him we live and move and have our being" (a quote from the Apostle Paul in Acts 17:28). Panentheism (a.k.a. Process Theism) gained in popularity in the 20th century after A. N. Whitehead's book "Process and Reality" was first published in 1929. Also, the New Thought Movement (of which Haanel is considered by some to be a part) has recently recognized the value of panentheism through the New Thoughters Anderson and Whitehouse. See their book "New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality" where they acknowledge that pantheism underlies much of classical New Thought but see the philosophical problems of it and recommend panentheism instead by promoting Process New Thought a la Whitehead. Hannel is one among many authors that were inspired by the nineteenth century's growing interest in esoteric philosophy and practical mysticism that spread throughout Europe and America. Some of the individuals (R. W. Emerson, Thomas Troward, W.W. Atkinson, James Allen, etc.) referenced or quoted in Hannel's work reveal his influences and links to the broader inter-connected movements, including the Transcendental and New Thought Movements. The 19th century also saw the founding of both the Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, notable occult groups that explored the metaphysical laws of the Universe and eventually contributed (along with the other movements) to the current so-called "New Age Movement" with its Neo-Paganism and modern "magic". With all that aside, one doesn't have to be a pantheist or panentheist (I am neither) to appreciate some of Haanel's insights. God is indeed the Omni-Source of all power, and the power of the human mind (both the conscious and subconscious aspects) to influence one's perception of reality and even contribute to it (including psychosomatically) certainly needs to be taken seriously. Also, the importance of self-discipline to one's overall success in life should not be underestimated. Human responsibility is an important factor in the human situation as is education, and the application (including mental application via meditation), not just knowledge, is what will effect change for the better not only in one's habits but also in one's circumstances.
Rating:  Summary: The Master Key is Mental Alchemy Review: "One of the old Hermetic Masters wrote, long ages ago: `He who grasps the truth of the Mental Nature of the Universe is well advanced on The Path to Mastery.' And these words are as true today as at the time they were first written. Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple." This quote was taken from a book of Hermetic Philosophy called "The Kybalion" (pg. 28) which was published at the beginning of the 20th century and anonymously written by "Three Initiates" but is reputed to be authored or co-authored by William Walker Atkinson, one of the authors quoted by Haanel in his book "The Master Key System". As a 32-degree Mason, Mr. Haanel was certainly familiar with esoteric philosophy (incl. Hermeticism and Kabbalah) and a comparison between Haanel's book and "The Kybalion" will reveal many commonalities, including an exposition of the causal, magnetic and compensatory Law of Attraction (like attracts like). Haanel's maxim of "As Within, So Without" is reflective of the Hermetic "As Above, So Below" and those familiar with the Hindu Upanishads, some sacred writings of India, will see how this relates to the Hindu idea that atman is Brahman or, to use Haanel's terms, the individual ("below") is one with the Universal ("above"). Also, the Law of Attraction is reflective of the Law of Karma. The Master Key of the Kybalion is the same as the Master Key of Haanel's book. The Key is the understanding and practical application of Hermetic principles which are rooted in the foundational idea of the essential oneness of the individual and the Universal, Creative Source (which some call "God"). According to Haanel, when this truth is understood and appreciated, one "will have come into the possession of the Master-Key" (Week Twenty-Four: Alchemy, page 197). In the "Questions and Answers" section of Haanel's book, he doesn't really answer the question, "Is not the Master Key Idea of `God' Pantheistic?" He basically just asserts that "this depends entirely upon your idea of Pantheism." Like the Kybalion, Haanel's idea of God is more bi-polar and panentheistic (All in God, God in All) than pantheistic (All is God) and both use the Bible's New Testament reference which states: "In Him we live and move and have our being" (a quote from the Apostle Paul in Acts 17:28). Panentheism (a.k.a. Process Theism) gained in popularity in the 20th century after A. N. Whitehead's book "Process and Reality" was first published in 1929. Also, the New Thought Movement (of which Haanel is considered by some to be a part) has recently recognized the value of panentheism through the New Thoughters Anderson and Whitehouse. See their book "New Thought: A Practical American Spirituality" where they acknowledge that pantheism underlies much of classical New Thought but see the philosophical problems of it and recommend panentheism instead by promoting Process New Thought a la Whitehead. Hannel is one among many authors that were inspired by the nineteenth century's growing interest in esoteric philosophy and practical mysticism that spread throughout Europe and America. Some of the individuals (R. W. Emerson, Thomas Troward, W.W. Atkinson, James Allen, etc.) referenced or quoted in Hannel's work reveal his influences and links to the broader inter-connected movements, including the Transcendental and New Thought Movements. The 19th century also saw the founding of both the Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, notable occult groups that explored the metaphysical laws of the Universe and eventually contributed (along with the other movements) to the current so-called "New Age Movement" with its Neo-Paganism and modern "magic". With all that aside, one doesn't have to be a pantheist or panentheist (I am neither) to appreciate some of Haanel's insights. God is indeed the Omni-Source of all power, and the power of the human mind (both the conscious and subconscious aspects) to influence one's perception of reality and even contribute to it (including psychosomatically) certainly needs to be taken seriously. Also, the importance of self-discipline to one's overall success in life should not be underestimated. Human responsibility is an important factor in the human situation as is education, and the application (including mental application via meditation), not just knowledge, is what will effect change for the better not only in one's habits but also in one's circumstances.
Rating:  Summary: Master of the list, not a master key system Review: Charles F. Haanel may have been both a genius and a successful businessman, but he certainly was no author. The book does contain useful information, most of which is common sense, but the presentation and organization makes this book difficult if not impossible to derive any value from. Within each chapter is a numbered list of thoughts, or concepts. In total in any one chapter there may be 30 or so numbered points comprised of two or three sentences. These are identified as paragraphs. The proper way to read this book would be in a meditative or contemplative state of mind. Read a single point (paragraph) and consider it's deeper meaning and possible implications in your life. However, to sit down and read this as you would any other typical book is very difficult. I read the first chapter, or the first numbered list, and found it more like cramming for an exam. Perhaps I'm too impatient, but I found this exercise a waste of time. I simply threw the book in the trash and chalked it up to a bad call on my part. What I was hoping for, and what this book for me was not, was the recollection of one successful man in how he transformed his life - what universally applicable truths did he discover, what mindset or values did he use, and how he put it all together to transform his life. If this book contains that information in a useful form, good luck putting it all together. I bought this book looking for a well-defined system. In the end, there is no "system".
Rating:  Summary: A book from early 1900s that can change your life! Review: Charles F. Haanel was a successful business man who discovered that spiritual life is a key to success in everything you do. He proved that what is happening outside is in a direct relation to what is taking place in your consciousness. When the Master Key was published, it was one of those books that successful business men wanted out of the market. They didn't want people to read this book as its truths would help anyone to overcome limitations. The rumor is that when Bill Gates was just a student, he read this book and utilized its truths. Rest is history. I have read this book - it is divided in chapters that have introductions and numbered paragraphs to study. It starts from understanding the principles of your conscious mind and its power and advances to utilizing these principles. As you put in use what the author explains in this volume, you will start seeing substantial changes in your reality. In many ways, Charles was so much ahead of his time. Even today most profilic business coaches such as Antohony Robbins etc. do not admit the fact that your life is in your control 100%. We are taught that we are at the mercy of externals, but it ain't so. In many ways, Charles F. Haanel is the most outstanding business coach there has ever been. Way before current business coaches who incorporate spiritual life and business, he did it. If you are an owner of major company -- have every employee of your company to read this book and utilize it in their daily routines. Your company will become the new success story. That is for sure. Why am I giving just 4 stars for such an outstanding book? Well that is because the volume is rather long. I think the central message of this book could have been condensed into 60 pages -- but instead the author goes on and on for several hundred pages. On the other hand -- this does ensure that everyone grasps the principles involved in creating success. Does it work? Yes it does. Why do some people fail? Well, they just read this book but don't put in use its truths. For some it is difficult to understand or believe that your life is just a mirror that is telling you what you are in your consciousness. Think you have a problem, and one will surface. Think you have a solution and it is as well yours. Fair game.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Practcal handbook in your home Review: Charles Haanel was brilliant, not only for his time, but all of his principles apply today and will continue to be a masterpiece in the future.The Master Key worked so well for the people who really applied the principles in his book, that it was banned by the Church in the 1930's.He originally wrote his 24 lessons for a group of business associates that requested he teach them what he was doing to be so successful in his business. When they found how well it worked for them, they requested he not let the general public in on their little "secret", and so, Charles only taught his methods to a select group for several years until he finally decided he should publish these principles of abundant living to anyone that would listen to the message. It didn't take long for the church to catch wind of what was going on, thereafter banning his book.That is why Haanel was not one of better known "New Thought" writers. Only after the 50th anniversary of his death, were the copyrights available to be published again. Don't miss out on a wonderful lesson for living! This is a terrific book! It can change your life.
Rating:  Summary: The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel Review: Ever wanted the 'answer' to really understanding how to bring success into your life? The Master Key System is the nearest thing you'll find to one. In this masterly and insightfull piece written over 90 years ago, Charles Haanel reveals the secrets to realising our greatness by providing the keys to total success in life - physically, mentally and spiritually. Before reading the Master Key I had read many of the well known classics of personal growth like: Think and Grow Rich (Napoloen Hill), The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale) and The Magic of Thinking Big (David J. Schwartz). However I found none so fundamentally to the point and enlightening as the Master Key. I immediately liked the Master Key over all the others because it was so factual and practical, with a total absence of hyperbole. There is no 'the secret speaks to those who listen' treatment here, just the plain facts - and the fundamental methods to make it work for you. It did for me! The profound yet succinct treatment of such a complex subject leaves you in no doubt that you are reading the truth. Whats more, the structure of the book is very much geared around a working manual. Each chapter is a short weekly lesson with a practical exercise, successivly building upon the previous one, to take you logically through the total growth process. I found this structured pace very easy to work into my normal life. By the end you WILL understand how to use your power within to improve your life permenantly. Those looking for the one book to provide the key to making their life a success... this is it! This re-edited publication of The Master Key System (by Anthony R. Michalski) has been meticulously produced to be totally authentic to Charles Haanel's now extremely rare original.
Rating:  Summary: super Review: I am surprised that this book was not written by a philospher or a new-thought practitioner but by an ordinary businessman. He was truly a genius and this, to me, is the best self-help book we can find today. It will survive for ages and should be read by every thoughtful person. It ought to be translated into other languages
Rating:  Summary: super Review: I am surprised that this book was not written by a philospher or a new-thought practitioner but by an ordinary businessman. He was truly a genius and this, to me, is the best self-help book we can find today. It will survive for ages and should be read by every thoughtful person. It ought to be translated into other languages
Rating:  Summary: Meditation is the key Review: I finished reading this gem of a book a couple weeks ago and I began practicing the meditations scrupulously. I am now experiencing several positive changes in my life. The changes are too personal for me to write about. However, all I can say is I'm indeed blessed to have found the "one" good self help book that I had been looking for, all my life. It is just not good enough just thinking positively, you have to think positively with FEELING. And, the only way to do that is by disciplined everyday meditation for atleast fifteen to twenty minutes without fail. The more you practice the more magnetic you become, to attract whatever you want in life. Buy and read this gem, it will tell you how! Also read "The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price"